Friday, January 31, 2014

Cover Reveal / Love Me by Kristin Mayer



Engaged and happily in love, Allison Scott and Damien Wales are looking forward to joining their lives together as one. Coming from a mournful year after losing her parents, Allison is ready to heal and move on to the next chapter with the love of her life. 

But Damien’s past continues to threaten their future. A man once obsessed with Damien’s sister is now after his one and only love, Allison. The woman who came before Allison is determined to captivate Damien’s heart. And Damien’s best friend is somehow playing a part in it all. 

One is a murderer, and Damien and Allison discover they can trust no one but each other. When Damien’s history endangers Allison’s life, their relationship is pushed to its limits, and they must determine if their love can overcome any obstacle or if circumstances will force them apart. 

Love Me is the second book in the Trust Series.

Love Me (Book #2 Trust Series) Goodreads

Trust Me (Book #1 Trust Series) Goodreads

TRUST ME Purchasing Links:


Kristin Mayer is a wife, a proud mother, and a full-time Analyst and Import Manager. Since an early age, she has always enjoyed reading and writing. While visiting her father one weekend, he suggested that she should take up writing again. With family and a career, she didn’t give it a lot of thought, until a story entered her mind and wouldn’t leave. It just kept forming and developing over a couple of months. 

At the beginning of 2013, she decided to sit down and write it all down, but she kept it to herself. One sentence developed into two, and before she knew it, she had the makings of a novel.

Kristin tries to live life to the fullest during every moment. She loves to travel and meet new people. She holds a degree in International Business and uses it daily in her job. Kristin now adds “author” on her list of jobs, and feels very blessed and thankful.


Release Blitz / Damaged by Becca Vincenza

Damaged by Becca Vincenza


There are some beings in this world, long thought to be extinct. Some seek to protect them, others want control, but some . . . some are hell bent on their destruction.

Audrey was taken from her father, hidden away from the world, and tortured for five years. She was rescued, but is she really safe, or is there someone else waiting to betray her? Can she trust those who saved her? Can she learn to accept who she really is?

Stone was on a routine mission to extract valuable information from a rival clan of paranormals. Instead, he and his team find something much more valuable: a scarred, damaged young woman who holds many secrets, and whose power is beyond anything they could ever have imagined.There is much more to Audrey than meets the eye and Stone is determined to protect her.

Audrey and Stone are about to find out it’s hard to know who to trust.

Buy Links: 
Amazon E-book: TBR (to be released) 
Amazon Paperback: TBR 

About the Author

Oh jeez…do you know how many people I told I didn’t want to write this? So here is the one my friend made me:

Becca Vincenza lives in wonderful Michigan. She has a love for Skittles, rainbows, Star Wars, *giggles* and Hot Men. She spends time in her basement with Airicka… Apparently that’s where the best ideas come from.

Any who….she loves meeting new people, so feel free to message her on Facebook and friend her on Goodreads!

Although her phone number will not be given out because, well…she doesn’t like heavy breathing.

So a sort of serious one: For real, I am a geek. I grew up watching Star Wars, and my father read Lord of the Rings to us, along with the C. S. Lewis series. I love to write. In all honesty, it took me a lot of work to get where I am today and I don’t regret a moment of it. Reading and writing are honestly the best things ever. I couldn’t be happier that my parents put me through so much extra help. Anyways! Me, me, me…. Huh…I love paranormal stuff…Love it.

Stalker Links: 

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Tour Stop | On The Run by MaryLynn Bast @MaryLynnBast #HeartOfAWolfSeries

Author: MaryLynn Bast
Series: Heart of a Wolf Series - Amber's Tale (Novella)
Genre: Paranormal
Publisher: Werewolf Tails Publishing
Release Date: December 10, 2013


With the Wolf Council after her, Amber is on the run. Leaving Blake behind, her true love, she’s never been in one place long enough to make any other friends and when she actually meets Giovana, Amber is happy to finally have a friend, but leery. With good reason…


I want more! I NEED MORE! Like now! Amber's story drew me in, had me flipping the pages and anticipating the answers to come. I couldn't get enough fast enough! I feel neglected... I wanted so much more by the time I got to the end. It's been a long time since I felt I had to have the next book in my hands as I finished the last sentence.

