Friday, November 22, 2013

Tour Stop | Saving Georgia by Kristin Flynn

Saving Georgia
By Kristin Flynn

Genre: YA Fantasy
Publisher: Self Published
Release Date: Oct 29, 2013
Pages: 352 Pages
Formats Available In: eBook & Print


Sexy Cowboy Recipe

• 4 slices of fine
• 1 large body, finely tuned
• 1 six pack, with a definition on the V
• ½ cup grated sense of humor
• 1 laid back personality
• Sexy voice, simmer on low
• 3 cups southern charm
• 1 cup heavy sexy appeal
• 1 cup musical talent
• 1 cup shredded masculine hard labor and cars
• 3/4 pound good guy know how

1. Adjust the southern stud to your rack to upper-middle position and heat yourself to 500 degrees. Cook his fine body, six pack, and sense of humor like a good large nonstick skillet over medium-high heat would. Until his six pack is anything but softened, about 5 minutes whipping it should do. Add laid back personality, sexy voice, southern charm, and 1/2 teaspoon sex appeal, cover, and bring yourselves to a boil. Once boiling, you may want to reduce your heat to medium-low and simmer, stirring him frequently, until southern charm is tender, about 15 minutes.

2. Off heat, stir in musical talent and remaining sex appeal and season with kisses and eye fucking. Transfer to 2-quart casserole dish and sprinkle with masculine hard labor and with your best know how. Bake until sex appeal is melted and tacky to the touch, about 5 minutes will do. Serve yourself up a cowboy and enjoy.


Even for a normal girl, senior year of high school sucks; but for a girl who has mental and emotional issues the stress is just torture. That’s what it’s like for Georgia, who was orphaned at a young age and tortured beyond belief. She finally obtains a peace in her life, but then finds herself in the middle of a love triangle between a cowboy (who’s her best friend) and the popular quarterback.

Prom and graduation are just around the corner. Georgia must decide who she wants to pursue a relationship with but cannot handle the pressure. Senior year gets a little chaotic, and just when Georgia thinks she has found a place safe enough to grow emotionally, things turn to disaster. This year turns out to be more than anyone anticipated and she thinks everything is ok, but is it?

Author Info
So being a writer you’d think I’d come up with some interesting story about myself. Funny lines, heart stopping stories… wrong. All wrong. Here’s the basics: I was born in Brookline, Massachusetts. I currently reside in Smithfield, NC with my amazing husband that I have been with for 7 years. We have three wonderful children who like to keep us busy! I love to cook and bake, but it can be a challenge to find something everyone likes! Someone is always complaining and refusing to eat what I slaved over a hot stove for. That is part of the reason I should invest in wine. I drink it. A lot. I started writing when I was VERY young. Pretty much since I could put pen to paper stories started to come! I was first published when I was 13. Cool right? No, it wasn’t smut. Actually, it was poetry. I have 5 sisters and one brother. I am very proud of my family! Fun stuff to know: I love Moscato. I don’t have a favorite color, although my husband might disagree with me on that one. I talk in movie quotes, and it gets annoying at times. I have a severe addiction to Ginger Ale of all things. Without enough sleep, my family avoids me because I revert back to a toddler. I love to smile and laugh, often at my husband’s expense. He does the same thing to me, it’s all fair game. I HATE talking on the phone. But it is a necessary evil. I don’t know how to handle people when they are crying. It gets awkward and I don’t know what to do. Please don’t cry in front of me. I love deeply, and I’m a fiercely loyal friend. I won’t and don’t judge people; I’ll be friends with anyone. I’m a die-hard Red Sox fan- my best friend is a Yankee’s fan. Case in point. Bored yet? OK. Let’s wrap this up. Walking Dead, Son’s of Anarchy and book boyfriends. Oh and Luke Bryan – love him too.

And I am twitter stupid

Oh! And I can't cook a baked potato to save my life. Seriously, it's a lost cause.
Kristin is also looking for Street Team members. If you would like to join Please PM her Author Page. Thank you!

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