Sunday, March 31, 2013

Tour Stop / Unlucky Dip by Kate Tenbeth

Come on, join the Revolution!

In March 2011 I went to a writers’ meeting in my local library. It seemed no different to any of the other meetings I’d attended; I got out my notebook, made myself a coffee and chatted to friends little suspecting that by the end of the meeting my life would be changed forever.

Our guest speaker that day was a young indie author called Penelope Fletcher, who was there to talk to us about self-publishing. She spoke clearly and simply about the process and how much she loved it. I remember thinking with absolute clarity, ‘I can do that’. So I did. As simple as that. Self-publishing has, quite literally, been a huge turning point in my life and I’d like to tell you just how I went from feeling bruised and battered by the whole publishing process to feeling confident and in control.

Prior to hearing Penelope speak I had no idea what was going on in the publishing world, I was completely unaware of the revolution that was taking place and was still sending off manuscripts to agents and publishers and then sitting and waiting patiently, knowing my place, for their replies. Nowadays, the immense power that agents and publishers once held over the fate of writers no longer exists and indie authors are a force to be reckoned with. Frankly, I count myself extremely lucky to have been a very small part of this revolution and for me the transformation has opened doors I didn’t even know existed.

Since March 2011 I’ve published the YA novel Unlucky Dip, 3 books in the children’s series The Burly & Grum Tales, 2 short stories in the same series, and I’m also working on making them into audio books.

If you’re hesitating about whether or not to self-publish, let me highlight some of the very positive aspects:

Self-publishing doesn’t actually have to cost you a penny - you can publish your book for free so you literally have nothing to lose by putting your book out there.

There are no rejection slips! Yay! I’ll say that again – there are no rejection slips!

You learn so much, it’s brilliant, exciting, wonderful! 2 years ago I didn’t even know what a kindle was. Now? I have books published in both e-reader and print format, I run a website, a Facebook page, write a blog and I tweet. I’ve learnt about marketing, how to edit and present a book, I’ve even made trailers and I’ve created an audio books (with more on the way).

You get to meet and talk to people who are on the same wavelength as you. I used to think I was a little odd and, indeed, it could be that perhaps the jury is still out on that one, but it is wonderful to talk to other people about storylines involving groblins, time travel, fairies, talking bears, etc. as if it’s the most normal thing in the world.

The whole process gives you hope – there is always that chance your book will take off. I was told I’d never be published. Can I just say a quick hello to Kitty Bullard from Great Minds Think Aloud Independent Publishing? Hi Kitty – thanks for signing me up!

It gives you confidence. I had so many doubts about my writing ability but over the last 2 years I’ve had some great reviews and over 150,000 of my books have been downloaded. My writing can’t be that bad!

It restores your faith in human nature. There are avid readers out there who love new authors, who want to encourage you. Let them see what you can do, don’t hide away!

I work full time and have a long commute into London, I help support my son who is now at University, I look after my father who lives locally and has Alzheimers. I’m not Superwoman, I’m an ordinary mum who has found something that gives me passion, and I’ll let you in on a secret - there is no Big Secret about how you go from feeling unsure and lacking in confidence to feeling great about your writing, it’s really very simple – just go ahead and self-publish. Dig out that book that’s lurking hidden in your computer, go on sites like Amazon, Smashwords, Lulu etc., read their instructions on how to upload your book and then do it. Yes, it takes concentration and effort, but when you read your own words on your Kindle or hold the printed version in your hand for the first time you will feel incredibly proud of your achievement. So to those of you who are hesitating - don’t - just take the plunge, be brave, hold your head high and be part of the indie revolution!

Good luck!