Amber's journey is hard when all her life she's been on the run. Her mother taken from her, others of her kind bullying her, and then there's Blake. He's her rock, her shoulder to cry on and when everything gets out of hand he's there to help her escape.

Amber doesn't trust easily, she's never been brought up to trust or rely on others. Her mother kept her hidden for a long time, always on the run. When it's time for her to move on she does so without looking back. The memories of her past haunt her, the love of her life missed but she must keep moving before they catch her.

Darius wants to help Amber although she does not accept willingly, not without a fight. It takes Amber a long time to see the hand that helps her should be the hand she puts her trust into. If it was not for her father's betrayal...

The journey Amber faces is hard, the path she walks is thin yet she keeps her head up and keeps fighting, trying to find her way.

About the Author
MaryLynn Bast grew up in Texas. An avid reader, she enjoyed writing romantic short stories. After moving to Las Vegas in 201o and starting a new chapter in her life, she followed her dream of publishing her first book, a paranormal romance, in 2012 and continues to write stories for the Heart of a Wolf Series. She is branching out and beginning the Panther Pride Saga. A few other stories are in the works as well.

MaryLynn is a full time author and a full time student working on her Bachelor’s Degree in Graphic Design. Working with several diferent companies who did government contracts for the US Military, MaryLynn was able to travel the world, meeting new and interesting people.

To further her knowledge into the paranormal world, MaryLynn joined a group in Vegas. In doing so, another passion was brought back to life. Her fascination with the spirit world inspired her to team up with a friend. Forming CAT Parapsychic, together and with other team members, they investigate all things paranormal.

MaryLynn has several blogs she keeps updated on a regular basis. Her book blog can be found at Her Paranormal blog can be found at

You can find out more about MaryLynn at:
Amazon Author Page | Blog | Facebook Personal | Facebook Page | Goodreads | LinkedIn | Pinterest | Twitter | G+

On The Run can be found at:
Goodreads | Amazon | B&N

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Review | Love Bites (Vampire Kisses # 7) by Ellen Schreiber

 Title:  Love Bites
Series:  Vampire Kisses #7
Author:  Ellen Schreiber
Genre:  YA Paranormal
Length:  204 Pages
Released:  April 2010


As a mortal girl dating a vampire, Raven knows that love isn't always easy. Now that Alexander's parents have returned to Romania, Raven and her dreamy vampire boyfriend are happy to resume their cryptic romance.

But soon another visitor comes knocking: Sebastian, Alexander's best friend, arrives for a stay at the mansion. At first Raven is wary, then thrilled—this is the perfect chance to learn more about her darkly handsome boyfriend and his past. Raven has been wondering whether Alexander will ever bite her and make their love immortal, and Sebastian could be her guide to the love habits of Alexander and his kind. But when Sebastian falls for a particular Dullsvillian, will another mortal beat Raven to the bite?

With suspense, danger, and a fabulous vampire party, this seventh book in the bestselling Vampire Kisses series continues the exciting nocturnal romance of Raven and Alexander.


After Alexander's parents leave, he and Raven can get back to their romantic schedule.  When Sebastian comes for a visit, falling for Raven's best friend, Becky, he tries to buy her love.  Alexander gets upset causing Sebastian to say he's leaving.  I cannot believe this is the last book I can read before I move. (Read & Reviewed - October, 2013)
About the Author
Ellen Schreiber was an actress and a stand-up comedienne before becoming a writer and moving to her own Dullsville. She is the author of Teenage Mermaid, Comedy Girl, and all of the books in the Vampire Kisses series. Vampire Kisses is an ALA Quick Pick for Reluctant Young Adult Readers, a New York Public Library Book for the Teen Age, and an IRA/CBC Young Adults' Choice. 

