Friday, March 29, 2013

Tour Stop / Possess by J.A. Howell

Tour Dates: March17th - April 17th
Titles: Possess & The Untimely Death of Brody Walsh
Series: Books 1 & 2 of The Possess Saga
Author: J.A. Howell
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Publisher: Self Published
Format: Ebook 
Length: Possess - 84,634 words 
The Untimely Death of Brody Walsh - 31,000 words
Character Interview with Harley Martin

Image courtesy of J.A. Howell
What is your name?
Harley Martin

Why were you given that name?
My father rode a Harley. I might have even been conceived on it. I don’t know and I don’t want to know. *Cringes*

What is your hair color and style, eye color, and skin tone?
I have long black wavy hair that I generally keep down, blue eyes, and lightly bronzed skin.

How do you feel about your appearance? Favorite / most hated features?
I don’t think I’m bad looking, but I don’t think I’m god’s gift to men either. I’m satisfied with my appearance, flaws and all. As far as my favorite feature, from what I’ve been told I have a very nice behind. *Smirks* I have a love/hate relationship with it myself. Mainly when it comes to buying jeans.

Who are your parents?
My mother’s name is Delphinne Martin, she was born and raised just outside of New Orleans. I don’t actually know my father. The only thing I know about my dad is what my mother told me. He was a gorgeous Brazilian man with beautiful dreads and he rode a Harley. She met him one Mardi Gras when she was younger, hooked up, and got knocked up with me. Never even got the man’s name. Yep, my mom is a bit of a free spirit.

What is your relationship status at the start of the story?
At the very beginning? Engaged. That ends rather quickly.

How do you think your exes would describe you?
It depends on who you are talking to. My most recent one would probably describe me as an evil bitch.

Do you have any irrational fears / phobias?
Don’t laugh, but identical twins freak me the hell out.

What is your worst habit / vice?
I’m a bit of a foodie. Admittedly I am sometimes a bit too vocal when I enjoy my food.

How do you feel about being the center of attention?
I hate being the center of attention. I’d much prefer to blend in. At least lately. 

What is the driving force / motivation in your life?
To be free to figure out who I am and what I want in my life. Not have anyone else tell me what or who they think I should be.

What do you believe happens when you die?
You die. That’s it. I don’t really believe in spirits, ghosts, or the afterlife. When we die, we die.

What belief / person / institution would you die to defend?
I would die to protect my loved ones. My mom, my friends. If me dying could save them, I would do it.

What makes your blood boil?
Being told what to do. I don’t like people trying to control me.

How would you behave when cornered / bullied?
I would fight back. Even if I didn’t think I was going to win.


Stumbling off the bus in Midtown, Harley Martin thought she found an escape from her old life.

She soon realizes it was anything but that.

Low on cash and options, she manages to find herself a cheap but surprisingly nice apartment. The catch? The last tenant, Brody Walsh, killed himself.

Or did he?

As disturbing dreams and hauntings start to occur, Harley realizes there may be much more behind the previous tenant’s death than a simple suicide. She finds her life further entangled with his when she learns that her new boss, Nolan, was also his best friend. Could this handsome but evasive pub owner have something to do with Brody’s death?

Trying to piece together the events surrounding Brody’s death proves to be a daunting task, but Harley can’t give up. Brody won’t let her. He is still in the apartment with her, trapped in limbo until she finds his killer.

But he’s not waiting for revenge.

Harley’s next.



Brody Walsh’s life is left in disarray when his girlfriend is found brutally raped and murdered. But it completely shatters when his best friend, Nolan is arrested for the crime.

Even as the media is portraying him as a monster, Brody knows Nolan isn’t capable of murder.

That leaves the question: Who is?

Once the trial begins, Brody discovers just how little he knew about his girlfriend, spurring him to dig into her past for possible answers. And as Aggie, his long time confidant and childhood crush, stands by his side through all of this, he finds his own past resurfacing when his feelings for her reignite. But as the media and the prosecutors close in on Nolan, ready to convict him for a crime he didn’t commit, Brody will be forced to make a choice.

A choice that will lead to his untimely death.

Author Bio
J.A Howell is an office drone by day, and a writer by night. Her love of writing took off when she was eleven years old and decided to fill a composition notebook with stories to read to her friends. Many years (and notebooks) later, not much has changed. She still loves writing and sharing her works with others. When she isn’t writing, she can often be found trying her hand at whatever artistic pursuit strikes her fancy. J.A. Howell resides in Apopka, FL with her husband and their menagerie of animal children.

Author Links

Book Links

Book Trailers

Don't Miss Out On The Mini-Episodes

Make sure you don't miss out on the Mini-Episodes located on the Author's Website!! But, wait! The episodes are password protected! How do you unlock them. Simply by following the blog tour!! Each stop will have a shamrock on it, with letters in Blue, Yellow, and Red written on them. Keep track of the letters, and what color they are, and by the end of the tour, you'll have 3 passwords!! Below is the link to each episode and what color belongs with what episode! Good luck and thanks for stopping by!

Yesterday & Tomorrow
Tour Stops
March 28th
Katie Shelby
Amazing Books Come to Life

March 30th
Heather Andrews
A Crazy Vermonter's Book Reviews
Guest Post
a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Awesome interview!! The books Possess and The Untimely Death of Brody Walsh sounds very interesting and I am looking forward to reading them. I love the book covers too. Thank you so much for the awesome giveaway!!