Penelope Fletcher
Burly and Grum
Unlucky Dip Amazon
GMTA Publishing

I live in Essex with my son, who is studying at University, and my two cats, Puzzle and Bud. I’ve always loved writing and in January 2011 I got together with some friends and set up a writers’ group at our local library. One of our first guest speakers was a young lady called Penelope Fletcher who talked to us about self-publishing – I was so inspired I went back home, found some stories I’d written for my son when he was young and started the process of learning how to self-publish. I published 3 books in the Burly & Grum series and then in July 2012 was lucky enough to be signed up by GMTA. I’ve enjoyed every single second of my journey so far, learnt an incredible amount and I’m looking forward to the future!



There are always high stakes to play for in the world of gambling, but it’s a world 15 year-old Holly Maddon knows nothing about until her step-mother tries to kill her. The race is on as she tries to discover what her step-mother is up to and whether her father was murdered. She comes up against gangsters, multi-million pound land deals, treachery and deceit, she’s kidnapped, shot at and loses just about everything she loves – it’s a rollercoaster of a ride and Holly's intent on turning the tables.

The Artist
Elizabeth Eisen is 23 year old freelance illustrator from North London. She graduated from the University of Westminster with a BA Hons in Illustration in 2011 and has since worked on commissions ranging from album artwork to editorial. Further examples of her work can be found at

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Cover Reveal / Anastasia by Dawn White


Anastasia’s entire family had been killed by something quite un-natural. She has her own obstacles to face lets follow the journey to see what happens with Anastasia and The Dregg Chronicles.


Saturday, March 30, 2013

Re-Release Event / The Mystic Series by B.C. Burgess and Bandit Publishing

Title(s): Descension and Impassion, 
Books 1 & 2 of The Mystic Series 
Author: B C Burgess 
Publisher: Bandit Publishing 
Re-release date: March 27, 2013 with Bandit 
Genre: Romance 
Age Group: New Adult

Book 1 


A Magical Journey of Epic Romance


After three years caring for her dying mother, Layla Callaway learns she was adopted under unusual circumstances. Following a cryptic message to seek her birth family in Oregon, Layla uproots her life to find out the truth about her past. And herself. 


Quin’s natural charisma is attractive to plenty of women, but he longs for the one he’s been dreaming of his entire life. When that day arrives, not only is he breathless, he’s confronted with the challenge of a lifetime – an innate need to keep her safe and forever by his side. 

The Enemy 

Through manipulation and dark magic, Agro uses the powers of others to elevate his supremacy and wealth. When he discovers Layla didn’t die at birth, he sets out to find and possess her. 

Stretching from coast to coast and teeming with loathed villains and beloved heroes, The Mystic Series is rich with emotion, magic and intrigue. Whether the reader is laughing, crying or falling in love, they'll find themselves invested in Layla's fate through the rich dialogue and emotionally driven characters that weave the web of this fiery tale.

Excerpt 2 

Aedan paused an inch from Rhosewen’s face, searching for unwillingness, but there wasn’t a refusal to find, only a subtle parting of the plump, pink lips he could no longer resist. 

Their first kiss was unhurried, intense and more meaningful than any before it. Eager to accept and prolong, they held each other tightly, memorizing and savoring every taste and feel, every second of every sensation. 

By the time they stopped to breathe, they were bathed in moonlight. 

“I want to see you again,” Aedan whispered, keeping his fingers buried in soft spirals. He wanted to see her every day for the rest of his life. He wanted to kiss her like that every morning and every night. He wanted to wake up to her aqua eyes forever. 

“I’d like that, too,” Rhosewen replied, “but I don’t know if it’s a good idea.” 

“I think it’s the best idea I’ve ever had,” he countered. 

“We barely know each other,” she argued. 

“I’m trying to remedy that,” he returned. 

“I’m leaving in a week, Aedan.” 

“Are you trying to convince me?” he asked. “Or yourself?” 

She didn’t answer, and Aedan took her silence as a good sign. “Have you ever been to the Devil’s Den Nature Preserve?” he asked, keeping her pressed against him, terrified to let go. 

“No, but I hear it’s beautiful.” 

