Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Blog Tour / Welcome To The Family by Caroline F Levy

Guest Post

Hi Ladies, firstly many thanks for having me on your blog. *waves* A big hello to you, and all your lovely followers. 

This is an exciting time for me. The release of Welcome to the Family is quite a big deal. It’s my first Novel to be published, so it’s all extra shiny and exciting. Although to be honest I think I will be getting this excited with every book I publish J 

I have been pondering on what to do this blog post about, as you have been kind enough to leave it as a guest post, so I have free reign to run amuck all over your blog lol... I jest 

I have decided to make this post about one of the characters from the book, I don’t know about you, but I often wonder about the little things that you don’t always get to know via the book. Like, is Dorian a player or a keeper? Or is he going to make a play for Angel? 

All about.... 

Dorian Winters

Vampire - Age, over 700 years old. 

He is the head of the vampire council. It’s not common knowledge but he was a foundling, taken in by the Winters, he came to terms with it a long time ago, that he will never know of his true parentage, he sees himself as one of the lucky ones and campaigns regularly for the laws to be changed regarding the birth of vampire children. This makes him very unpopular with the council and some of the more powerful families, who believe that some of the less prominent families will over populate and this would cause problems in the future. 

He has his hands full with the council business and also helps out with the Desory when he can. He keeps a few properties and makes investments here and there but has quite the fortune amassed so there is no need for him to worry. 

His gifts he will not reveal to me as of yet, all in good time is the answer I have been given. Knowledge is power after all... 

He has let me know that he has quite the taste for dark chocolate, Green & Blacks is his favourite. 

He has a castle tucked away in Scotland, with a rather substantial library, which he is very proud of.

One of Dorian’s favourite hobbies is to read. Over the years he has read every book within his library walls. 

He is also a lover of music, and yes he has an eclectic taste as it has evolved over the years. Anything from 

Beethoven moonlight sonata 

to Meatloaf’s Bat out of Hell

Well hopefully we will get to see some more of Dorian in Protecting the family ;) 

Thank you for having us over ladies, I hope you all enjoy Welcome to the family as much as I loved writing it. 

Welcome to the tour for Welcome To The Family! A debut vampire novel by Caroline F Levy, it’s out now at Amazon, Kobo, Smashwords, and Moon Rose Publishing. Why not check out a little more about the book below? 


“Do you believe in things that go bump in the night?” 

At only a few hours old, Angela is left on the steps of St Paul’s church. Alone in the world, the only link she has to her past is a pink blanket bearing an emblem with two crossed swords and a snake. 

A troubled childhood spent in orphanages leads to Angela attempting to rebuild her shattered life as an adult. Meeting the priest who found her eighteen years previously, she gets a job and a boyfriend, and settles into her new life. 

Until she meets Jack. 

Drawn to her new boss, she throws herself into work, feeling an unusual bond with people she hasn’t known very long. 

Angela becomes embroiled in this new life, feeling a change within herself. A change which isn’t altogether human. Within this change she finds a terrifying secret…a secret which involves her past, her present, and definitely her future…

Author Bio 

I was born in Chatham, Kent in 1970. I now live in Yorkshire with my daughter and our five mad cats. 

My first memories of any book would have been my mother reading The Enormous Turnip. It must have driven her mad, as it was always our first choice when asked what we should read tonight. 

I grew up with the classics; Little Women, The Railway Children, but it would have been The House That Died and Bluebeard that I remember wanting to read. 

I can remember writing a verse for the school song, and being chosen as a winner for what was then 3rd year juniors. I stopped reading so much in my late teens to my mid twenties. Life seemed to always be too busy for that pile of books I so wanted to read. It was when I went into hospital to have my daughter, that I had time to read again--and thankfully I haven’t stopped since. 

However, it wasn’t until my late twenties that I realised I wanted to write. I have spent a few years trying to complete an online creative writer’s course; without much success, but it led me to what I am writing now. So never give up if you really want to write! 

I am very influenced by Fantasy fiction / Horror, most of the books I read are in this genre. I have many Authors I like to follow; Anne Rice was very influential in the beginning. I also discovered Laurel K Hamilton and many, many more. I could go on about different Authors I like to read. However, I will say that this year I have also discovered there are literally, well, probably thousands of very talented Indie Authors out there. And a very welcoming and friendly bunch they are too, but I digress--yes, I get very excited about the subject of books! 

​I have finished my first novel called Welcome To The Family, which will be published April 29th 2013. I also have other novels in the pipeline, Nikki’s Revenge and Protecting The Family, due out later in the year.

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