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Book Blitz / Buda's Book Celebration by Raebeth McGee-Buda

Wow, what a year it has been for this amazing author. Let me introduce RaeBeth McGee-Buda. She is joining us today as she celebrates her one-year mark as a self-published author. Let us learn a little more about her.

Guest Post 

What It’s Really Like Being an Author Starting Out – at least for this one....

- By RaeBeth McGee-Buda

Everyone has dreams as their growing up. I know I did but being an author never crossed my mind. Once I realized I loved to write and wanted to focus part of my life on it, I realized my dreams changed. I want to be a successful author. By this, I’m not meaning money wise. I want to be successful by always striving to get better and push myself to never stop learning. I can’t say how much I’ve learned with just writing my first book and having it published.

At first, I did not think the word published would ever come out of my mouth. When I got to the point where I needed to begin thinking of it, I thought only the lucky authors got their books out there. That is until I was introduced into the self-publishing world. (This was also when it became the “thing” to do.) I did not hesitate to begin formatting my book and send it off to

At this time, I didn’t realize that it needed an editor. My mind focused on one thing. When a reader (also an author) privately messaged me, they explained that my book could be a lot better if I pulled it and had it go through the editing stage. They felt my book could really make a stand out there if it had a good edit. Therefore, it was pulled.

I put Silenced through the ringer (beta readers and an editor) then began my hunt again for a publisher. I was mixed up with the wrong publishers who presented themselves as a “great -don’t want to miss this opportunity-we’ll get your work out there to the big people” and they ended up being not so great. They destroyed my book and gave me a bunch of false hope. I eventually found out they are considered a “spam” publisher and begin fighting my way out of the contract. I found they were in breach and got the rights back to my book. 

After the few months of battle, I had to put Silenced through formatting and editing again. This time I was careful. I did more research. I found an editor and sent off Silenced again. This time I felt sure it was going to be ready for the world. After several weeks of changes and emails with the editor, we felt Silenced was ready. 

I went to Amazon and published it. I’m still finding out there are mistakes within the book and I plan on fixing those in the future. However, for now I am working on another series, which I think readers will really enjoy. 

Author Bio 

Best Selling Author, RaeBeth McGee-Buda is resides in a tiny valley at the ridges of the Application Mountains in Fairchance, Pennsylvania, with her husband and daughter, her dog, Cody, and her newest family addition, Romeow her pure white cat.

She has been writing in some form her entire life, but loving young sister, Audra McGee noticed her talent, and gave her the reassurance she needed to start her writing career. After many months of deliberation, RaeBeth decided to trust her sister’s word and expand her short story into what we all know and love as The Silenced Series.

RaeBeth is a mother to an angel in Heaven...Miss Dakota, whom she honored in Saying Goodbye without Saying Hello. Her goals for her books are to inspire and give hope. She is a Christian author, who firmly believes in God and incorporates her faith into some of her work. 

Here is more on her three published works! 

What are others saying about Silenced

"There are too few books out there about this subject matter. This book makes it easy for the young teenager to read that they are not alone. They are not the only ones out there fighting this affliction. Highly recommended." 

“I have never had a book draw me in and fill me with that connection.” 

“I applaud the author's bravery in bringing to light a few things that are so easily swept under the rug. Depression and cutting. There really is not enough information out there and more teens and young adults have these issues than most people know. I hope that this series will help someone having these issues and show them that they can seek help.” 

Click on the YouTube icon below to watch the Silenced trailer to learn more... 



What are others saying about Silenced 2: The Overtaking? 

“I recommend this to anyone reader who loves Christian suspicion or just wants to read for fun.” 

“This is an amazing story that hooks you in from the beginning and sends you on an emotional roller coaster. You can relate to these characters on a personal level, which to me makes the book a masterpiece.” 

