Friday, February 21, 2014

IGC: Official Snapshot Scavenger Hunt List!!! @IndieGirlCON

Official IndieGirl CON Snapshot Scavenger Hunt

Starts: Friday 2/21/2014
Ends: Saturday 2/22/2014 @ 1:00PM Sharp!


In order to have your photo counted & complete each item on the list you need to upload them to your team contact's public twitter account. Be sure to follow both IndieGirl CON and As You Wish Reviews on Twitter with the account you will be using to upload your tweets as well.

When you tweet to Twitter it MUST contain @IndieGirlCON @AsYouWishReview Snapshot Scavenger Hunt Item (Insert # of Item listed below here) #IGCON2014 #TeamName and most importantly don't forget to attach your photo.  This is very important because that is how we will determine the winning teams. Any photo not uploaded properly will not be counted!!! Do not wait till the last minute to post your items to Twitter! Any tweets after 1:00PM Saturday, February 22nd will not be counted.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact Julia from As You Wish Reviews by email - asyouwishreviews (at) gmail (dot) com or twitter @AsYouWishReview.

1.  Take a photo of your team with N.L. Greene while a team member is holding 'Playing Cards'.

2.  Take a photo of 1 or more team members clinking shot glasses with Julie Prestsater and M.R. Joseph.

3.  Take a photo of your team and an IndieGirl Con Poster or Banner.

4.  Take a photo of 2 team members with Jordan Deen and 'A Wolf'.

5.  Take a photo of 2 team members and AnnaLisa Grant's acting out her "Next to Me" cover.

6.  Take a photo of Tabatha Vargo signing 'The Chest' of 1 team member.

7.  Take a photo of your team and an author…..without the author knowing you are taking the photo.

8.  Take a photo of your team with both Heather Allen and Heather Gunter holding up 'Mens Boxers'.

9.  Take a photo of 2 or more team members and Felicia Tatum making hearts with your hands.

10. Take a photo of 2 or more team members with Riley Mackenzie and 'An Umbrella'.

11. Take a photo of 1 team member purchasing a book from an author.

12. Take a photo of 2 or more team members with Chanda Hahn holding 'An Apple' and her book 'UnEnchanted'.

13. Take a photo of 2 or more team members with Kristie Cook, 'A bottle of Coke', 'A bottle of Jack Daniels' & a sign that says “You're the Coke to my Jack.”

14. Take a photo of 1 or more team members holding one of Julia Crane's books.

15. Take a photo of 2 or more team members doing a 'Cat Scratch Pose' with Jaidis Shaw holding her book 'Destiny Awaits'.

16. Take a photo of 1 team member getting an item signed by Elizabeth James at her signing table.

17. Take a photo of 2 or more team members 'Twerking' with Dawn Pendleton.

18. Take a photo of 1 or more team members with Elizabeth James while she wears 'A Barbie Tiara' holding one of her books.

19. Take a photo of 2 or more team members with A.M. Hargrove & Rebecca Ethington while they hold their books 'Kissing Fire' & 'Kiss of Fire'.

20. Take a photo of 2 team members with Jamie Canosa doing the 'Charlie's Angels' pose.

21. Take a photo of your entire team with at least three members of As You Wish Reviews….Julia, Cheree, Len, Sarah & Jamie.

22. Take a photo of 2 team members, making an arrest using cuffs with Aly Martinez.

23. Take a photo of 1 or more team members with Sophie Davis while everyone (tries to) 'Cross Their Eyes'.

24. Take a photo of your team after placing 'The Blue Demon Temporary Tattoo' on your cheek with Sarra Cannon.

25. Take a photo of 1 team member getting down on one knee offering L.P. Dover a flower.

26. Take a photo of your team with Michele Miller and a 'Hottie on a Stick'.

27. Take a photo of your team with Melissa Andrea and her banner with 'Lips'.

28. Take a photo of 1 team member with Belinda Boring wearing a 'Tiara'.

29. Take a photo of your team with J.A. Huss holding a piece of signed swag at her signing table.

30. Take a photo of 2 or more team members with Quinn Loftis and 'A Grey Wolf'.

31. Take a photo of 1 team member dancing behind Sarah Ashley Jones without getting caught.

32. Find Amy Miles and have her pose in her 'Masquarade Mask' with your team for a photo.

33. Find Joanne Schwehm and have her pose for your team with 1 or more team members.

34. Take a photo of 1 or more team members with Mary Smith & Bailey Ardisone spelling out IGC with your arms.

35. Take a photo of 2 or more team members with Jadie Jones while posing 'Riding a Horse'.
36. Take a photo with 2 or more team members with Kellee Gilmore while everyone (tries to) 'Balance A Book' on their heads.

37. Take a photo of 1 or more team members taking a shot with Felicia Lynn at Club Pantheon, Friday night.

38. Take a photo of your entire team with the the words 'Club Pantheon' visible in the background.

39. Take a photo of 2 or more team members with a 'Club Pantheon Dancer' in the background.

40. Take a photo of your team doing a selfie in a bathroom at Club Pantheon, Friday night.

41. Take a photo of 2 or more team members in front of the models during 'Model Madness'. (Yes this means you'll have to take your eyes off the models to get your snapshot!)
If you are unsure about an item on the list be sure to ask one of  the ladies with As you Wish Reviews!  We will be either at our table or taking our own snapshots around the venue!

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