“It is,” he confirmed. “We could make it there in about an hour and a half. Will you let me take you?” 


“Tomorrow. We could fly over before sunrise and spend the day there.” He held his breath, waiting for her answer.

Book 2 


A Magical Journey of Epic Romance 


According to the fairy tales Layla Callaway read as a child, she’d stepped into one. She suddenly has the extended family she always wanted, a beautiful home in Oregon, and the ability to perform astonishing magic. But her perfect world has a price, and she may end up paying with her life.


Quin Kavanagh wants nothing more than to shed his playboy past and devote himself to Layla, but his womanizing reputation threatens to destroy their budding relationship and shatter his dreams. 

The Enemy

Obsessed with Layla’s immense power, Agro eliminates leads on his way to Oregon. But there’s a stranger lurking much closer to Layla’s new home, and he’s closing in quicker than anyone knows. Leaving a trail of tragedy in their wakes, both wizards crave what Layla has, and they’ll stop at nothing to get it. 

Stretching from coast to coast and teeming with loathed villains and beloved heroes, The Mystic Series is rich with emotion, magic and intrigue. Whether the reader is laughing, crying or falling in love, they'll find themselves invested in Layla's fate through the rich dialogue and emotionally driven characters that weave the web of this fiery tale. 

About the Author:

B. C. Burgess is a small town girl born and raised in Oklahoma, where she still resides with her devoted husband and their young son. She’s addicted to coffee and writing and thinks the combination is heaven. Inspired to write by her love of reading, she feels fiction provides a healthy escape from the hardships of life, and hopes her stories touch the hearts of her readers, just as she’s been touched time and again. Though most of her visions flower in the form of fiction, she dreams of the day her passion for writing, along with determination and hard work, will prove to her son creative dreams can come true. 

If you like the tales B. C. weaves, let her know. She loves hearing from her readers.

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Friday, March 29, 2013

Wolf Protector by Milly Taiden

Wolf Protector Release Party today! Come and join us...


A woman with a secret…
The Federal Paranormal Unit is an elite squad of supernaturals dedicated to solving missing persons cases. Erica’s gift allows her a special connection with the crime, but it comes at a deep personal cost… Until now, she’s kept her gift a secret, even from the other members of the team. But this case will throw her together with Agent Trent Buchanan. He’s the object of her secret desires, but he’s also a cocky womanizer. She’d rather swim in shark-infested waters with a paper cut than admit she has feelings for him.

A man with one desire…
Wolf Shifter Trent wants Erica more than he’s ever wanted any woman. He’s spent years patiently waiting for her to admit that she wants him too. Working one-on-one in a race to find a serial killer, Trent’s patience and Erica’s resolve wear thin. When Trent discovers the truth about Erica, will he accept her for who she is? And can he protect her from the horrors that her gift brings?

A case that pushes them to the edge…
Erica will have to risk it all if she wants to stop the killer, and when she does, Trent may have to put his own life on the line to make sure his mate is protected…

Book Links:

Tour Stop / Possess by J.A. Howell

Tour Dates: March17th - April 17th
Titles: Possess & The Untimely Death of Brody Walsh
Series: Books 1 & 2 of The Possess Saga
Author: J.A. Howell
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Publisher: Self Published
Format: Ebook 
Length: Possess - 84,634 words 
The Untimely Death of Brody Walsh - 31,000 words
Character Interview with Harley Martin

Image courtesy of J.A. Howell
What is your name?
Harley Martin

Why were you given that name?
My father rode a Harley. I might have even been conceived on it. I don’t know and I don’t want to know. *Cringes*

What is your hair color and style, eye color, and skin tone?
I have long black wavy hair that I generally keep down, blue eyes, and lightly bronzed skin.

How do you feel about your appearance? Favorite / most hated features?
I don’t think I’m bad looking, but I don’t think I’m god’s gift to men either. I’m satisfied with my appearance, flaws and all. As far as my favorite feature, from what I’ve been told I have a very nice behind. *Smirks* I have a love/hate relationship with it myself. Mainly when it comes to buying jeans.