SILENCED 2: The Overtaking is a story of healing, forgiveness, and overcoming those things that seek to pull us down, and most of all it is story of HOPE!” 

Click on the YouTube icon below to watch The Overtaking trailer to learn more... 



What are others saying about Saying Goodbye without Saying Hello? 

"Saying Goodbye Without Saying Hello is a poignant read that shares the journey of the author her experience of a wonderful pregnancy ending abruptly with an unexpected turn; how her baby becomes an angel. This page-turning true story touched my heart as I learned how Mrs. Buda shares just how fragile life is.” 

“Rae Beth’s story is heart wrenching and the fact that she shares it with us shows the strength and determination this woman has.” 

“I loved this book! She was so detailed in the raw emotions she felt in going through this very tragic event. I would recommend this book be given to parents who are going through losing their baby in this way. She is very detailed with her thoughts and emotions, I think anyone experiencing something like this, or knowing someone who is would benefit from reading this book.” 

Click on the YouTube icon below to watch the Saying Goodbye Without Saying Hello trailer to learn more... 


Want to find out more about RaeBeth and her future books/vlogs? Find the author here: 

Click on the YouTube icon below to check out her Vlogs  


Jan. 1- RaeBeth McGee-Buda (Intro) 
Jan. 2- Fallen Over Book Reviews (Guest Post) 
Jan. 3- Just Me, Myself, and I (Feature) 
Jan. 4- Word Wenches, Guilty Pleasure (Interview & Feature) 
Jan. 5- Lee Ryder Author, Blogger, Fanfic Artist (Interview & Review) 
Jan. 6- Danyel's Bliggety Blog (Guest Post) 
Jan. 8- RaeBeth McGee-Buda (Vlog) 
Jan. 9- 2 Bibliophiles Guide (Guest Post) 
Jan. 11- Books and Their Worldly Realm (Guest Post) 
Jan. 13- Book Reviews by Lynn (Vlog & Feature) 
Jan. 15- RaeBeth McGee-Buda (Vlog) 
Jan. 18- Our New Generation for Reading (Guest Post) 
Jan. 19- Cu's Ebook Giveaway (Guest Post) 
Jan. 22- RaeBeth McGee-Buda (Vlog) 
Jan. 23- Just One Indie's Opinion (Feature) 
Jan. 28- As You Wish Reviews (Guest Post & Feature) 
Jan. 29- RaeBeth McGee-Buda (Vlog) 

Monday, January 27, 2014

Cover Reveal / Truth or Dare by AJ Bennett


Luna Alexander has always been a 'free spirit' and lived by her own rules, consequences be damned. With the approach of an anniversary she'd rather forget, Luna starts to wonder if there's more to life than partying and hooking up with hot guys. 

A chance meeting with a dark knight knocks her off kilter and has her emotions spinning out of control. 

Will she finally overcome her past for a chance at happiness, or will she hide behind the walls she's built around her? 


Her body ached with an irrational need to have him close to her. She noticed several faint silver scars across his back. How had he gotten those?

The memory of his reaction to the scar on his stomach stopped her from asking.

Hunter wasn’t prepared to share anything with her other than his body. Understandable, she wasn’t exactly the type to bare her soul either.

She was startled by the realization that she would like to know what secrets he kept hidden underneath his hard exterior. Usually, she could care less about the men she got involved with. But she was intrigued to know what made him tick. What experiences in his past made him who he was today?

On that note, Luna kicked the sheets off her and swung her feet over the bed. “I guess it’s time for me to get home.”

“Stay the night with me,” he said gruffly without turning.

Thankfully she still had a sane corner in her mind. She shook her head. “I can’t. I have to work in the morning.”

“Call in sick.”

Luna laughed. Why did he have to be so freakin’ gorgeous. It was hard to say no, but she had to remain strong. “I don’t have that luxury.”

He nodded and moved towards her. Reaching down he drew her up, towering over her. “Alright, but I want to see you tomorrow.”

