Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Blog Tour / Triad Awakening by Michael Grigsby

Title: Triad Awakening
Author: Michael Grigsby
Genre: Horror
Release Date: March 5, 2013
Tour Organizer: B3 Tours


Sixteen-year-old Hagan Curtis's life is a total mess-alcoholic single father, recently deceased brother (Robin), and social invisibility-until an eerie encounter with a trio of ghostly sisters reveals he is part of the Triad. Armed with newfound battle skills and wielding his amazing split-staff, Hagan plunges headlong into training. But soon he discovers that membership in the Triad can be lethal as Spectrals, Necropeds, and Feeders from other realms show just how bloodthirsty they can be. As his team plummets deeper into their first mission, Hagan learns that his brother’s death resulted from Robin’s knowledge of the Triad, and those closest to him are keeping dark secrets. Will Hagan survive the terrifying mission to finally untangle the mystery of Robin’s death?
Triad ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Awakening is​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ the first book in the Triad Trilogy. The Young Adult Horror/Fantasy is Michael Grigsby's debut novel.

Excerpt -The Friendship/Romantic Interests of the Triad 

An hour and a half later, our trio is sitting on the Knoll, eating lunch. The Knoll is a small hill above the football field. We’ve eaten there every sunny day since our freshman year. Although many students eat outside, the Knoll is basically our territory. I am absently shoving grapes in my mouth. Naomi has her head leaned back on Charles’s lap as he munches on a peanut butter sandwich. I’m not surprised by our eating arrangement. It’s pretty typical. 

Charles is flirtatious by nature. He can effortlessly wink, touch, and giggle in a way that girls really respond to, including Naomi. The two always seem to be finding an excuse to touch one another; be it a playful punch or a piggyback ride across the parking lot after a game. I glance over to see Charles lightly playing with Omi’s hair. For some reason, this totally irritates me. Maybe it’s my lack of sleep. Or maybe it’s something else. Something I’m not ready to think about yet. I’m rescued from my musings by the top of a dandelion hitting my forehead with a ‘plop’. 

“Wake up, sunshine,” Charles snips. “What’s with you today?’ 

“Nothing. Just thinking that it will be summer in just nine weeks.” 

Naomi rises up from Charles’s lap and props herself up on one elbow. I don’t mind admitting I’m more than a little relieved that she’s ended their hair-stroking session. 

“Now there’s a great thought,” she says cheerfully. “What are we gonna do this summer, guys?” 

“Dunno,” I respond. “Maybe we could get jobs somewhere. I heard the movie theater hires high school kids. That could be fun.” 

Charles pipes in. “Hmm…free popcorn and ticket tearing. I think I could get on board with a summer of that. Of course, you know my days are spent at the mercy of Coach Riley.” 

“No amount of summer practice could help your team,” teases Naomi, playfully pushing Charles’s broad shoulder. “What a bunch of losers!” 

Again, they’re touching. Why is this bothering me so much today? I’m really pissed about it. To snap myself out of my mood, I join Omi and punch Charles’s other shoulder. 

“Really!” I joke. Charles retaliates by reaching over and twisting my right nipple. I let out a little yelp and flick him on the crown of his head. 

“And as for you…” he says looking at Naomi mischievously, “SANDWICH BOMB!” He tosses the remains of his peanut butter sandwich, striking her on the leg. It falls to the grass, leaving a tiny peanut butter streak on Naomi’s jeans. She gasps in faked indignation and rises to her feet. Naomi turns and snatches up her belongings in an overdramatic fashion and stomps down the Knoll. She whips her head around and raises her left eyebrow. 

“I’ll leave you boys to stew in your own testosterone! I’m headed to fourth.” And with that, she’s gone. As she walks away, I watch her ponytail, swaying from side to side, catching glints of sunlight in its loose curls. I can’t help but notice that the sway of her hips matches that of her hair, forming a perfect rhythm. Ashamed, I turn away, just in time to see that Charles is watching her, too. I swear to God, his pupils are swinging side to side with Omi’s steps. He glances my way and his eyes meet mine. He quickly diverts them to the grass beneath us. 

“So,” he stammers awkwardly, “working at the movies this summer? Sounds like a good plan.” 

Character's Bio:

Charles Denton is Mr. Charisma. Born to an upper-class family, he’s never wanted for anything in his life. As a young child, Charles realized that he was charming, manipulating his baby sitter into letting him stay up late and eat ice cream. In Middle School, he filled out way before his peers, making this 6’2”, blonde, tanned, muscular guy the object of many schoolgirl crushes.

Despite having his pick of any girl in the school, Denton just can’t seem to date exclusively. “Keep all options open” is his relationship motto. Besides, he is extremely busy with sports, especially football and track. Any free time left is devoted to his pals, Hagan and Naomi. No one at Fenton High gets this trio, but it makes perfect sense to Charles. Lucky for him, he’s so well like no one gives him much grief about his odd choice of friends.

