Series: Sekhmet's Guardians
Author: V.S. Nelson
Genre: Adult Paranormal Romance
Length: 566 Pages (Kindle)
Interview with Raphael
It’s a little before 8 in the morning. I barely had two sips of my coffee when Raphael walks into my office carrying two large Starbuck cups.
“Thought you could use a decent cup. I’m not late, am I?”
He sits one of the cups down in front of me and sits down on the love seat.
“Oh, Heavens no. I’m not even awake.”
I gladly swap my Folgers for the latte and take my first sip.
“So are you ready for this?”
“Let’s rock n’ roll”
I’m interviewing Raphael, one of Sekhmet’s Guardians today.
Raphael, thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to be here with me.
Thank you, although our schedule does get a bit hectic around the compound it’s a welcome break. Anyway, I had orders from Gabriel to be here.
So what would you like to know or should I say, what would your readers like to know about me? Did you receive any questions from them directed to me?
Once again you hit the nail on the head. Seems our readers have lots of questions for each of you. Give me a second and I’ll put the ones directed to you out of my file cabinet. Ah, here we are. I think you’ll get a kick out these… some of them are quite interesting.
Dear Raphael,
I read Eternal Lovers and was quite disappointed that you didn’t fight for Jennifer. It was obvious you were attracted to her. What stopped you from moving forward and presuming her? Did it have something to do with your relationship with Gabriel, him being your boss and all?
Sincerely, Marcy
Raphael takes his cowboy hat off, sits it upside down next to him on the loveseat, runs his fingers through his hair then shakes his head – smiling the whole time like there is some secret I don’t know. Marcy’s right, I was very attracted to Jennifer, who wouldn’t be? She’s cute, funny and would bring most men to their knees. I’m not sure if you’ll understand this but I knew deep down inside destiny had other plans for us. And although Gabe is my boss and best friend, if I had thought for one minute we were truly meant to be together nothing, including Gabe would have stopped me. Next question.
These two questions are kind of on the same line as Marcy’s… I’ll skip the first part and go to the part you haven’t already answered.
This one is from Wendy. Raphael, how did you know Jennifer was not the one? What are you looking for in a woman? This second note is from Cindy. She wants to know why you are avoiding being with a woman. You’re a great catch!
Wendy, our kind react a certain way when we meet the one person we are met to be with. From what I have observed in the others there is an over-bearing need, a compulsion to be with her or him… an obsession if you will. You remember Gabe’s reaction to Jennifer? It changed his entire being… that’s how I knew. There is no denying I loved Jen, still do, but it’s not the “I’ll die, without her” kind of love.
So that’s what I’m looking for…
Wendy, you’ll be happy to know I’m not avoiding being with a woman. In fact I’m happy to say that I have now been hit with the love bug and the obsession. I have met the woman of my dreams, her name is Jessica and she is Jennifer’s baby sister.
Raphael, smiles up at me, takes another sip of his coffee… Next?
This one is from a lady named Erika. First of all, I like the name you were born with, Nebtehet, but Raphael is okay too. I would love to see your name in hieroglyphics. I was wondering how much your personality changed through times, did you always love horses?
Thank you for the complement Erika. I’ve pretty much been the same throughout my entire life. Even as a small child I had a way with animals. My father ran the chariot stables for years. I guess that is where my love for horses came from. I’d run from school to the stables to help him take care of the horses when I should have been studying. Next?
This one comes from Anna. What is like being a Guardian? What does being a Guardian hold for you?
I could tell you it’s a job like any other, but it’s much more than that. Back in Tuat, I joined Sekhmet’s Elite Guards. It was a prestigious position—one I dreamed about as a small child. Of course, I had no idea at that time, I’d end up on Earth, or living as long as I have. Still my devotion to her and now to protect the people I have come to love remains. It’s been a good life, one I wouldn’t trade for anything… especially now. You know the Marines have a saying, Once a Marine, always a Marine… Guess the same is true with us. It’s ingrained in our makeup.