They stared at each other for so long she was beginning to feel uncomfortable. The air between them seemed to thicken making it hard to breath. She knew things were moving too fast, but couldn’t seem to find the words to protest.

His fingers closed around the back of her neck and his thumb stroked her collar bone. The tips of her naked breast grazed his firm chest.

“You’re making it hard to leave.”

“Tell me you’ll see me tomorrow.” He cupped her face and gave her a brief, but thorough kiss.

She swallowed visibly and nodded, dropping her head onto his chest moving into the embrace. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

Maybe she was reading too much into it. Imagining, he sounded almost desperate to see her again.

Why couldn’t she shut off that cynical voice in her head and just enjoy the moment?

About the Author

A.J. Bennett lives in Nashville, TN with her husband and bulldog. She's addicted to coffee, popcorn and books. Becoming an author has been a lifelong dream, and she's extremely excited about her debut novel Now or Never.

Author Links

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Tour Stop | The Souls of Rain by Diana Nixon @DianaNixon9

Title:  The Souls of Rain
Author:  Diana Nixon
Length:  242 Pages
Available: Amazon Kindle / Amazon Paperback


The secrets of the heavens had always been carefully guarded. Until one day when the angels realized that what they used to believe in was nothing but a cruel game between heaven and hell.

And Claire’s life is a part of that game too. She is a guardian angel.

She always thought that her existence was perfect. But perfection is a very relative term, and no one is protected from making mistakes.

Everything changes the moment Claire gets a new assignment. Guarding humans has never been easy, and this time won’t be an exception.

Alan Rosenford is a spoilt party-boy, whose life is a hurricane of risk and adrenaline rush. His soul is damaged, his heart is bleeding, and there are so many things he prefers to keep private….

The words they have never said before …

The sins they have never committed….

How much does forgiveness of the heavens cost?

Or maybe even the heavens make mistakes?....


Oh my wow, I absolutely loved this book!  The characters were strong, the story line was amazing and the action was incredible.  Diana Nixon drew me into her world, with twists and turns and while the mystery of the characters connection kept me turning the pages the ending totally blew me away!

Claire is none other than a Guardian Angel.  Her new assignment, to protect Alan, will stretch her to the limits, proving to be more than she can handle alone.  Guarding humans always has it's risks because demons will find a way to corrupt the humans she's assigned to protect.

Alan Rosenford is a handsome man with a dark past and the pain he carries is consuming.  When Claire finds out he's in the hospital she wastes no time to reach him before any demons can take advantage of his vulnerable state.  Never before has a human been able to see her but Alan does and Claire has to come up with a cover story fast.  The connection is a mystery, one only the Heaven's know.

When the twists and turns of this amazing book keep you guessing, remember the beginning and know that you will get the answers along with Claire and Alan with each turn of the page. Claire is one of the best Guardian Angels in her field but will her new assignment prove to be too much?

About the author
Diana Nixon is a poet and the author of fantasy and contemporary romances.

She was born in Minsk, Belarus, where she currently lives. In 2008 she graduated from Belorussian state University. She has a Master of Law degree and speaks several foreign languages, including English, Polish and Spanish.

Stalker Links

The Souls of Rain Links

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Review | Skinless: A Novel in III Parts (Part I) by L. M. Davis @LMDavisWrites

Title: Skinless: A Novel in III Parts (Part I)
Author: L.M. Davis
Series: Skinless
Genre: Sci-Fi Fantasy
Length: 74 Pages


Looking at Luca, who’s just saved my life, I can’t respond. No explanation I might offer will satisfy after all of the extraordinary things he’s just witnessed. —Ankh

AnCaela Murphy's body is a ticking bomb that only her mom can defuse. The problem: her mother is missing and presumed taken by the Skinless, bogeymen from Ankh’s home world who have been hunting her and her mother for two years--ever since they fled that world and certain death.