Charles has always lived a charmed life, until a series of horrifying dreams leads him to the conclusion that he is a part of the Triad. As he and the rest of the Triad begin their training, Charles slowly begins to realize that his happy-go-lucky, All-American Boy life is over. In it’s place are blood thirsty Feeders and flesh-hungry Necropeds, all determined to destroy any human they can get their claws into. And the Triad’s expected to stop them. Charles won’t be able to charm his way out of this one! 

Hagan Curtis lives a fairly normal life with his blue-collar father and athletic older brother, Robin. One dark night, Robin goes missing. Hagan discovers his body the next morning. Robin’s death drives his dad over the edge. He’s now cold, distant, and would rather spend his time drinking whiskey instead of taking any interest in Hagan’s life.

Hagan just tries to deal with losing Robin and get through each day. The only bright spot are his two best friends-sassy, outspoken Naomi and popular, charismatic Charles. They don’t seem like likely companions for the shy, sensitive kid, but somehow, the three sixteen-year-olds click.

Hagan’s life takes a bizarre twist when he begins being terrorized by three unearthly spirits, hell-bent on giving him the message that he is part of the Triad. Can this skinny, quiet kid really be part of a team called to defend the Earth from dark forces? He seems like an unlikely hero. But aren’t unlikely heroes what legends are made of? 

Naomi Norris has never been one to hold her tongue. This opinionated, feisty girl has always said exactly what’s on her mind. Naomi learned to be boldly independent from an early age. Could it be due to the fact that a single mother that would rather chase men than be a parent raised her?

Growing up, Naomi read anything she could get her hands on. (Despite her tough exterior, she secretly dreams of become a writer) The rest of her childhood was spent becoming the best goalie that has ever played on the Fenton Junior Soccer League. This was most definitely a good outlet for some of her natural aggression!

Now sixteen, the auburn-haired beauty spends most of her time with her two best friends-Hagan and Charles. Could a love-triangle be developing? Could the trio become the topic of hot gossip at Fenton High School? Does Naomi really care? Probably not.

Author Bio: 

Seems I've always loved to read. Growing up in rural Kentucky, the highlight of my summers was when the bookmobile delivered new books to my house each week. During the school year, I spent hours at the public library devouring horror and suspense novels.
As an adult, I've taught Language Arts for fifteen years. Reading and writing with my students has inspired me to finally write my own books. I love opening the door to a world I create and seeing what a spine-tingling events unfold!
In my spare time I enjoy spending time with my wife and three children. I also read (of course) and watch horror movies. My obsession with all things scary led me to write the Triad Trilogy. I hope you enjoy reading my books as much as I have writing them for you!

Author Interview Questions:

1. Are you a morning or night person?
I’m absolutely a night person. I get really productive around ten o’clock and go until one or two every night. I’d say I wrote ninety percent of Triad Awakening after midnight!

2. What is the best thing you have done in your life?
I married my college sweetheart, Jennifer. She and I were waaay too young, had absolutely no money, and most people gave us about a year. We’ve been married nineteen years now and have three awesome kids (four, counting our dog, Homer). I can’t imagine my life without her.

3. What are your pet peeves or interesting things about you that you dislike?
There are two. First, I HATE ketchup. I’m not sure why. I hate the smell, taste, and sight of ketchup. It is number one on my “Most Hated Condiment” list. The other thing that drives me nuts is when someone is chewing gum and starts to eat. They take the gum and stick it to their plate. Then afterwards, rechew it. Totally disgusting and irksome!!!

4. What's your favorite material object that you already own? My wife and I took care of her granny after she had a stroke. We got very close to her. When Granny died, she left us this beautiful antique writing desk. When I sit at it, or even just walk past it, I feel close to her. I think if my house were on fire, Jen and I would strap that think to our backs and pack it out!

5. What would you do if you were the last person on this earth?
I know this sounds shallow, there’s a theme park in my area called King’s Island. Every time I go, I have to wait for hours to ride my favorite coasters. If I were the last person on Earth, I’d head to King’s Island and have my run of the place. I’m not exactly sure who’d run the rides for me, but this is my fantasy, right?

6. What's your favorite thing to do in the Summer? Fall? Winter? and Spring?
Our family has a little house in Melbourne, Florida. It’s about a mile from the beach and a bunch of funky little pubs and shops. We go every Summer. It’s a family tradition. In the Fall, I am the director of Phobia, a haunted house fundraiser. The school I work for owns an old factory. A bunch of us set up a big haunted attraction. It’s awesome! Winter is my main reading season. I love to settle in my recliner and catch up on books I missed in the previous year. This winter, I got through several series. It was great! In the Spring, I love doing yard work and getting my pool open. I live on five acres so there’s always something to plant or mow!

7. If you were to write a book about yourself, what would you name it?
Welcome to the Freak Show!

8. What's the one thing, you can't live without?
My MacBook Pro laptop. Sad, isn’t it?

9. What's your motto in life?
“You get what you give.” I firmly believe that whatever we put out into the world comes back to us. I know that sounds simple, but it is so true.

10. If you could date any celebrity, who would it be and why?
Like I said earlier, I’m happily married, but if I had this option, I’d go with Sarah Michelle Gellar. She seems like a cool chick and totally kicks tail as Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I like a girl that’s a little feisty!

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