Anita wants to know, What keeps you going, what motivates your life?
Up until a while ago I would have said duty. Now it’s Jessica.
Raphael looks over at me. Was it OK for me to say that?
No problem. Moving on, Mimi wants to know, if there is a decision you made that you regret? What was it and why?
I don’t think I have any regrets, not really. Looking back, I think we all could say we could have handled something a little different. I would have liked to have stayed longer living with the Lakota… That time in my life was peaceful; something we as Guardians see very little of. Sometimes I can’t help but wonder what my life would have been like had I not joined Sekhmet’s forces. I probably would have followed in my father’s footsteps and taken over the stables, married, had children and died like everyone else but then I wouldn’t be sitting here, drinking my coffee and answering all these questions – would I?
One last question Raphael... Brittany wants to know why did G.I. picke Chicago as your home base.
He laughs. Beats the hell out of me. Think you would have to ask Gabe that question since he is the one who settled there first. After most of us came to America, we were pretty scattered across the land. I was living with the Lakota in the 1800’s. We traveled a great deal across the plains and that movement also allowed me to locate members of Set’s Legions who were also pretty scattered across the land. Raziel was back and forth between the Middle East, Europe and the new world. Ariel was panning for gold in Oregon before he headed to California fifty or so years ago. Thomas was on the east coast. Michael stayed with Gabe during that time so I recon the two made the decision that would be a great place to set up our home base. Guess it worked out.
Raphael, that’s all the questions I have for you right now. I’m sure some of my readers will be dropping in sometime later today… They just might have some more questions for you. You’ll be available to answer them won’t you?
Yeah, I’ll be around for twenty four hours or so. I booked a room at the hotel up on Main Street. Think I’ll head out and take a drive up to see Sedona. I’ll be back to answer any more questions your readers might have. Can I take you and that man of yours out to dinner tonight?
That would be great! I know of this great little Mexican place not too far from here.
Perfect! See ya a little later. Don’t work to hard. After all it’s Sunday.
Raphael, picks up his hat, throws his cup into the trash, waves goodbye and steps outside my office.
Eternal Nights was amazing! Jessica's journey leads her down a path unknown to her, as she has been content with her life up until Raphael... Raphael is only one man yet just being near him opens up a whole new set of obstacles for Jessica.
Jennifer and Gabriel, Raphael and Jessica through twists and turns the author pulls you into this love story. Amazing characters soul searching for their one true mate. I just thought Raphael was amazing and charming and sensitive in the first book, boy was I amazed at his character in this book. Never letting me down he had me swept off my feet from the beginning.
There is only so much you can handle while reading a book by VS Nelson, she's talented and knows how to captivate her audience. This is not a book that you can just pick up and put down easily. Expect the unexpected, to fall in love and want more with each turn of the page.

Being a Native American woman and a Scorpio, author V.S. Nelson has always had a fondness for history, mythology, the occult, and the unexplained events which have occurred on this world we call home. It was no wonder she found herself writing a paranormal series.
Raised on authors like H.G. Wells and Jules Verne and coming from a long line of oral storytellers, Ms. Nelson work has been defined as innovative and fresh. She will take you by the hand and lead you into the depths of her imagination as if you are sitting next to her on the couch one minute and alive within her fantasy world the next.
She has always enjoyed reading stories with strong relationships and happy-ever-after-endings and it is reflected in her work. Even her commercial fiction, Sins of a Man, the Memoirs of a Mafia Hit man, is layered with romantic elements. I've heard her say she is in love with love more than once and that too is echoed in her stories.
Landing in Arizona, after an exciting teaching career, which took her to the Middle East for several years, she lives in Arizona where she spends most of her time making love to her computer while writing, editing or researching, seven to ten hours a day. The days she's not writing, you will find her with her critique partners, attending or presenting a workshop or at a RWA (Romance Writers of America) meeting. She's extremely active in three RWA chapters in addition to her other associations.
She enjoys hearing from readers, fans and people with similar interests. They are more than welcome to contact her through her website
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