With help from Luca, a boy whose touch confuses and who refuses to back down, Ankh races against time to find her mother before the bomb inside of her detonates, taking her life. Tracking the Skinless across the country, the pair search for her mother and uncover the horrifying truth behind the generation's old war.


“Who are they, Ankh? Who are these guys that leave trails of dead animals behind them? Why are they after you?”

I don’t know what kind of answer I expect. Hell, at this point she could tell me that she’s some kind escapee from a secret lab where they experimented with her DNA and I would completely buy it. Every rational explanation I can think of no longer applies.

Ankh’s eyes get wider with every question until they’re as big as saucers. At the same time, there’s this look on her face like she’s at war with herself. Like half of her wants to spill and the other half is holding her back. So what comes next isn’t really a shocker.

“I can’t.” Even saying the words she looks so supremely unhappy, I almost cave until I remember I only ask because I’m in way over my head and somehow still being treated like I’m on a need-to-know basis and my security clearance is a negative ten. I swallow my frustration and it’s acid, making my stomach churn.

“Well then, what can you tell me?” I barely recognize my own voice. It’s scratchy, hoarse, and pleading. I need something—anything—to keep going and not think that I’m crazy for it. I’m in this. Facing the girl I fell so hard for my ears are still ringing, who looks like she might bolt at any sudden movement, I can’t not be. But I need her to toss me a bone.

She’s looking back at me, but it’s more like she’s just looking in my direction. She doesn’t see me at all, while I can almost hear her mind clicking because she wants to tell me too, but she doesn‘t know how.

I take a step toward her and I’m not sure what my face looks like because she immediately takes two steps back so that she’s pressed against the door, which means I freeze. Another step and she’s likely to disappear out that door and I’m not up for another midnight marathon. We stand--it must be for hours--like that trapped in a stare down.

“It’s not poison,” she says, when she finally speaks. Maybe I shouldn’t be, since I’m the one who tossed the door wide open, but I’m totally lost, which is written all over my face, I guess, because she explains.

“Whatever’s killing the fish and the birds. It’s not poison. You’re safe.” She says it so firmly I want to believe her, despite this annoying sliver of doubt that probably won't disappear until she tells me everything she knows, which might mean never.

I don’t know what to say to that. I guess it’s good to know that I’m not, say, going to die of cancer next year because of this little cross-country jaunt, but in the whole grand scheme of things she might actually tell me, the revelation is not exactly what I was looking for.

This long, awkward silence draws out between us and I finally notice the way she’s holding her arm. It’s not so much how she holds it, but it’s more that she’s not moving it at all. It rests motionless against her side, and now I see how hard she’s trying not to move it.

“How long has it been bothering you?” She looks confused, so I point at her arm. She gives a one-shouldered shrug.

“It never really stops. “ Her voice is barely above a whisper, and it hits me that how ever tired I am, how ever confused I am, how ever frustrated I am, I’ve got nothing on her. Besides the apparently constant pain, it’s her mom who’s missing, her who the hunchback psychopaths are after. Somehow, even with all of that, she’s holding it together and she never complains. It’s something like amazing and I’m suddenly in awe.

I walk to her. I couldn’t stop if I tried; I’m compelled. My hands are in front of me the way that you approach a spooked cat, and this time she stands still and lets me reach her.

Her back presses against the door, so I take her by her shoulders, gently, and turn her back to me. And she lets me.

She lets me take her jacket, which I handle like tissue paper, and she let’s me raise her shirt to examine the wound. Even in the shadows, the point where her skin is abruptly several shades dark is clear. I can’t tell if it’s gotten any better since the last time I saw it when we were diving into the river, but to my relief it doesn’t look like it’s gotten any worse. I swear I try to stop myself when my hand rises to touch her, but I fail utterly, completely, entirely, and my finger is tracing this wound on this back that mesmerizes me. It’s not a good thing that she shivers as my finger grazes the place where copper colored perfection meets bruise. It’s definitely not a good thing that she lets out this little gasp. It’s not on purpose, I know, but that doesn’t stop me from reacting.


