Tuesday, November 19, 2019

TWO TOGETHER, the thrilling conclusion to the Naked Trilogy by Lisa Renee Jones is LIVE!!!

He came into my life. He took me off guard, consumed me. Claimed me. But there is more to Jax North than meets the eye. There is more to this man than the way he makes me tremble, sigh, and even smile when I didn't believe I still could smile. And as it turns out the two of us together are far more than fire and passion. The two of us together threaten to expose a secret about Jax, and our families, that not even we know. A secret that someone doesn't want exposed. A secret that someone will do anything to hide.
ONE MAN (book one) - Available Now
Amazon Universal → http://mybook.to/OneMan
ONE WOMAN (book two) - Available Now
Amazon Universal → http://mybook.to/OneWoman
TWO TOGETHER (book three) – Available Now
Amazon Universal → http://mybook.to/TwoTogether
I am hot, hard, and in need of this woman in ways that I have never needed in my life. Every time I think she’s taken all I have to give, she takes more. But so do I. I want it all with Emma. I want all of her and nothing less. And so, my kiss, my touch, my very breath, right here and now, is all about demand. I demand. She demands. I touch her. Her hands are all over me. We’re wild. We’re burning alive. I rotate her, and somehow, she crashes against the wall. “Oh hell. Sorry, baby.” She laughs, that sweet sexy laugh of hers. “I like it rough.” I laugh, and damn, it feels good. We’re back to us right now. Will it last? I hope like hell it does. I kiss her again, and we erupt into a frenzy of touching and tugging off clothing until we’re both naked. I sit down in the chair in the corner, dragging her on top of me. Her arms wrap around my neck, her sweet floral scent teasing my nostrils, clinging to my skin. I caress a path up her spine, molding her closer. “I’m not letting you go,” I say. “That’s not happening.” “Remember that,” she whispers. “Whatever happens. Remember that.” She reaches for my mouth, and I tangle my fingers in her hair, slanting my mouth over hers. Awareness hits that she’s just spoken those words as if they preclude a bloody war, and maybe it will. Maybe it already has, but right now, it’s her and me, and the rest of the world doesn’t exist. Our lips collide, and when I kiss her this time, it’s with a clawing hunger for some unnamed something that only she can name. Revenge, satisfaction, grief, pain, happiness. All things lead back to Emma. She needs to save her brother. I didn’t save mine. My need for her is the only outlet for what I know is guilt. I didn’t save my brother. I didn’tfucking save him. I drag my mouth from hers, the taste of her, so damn sweet, so damn addictive, lingering on my lips. “Emma,” I whisper, biting back words about her brother I know she doesn’t want to hear, but I need to say them. “Not now,” she whispers. “Just us right now.” Her lips press to mine. Her tongue presses past my teeth, and when it touches mine, a whisper of a caress, I swear I feel that tease in the throb of my cock and the racing of my heart. I close my hand around her hair where it rests on her head, kissing the hell out of her, and I admit that part of me is angry at her, not just myself. Why did she make me care this damn much? Why did she complicate my revenge? Another part of me thanks God that she did. I’m thinking too much, and I drive away any semblance of reality, savoring the sweetness of her on my tongue, the weight of her breasts in my hands. The sounds, those sexy sounds she makes, radiating along my nerve endings.
New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Lisa Renee Jones is the author of the highly acclaimed INSIDE OUT series.
In addition to the success of Lisa's INSIDE OUT series, she has published many successful titles. The TALL, DARK AND DEADLY series and THE SECRET LIFE OF AMY BENSEN series, both spent several months on a combination of the New York Times and USA Today bestselling lists. Lisa is also the author of the bestselling WHITE LIES and LILAH LOVE series.
Prior to publishing Lisa owned multi-state staffing agency that was recognized many times by The Austin Business Journal and also praised by the Dallas Women's Magazine. In 1998 Lisa was listed as the #7 growing women owned business in Entrepreneur Magazine.

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