Sunday, January 26, 2014

Tour Stop | The Souls of Rain by Diana Nixon @DianaNixon9

Title:  The Souls of Rain
Author:  Diana Nixon
Length:  242 Pages
Available: Amazon Kindle / Amazon Paperback


The secrets of the heavens had always been carefully guarded. Until one day when the angels realized that what they used to believe in was nothing but a cruel game between heaven and hell.

And Claire’s life is a part of that game too. She is a guardian angel.

She always thought that her existence was perfect. But perfection is a very relative term, and no one is protected from making mistakes.

Everything changes the moment Claire gets a new assignment. Guarding humans has never been easy, and this time won’t be an exception.

Alan Rosenford is a spoilt party-boy, whose life is a hurricane of risk and adrenaline rush. His soul is damaged, his heart is bleeding, and there are so many things he prefers to keep private….

The words they have never said before …

The sins they have never committed….

How much does forgiveness of the heavens cost?

Or maybe even the heavens make mistakes?....


Oh my wow, I absolutely loved this book!  The characters were strong, the story line was amazing and the action was incredible.  Diana Nixon drew me into her world, with twists and turns and while the mystery of the characters connection kept me turning the pages the ending totally blew me away!

Claire is none other than a Guardian Angel.  Her new assignment, to protect Alan, will stretch her to the limits, proving to be more than she can handle alone.  Guarding humans always has it's risks because demons will find a way to corrupt the humans she's assigned to protect.

Alan Rosenford is a handsome man with a dark past and the pain he carries is consuming.  When Claire finds out he's in the hospital she wastes no time to reach him before any demons can take advantage of his vulnerable state.  Never before has a human been able to see her but Alan does and Claire has to come up with a cover story fast.  The connection is a mystery, one only the Heaven's know.

When the twists and turns of this amazing book keep you guessing, remember the beginning and know that you will get the answers along with Claire and Alan with each turn of the page. Claire is one of the best Guardian Angels in her field but will her new assignment prove to be too much?

About the author
Diana Nixon is a poet and the author of fantasy and contemporary romances.

She was born in Minsk, Belarus, where she currently lives. In 2008 she graduated from Belorussian state University. She has a Master of Law degree and speaks several foreign languages, including English, Polish and Spanish.

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