Incapable of putting the book down, I must know what is to come of Ankh and Luca.  The story is full of action and a building romance.  There are questions and yet I don't have the answers yet.  Yet being the key word, I cannot wait to pick up the next part in this amazing Novel in III Parts.  Skinless will leave you wanting more and determined to pick up the next book as you reach the end of Part I.  The suspense is killing me!

About the Author
L. M. Davis loves great storytelling. She needs nothing more than a good book and a comfy chair to be happy. She was born in the south, raised in the north, and has a few degrees under her belt. She still hasn't gotten her black cat, but she thinks about it everyday. Her thoughts go something like this: "I really should get a cat." For now, she contents herself with spoiling the pets of her friends and family.

Stalker Links

Tour Stop | Grimnirs by Ednah Walters @EdnahWalters @AsYouWishTours

Book Title: Grimnirs
Series: A Runes Novel #2.5
Author: Ednah Walters
Release Date: December 2nd 2013
Genre: YA Paranormal Romance
Publisher: Firetrail Publishing
Presented by: As You Wish Tours
Banner Made by: Jamie Turner-Norton


One lost love.
One lost best friend.
One hot soul reaper.

Straight out of the psyche ward, Cora just wants her life to be normal. She doesn’t want to see souls or the reapers collecting them. The love of her life, the guy she’s loved from a distance for years, has moved away without saying goodbye. So yes, she’s nursing a serious heartbreak. It’s no wonder love is the last thing on her mind when Echo storms into her life.

The chemistry between them is mind-blowing. The connection defies logic. It doesn’t help that Echo is the poster boy for everything she hates in a guy—hot, beautiful, and cocky. A general pain-in-the-butt. Being around him makes her feel more alive than she’s ever felt before. But more important, the souls leave her alone when he is around.

Echo is perfect for her. Echo might even be her soul-mate. There is only one problem. Echo is a freaking soul reaper. A Grimnir. The very beings she wants out of her life. Maybe normal is overrated because Cora wants it all. Answers. Love. A life. You see, once you fall for a Grimnir, your life will never be the same again.

Talking to him was useless. I turned to see Dad coming toward me. Mom was locking the door. When I glanced back at Echo, he was gone.

“Your mother is coming, too,” Dad said, stating the obvious.

I wasn’t surprised. My parents didn’t socialize often with Raine’s parents, but they were friends. We had potluck a few times a year, and Raine’s dad often came to the farm to buy fresh fruit and vegetables and visit with Dad. I slid in the back seat and checked my cell phone. There was still no text from Raine.

“How did you find out about Tristan?” Mom asked as we left the farm.

“A friend texted me,” I fibbed. “Mom, did you guys see Raine’s family while I was away?”

“Not really. We were so busy, and with Raine not coming to visit you, I thought it was best we keep our distance. I had no idea they were going through so much.” Mom sounded calm, but I knew she felt guilty. Dad took her hand and squeezed it.

“I’m sure Raine’s mother will appreciate seeing you at the hospital,” I said.

The drive to the hospital reminded me of our mad dash after Raine had injured herself. Eirik had driven like a maniac, hardly stopping at stop signs. Eirik. Funny I hadn’t thought about him in the last few hours. When did his family move away? I was hoping Raine would tell me.

Kayville might be a small town in wine country Oregon, but we had an amazing hospital with great staff. We didn’t airlift patients to bigger hospitals in Portland or Salem. After the lightning accident, Kayville Medical Center had taken care of all the students. Even Raine had been treated here after she received a head injury.

We entered through the ER and headed upstairs to the ICU. Torin and a blond couple stood somewhere ahead. The same couple had come with Raine to my home after I came back from the hospital. Runes covered their faces and arms.


Did Raine know about them?


