Thursday, July 18, 2013

Review / The Spirit Box by JH Glaze


When Walt Turner's mother died, he inherited her apartment and the antique shop below. After losing his job due to the treachery of a co-worker, The Spirit Box calls to him from the darkness of the shop with an offer of revenge. Lured by the promise of ultimate power and eternal life by the prisoner inside the box, Walt agrees to help it gather the final spirits it requires to return to human form.

John Hazard is investigating a series of murders and missing persons in this otherwise quiet town. His perceptions of reality are about to be altered in a life changing confrontation that will force him beyond the boundaries of darkness and ancient evil.

It is a spiraling descent into madness, where you may have everything you desire, if only you are willing to sacrifice all that you believe. When you look into The Spirit Box, be prepared to have more than your breath taken away.


The Spirit Box by JH Glaze is a very good read. The genre is paranormal horror. It is one of my favorite genres to read. This book had my attention from the very beginning. 

This story is about Walt Turner who lives in the apartment above his mother’s antique store. When she passes away, he inherits the store and the apartment. One evening, he falls asleep and has this strange dream of being in the store. In the dream, he was walking towards the back of the store and there he discovers this small wooden crate. What is the meaning of this dream? Is it trying to tell him something? 

JH Glaze has done an awesome job writing this book. This is the first book that I have read of his and I really enjoyed it. I am looking forward to reading more of his books in the future. I definitely recommend my friends to read it.

I give this book 5 Dandy's!!!

Author Bio

J.H. Glaze is a versatile storyteller, born in northeast Ohio. As a young adult, Glaze traveled the country, often hitchhiking, looking for adventure and new opportunities. The experience of these early years were sometimes unbelievable, the impact of which are evident in his natural style of writing, an accessible "hey, I know you" kind of word construction. It is this everyman voice that leads the reader along a path that seems quite familiar to them before providing a twist that can be so unexpected. With a blend of humor and horror, he delights in giving the reader something to look forward to in every chapter of every novel or short story.

His writings include a paranormal horror/thriller series of full length novels, "The Paranormal Adventures of John Hazard", which currently consist of "The Spirit Box", "NorthWest" and "Send No Angel". The main character, John Hazard, is a former police detective turned paranormal investigator. Many more adventures are planned for John and readers are invited to stay tuned. "Ghost Wars" is coming.

J.H. Glaze has also developed a short story series entitled, "The Horror Challenge", whereby he solicits his readers for a word or phrase that he will twist into a theme or prop in one of his engaging short stories, usually in 2,000 words or less. This method of story development invites the reader into the creative process then credits their story suggestion at the time of publishing and has been met with great enthusiasm.

He has also published novelettes, "The Life We Dream" and "Forced Intelligence". Here J.H. Glaze has expanded into the realms of romance and science fiction, while maintaining his compelling storytelling style. The new series coming this spring, Rune, will add yet another layer to his work and he is excited to unveil this serial novel, one thrilling episode at a time.

When you are looking for a story to thrill and entertain you in a way you likely have not experienced before, try a novel, novelette, or short story by J.H. Glaze. You'll discover why they call him one of the new Kings of Horror!

J.H. Glaze currently lives in Atlanta with his wife, Susan, along with their two crazy dogs and a Senegal parrot who merely tolerates him.

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