Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Review | Royal Blood (Vampire Kisses # 6) by Ellen Schreiber

 Title:  Royal Blood
Series:  Vampire Kisses #6
Author:  Ellen Schreiber
Genre:  YA Paranormal
Length:  212 Pages
Released:  May 2009


Summer break is over, and Raven is hardly eager to be returning to Dullsville High. Not only does school mean daily interaction with preppy pest Trevor Mitchell, but her sleep-filled days and romantic nights with her immortal boyfriend, Alexander, must come to an end. Plus the shock of morning classes isn't the only change in store.

An unexpected letter turns up at Alexander's mansion—announcing his parents will be coming to town. And once they arrive, just about everyone has had a sighting of the macabre couple except Raven. What could be delaying Alexander from introducing Raven to them? Could Alexander be hiding something about his parents' homecoming?

When Raven is finally invited to the most thrilling dinner party of her life, the next turn of events could transform her entire future with Alexander. The sixth book in Ellen Schreiber's bestselling Vampire Kisses series takes an unusual twist in the continuing romance of Raven and Alexander.


Raven wants to meet Alexander's parents, but the invitation doesn't come when she expects it.  Everyone in town has already seen or met his parents leaving her feeling like Alexander is hiding something from her.  Will this come between Raven and Alexander's relationship?  I cannot believe what happened!  I cannot wait to get to school to get the next book!
About the Author
Ellen Schreiber was an actress and a stand-up comedienne before becoming a writer and moving to her own Dullsville. She is the author of Teenage Mermaid, Comedy Girl, and all of the books in the Vampire Kisses series. Vampire Kisses is an ALA Quick Pick for Reluctant Young Adult Readers, a New York Public Library Book for the Teen Age, and an IRA/CBC Young Adults' Choice. 

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