by Skye Warren
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“Hypnotically romantic…this book reads like a sensual dream and I didn’t want to wake up.” – Tessa Bailey, New York Times bestselling author
There is no shame in pleasure. And no love in business.
I have a blind date tonight, and I know with 100% certainty that I'm getting lucky. There shouldn't be any surprises, not for one as jaded as me, but when I walk into the penthouse suite of L'Etoile, everything changes.
1) For one thing, Bea is heart-stoppingly gorgeous. Pale green eyes and endless freckles. Curves I want to spend all night exploring, as if her body was made for me.
2) Her innocence makes me want to use my entire inventory of bedroom tricks on her and then invent a few more.
3) Except that . . . she’s a virgin.
I can initiate her into the world of desire without letting her get attached, can't I? A few hours of tutoring, and at the end of the night a small fortune will be deposited into my bank account.
Yes, you read that right. There are many words for what I do. After all, mine is the oldest profession. I'm an escort, which means this date is nothing more than a mutually enjoyable transaction.
But once I realize one night with her won’t be enough, I’m the one who's screwed.

He is on demand. Hugo was trained to please a woman from the age of fifteen and definitely excels at it. This new client brings with her a new challenge. She is a virgin and wants to lose it without any fanfare. Being trained for pleasure, he cannot understand why this young woman who is barely twenty wants this done without emotions. This is a puzzle he must solve.
Bea is an array of secrets and mystery. As Hugo discovers and seduces her, she begins to come out of her protective shell. This is an amazing journey of discovery, emotions, and surprises. Neither Bea or Hugo will ever be the same. Their hearts are on fire!
I am voluntarily reviewing this book. Thank you to the author for sharing it with me.

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