Look out Torin St. James! Echo has stolen my heart with his cocky mouth and sexy swagger in this Runes series installment. There I was meeting him for the first time and I could not get enough of him and still want more! Cora was great in this book, she caught on to things pretty quickly and made an awesome heroine. Unraveling the truth one puzzle piece at a time.

Cora is desperately trying to figure out how she can be in two places at once, wondering whether or not the Norns took her memories away and what the heck Echo wants from her. All the while Echo is right up her in her personal space, running his cocky mouth and doing his best to resist the pull she has on him now. When the week before her return from PSI, it was all fun and games.

As reader and fan of hers for the past three years her writing leaves me wanting more with every book she publishes. Ednah Walters knows how to keep her readers sitting on the edge of their seats. I always want to know but never expect what's to come next and she never fails to impress me. She knows how to grab your attention from the beginning and keeps you turning the pages to the very end. I Echo!

EDNAH WALTERS grew up reading Nancy Drew and the Hardy Boys and dreaming of one day writing her own stories. She is a stay-at-home mother of five humans and two American short-hair cats (one of which has ADHD) and a husband. When she is not writing, she’s at the gym doing Zumba or doing things with her family, reading, traveling or online chatting with fans.

Ednah is the author of The Guardian Legacy series, a YA fantasy series about children of the fallen angels, who fight demons and protect mankind. AWAKENED, the prequel was released by Pill Hill Press in September 2010 with rave reviews. BETRAYED, book one in the series was released by her new publisher Spencer Hill Press in June 2012 and HUNTED, the third installment, will be released April 2013. She’s working on the next book in the series, FORGOTTEN. Visit her at

Ednah also writes YA paranormal romance. RUNES is the first book in her new series. IMMORTALS is book 2. She is presently working on book 3, GRIMNIRS (Release date TBA). Read more about this series and the world she's created here

Under the pseudonym E. B. Walters, Ednah writes contemporary romance. SLOW BURN, the first contemporary romance with suspense, was released in April 2011. It is the first book in the Fitzgerald family series. Since then she has published four more books in this series. She's presently working on book six. You can visit her online at or

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Friday, January 24, 2014

Cover Reveal / My Soul For You by Airicka Phoenix

Title: My Soul For You
Author: Airicka Phoenix
Publisher: Fire & Ice Publishing
Release Day: March 7, 2014
Genre: New Adult Contemporary, Thriller with strong elements of Romance
Warnings: Language and sexual content
Formats: eBook & Paperback


You are cordially invited to have your heart’s desire come true.

For Kaitlin Claremont this is a very tall order. What wouldn’t an orphan girl living over of her aunt’s shop wish for? But when her one night of magic and passion in the arms of a man that is as out of her reach as he is gorgeous turns into curdling screams and dead bodies, Katie quickly realizes that her wish came with strings, a debt she must repay or die. But can she take a life to save her own or can she find those responsible and stop them before it’s too late?

Kaleb O’Reilly has one goal, finish his internship, get his credits and graduate. His freedom can’t start until he does. But nothing prepares him for the brown-eyed beauty he just can’t seem to get out of his head no matter how many times he tells himself she’s off-limits. Kaleb can’t deny he wants her in a way that very much complicates everything. But what happens when the hunger wins and everyone he loves becomes a pawn to a deadly game? Can he turn his back on Katie to save his family or will he fight to save the girl?

Time is running out. Will they kill or be killed?

Buying Locations: To Come Soon

Author Bio

Best-Selling author Airicka Phoenix lives in rainy British Columbia with her beautiful family. When she's not pounding away at the keyboard, she can be found reading, shining her collection of daggers or chilling with her kids. 

She is the author of the Touch Saga, The Sons of Judgment Saga, The Lost Girl Series-Finding Kia, Betraying Innocence and Games of Fire.

Airicka also writes adult paranormal & contemporary romance under her alter ego, Morgana Phoenix. Her first novel, Capture Me, will be out 2014.

For more about Airicka, visit her Website

Other Novels by Airicka Phoenix on her Amazon Author Page

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