Saturday, October 26, 2013

Tour Stop - Hate at First Sight by Diana Nixon

Title:  Hate at first Sight
Author:  Diana Nixon
Genre:  New Adult, Romance
Length:  179 Pages
Published: Createspace


Every day of Megan’s life was carefully planned. Freedom and independence had been her best friends for years. Until one day she met Aiden, whose priorities were so much like hers….

What happens when attraction wins?

What happens when poles apart become equal?

What happens when the flames of passion burn everything in their way?

Is there still a chance to resist the power of magnetism?

The walls of inaccessibility will come crashing down. Everything she thought was unacceptable he will turn into pure pleasure….

Dive into the world of Hate at First Sight to see if hate can become something completely different….

Hate at first Sight Links:


Such an amazing read!  Megan and Aiden brought out a whole new meaning to a love/hate relationship.  The way Megan's character is developed you find yourself feeling her frustration.  Aiden though is very cocky, gets on your nerves and so very hot!  What's a girl to do with a man like that?  Reminds me of someone I know personally... hehe

Megan is not your average gal, she's not perfect and doesn't seem to be interested in anything other than herself.  There's no time for a man in her life so she doesn't bother...  I could almost relate to Megan in some ways at times I feel there is not time for fun in my own life.

Aiden would drive any woman crazy with his personality and sexy body.  Times where I wanted to hug him and other times when I wanted to strangle him.  I could so relate to what Megan was going through in her love/hate relationship with him.

Overall I loved the story and couldn't finish it fast enough.  I wanted more and less all at the same time.   The author has amazing skills, vivid imagination and a wonderful love for her characters.  Anyone that loves a good romance will enjoy this read...

About the author
Diana Nixon is a poet and the author of fantasy and contemporary romances.

She was born in Minsk, Belarus, where she currently lives. In 2008 she graduated from Belorussian state University. She has a Master of Law degree and speaks several foreign languages, including English, Polish and Spanish.

Stalker Links

1 comment:

  1. Such a great review! Thank you, Julia!:)