Who are your parents?
My mother’s name is Delphinne Martin, she was born and raised just outside of New Orleans. I don’t actually know my father. The only thing I know about my dad is what my mother told me. He was a gorgeous Brazilian man with beautiful dreads and he rode a Harley. She met him one Mardi Gras when she was younger, hooked up, and got knocked up with me. Never even got the man’s name. Yep, my mom is a bit of a free spirit.

What is your relationship status at the start of the story?
At the very beginning? Engaged. That ends rather quickly.

How do you think your exes would describe you?
It depends on who you are talking to. My most recent one would probably describe me as an evil bitch.

Do you have any irrational fears / phobias?
Don’t laugh, but identical twins freak me the hell out.

What is your worst habit / vice?
I’m a bit of a foodie. Admittedly I am sometimes a bit too vocal when I enjoy my food.

How do you feel about being the center of attention?
I hate being the center of attention. I’d much prefer to blend in. At least lately. 

What is the driving force / motivation in your life?
To be free to figure out who I am and what I want in my life. Not have anyone else tell me what or who they think I should be.

What do you believe happens when you die?
You die. That’s it. I don’t really believe in spirits, ghosts, or the afterlife. When we die, we die.

What belief / person / institution would you die to defend?
I would die to protect my loved ones. My mom, my friends. If me dying could save them, I would do it.

What makes your blood boil?
Being told what to do. I don’t like people trying to control me.

How would you behave when cornered / bullied?
I would fight back. Even if I didn’t think I was going to win.


Stumbling off the bus in Midtown, Harley Martin thought she found an escape from her old life.

She soon realizes it was anything but that.

Low on cash and options, she manages to find herself a cheap but surprisingly nice apartment. The catch? The last tenant, Brody Walsh, killed himself.

Or did he?

As disturbing dreams and hauntings start to occur, Harley realizes there may be much more behind the previous tenant’s death than a simple suicide. She finds her life further entangled with his when she learns that her new boss, Nolan, was also his best friend. Could this handsome but evasive pub owner have something to do with Brody’s death?

Trying to piece together the events surrounding Brody’s death proves to be a daunting task, but Harley can’t give up. Brody won’t let her. He is still in the apartment with her, trapped in limbo until she finds his killer.

But he’s not waiting for revenge.

Harley’s next.



Brody Walsh’s life is left in disarray when his girlfriend is found brutally raped and murdered. But it completely shatters when his best friend, Nolan is arrested for the crime.

Even as the media is portraying him as a monster, Brody knows Nolan isn’t capable of murder.

That leaves the question: Who is?

Once the trial begins, Brody discovers just how little he knew about his girlfriend, spurring him to dig into her past for possible answers. And as Aggie, his long time confidant and childhood crush, stands by his side through all of this, he finds his own past resurfacing when his feelings for her reignite. But as the media and the prosecutors close in on Nolan, ready to convict him for a crime he didn’t commit, Brody will be forced to make a choice.

A choice that will lead to his untimely death.

Author Bio
J.A Howell is an office drone by day, and a writer by night. Her love of writing took off when she was eleven years old and decided to fill a composition notebook with stories to read to her friends. Many years (and notebooks) later, not much has changed. She still loves writing and sharing her works with others. When she isn’t writing, she can often be found trying her hand at whatever artistic pursuit strikes her fancy. J.A. Howell resides in Apopka, FL with her husband and their menagerie of animal children.

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Book Trailers

Don't Miss Out On The Mini-Episodes

Make sure you don't miss out on the Mini-Episodes located on the Author's Website!! But, wait! The episodes are password protected! How do you unlock them. Simply by following the blog tour!! Each stop will have a shamrock on it, with letters in Blue, Yellow, and Red written on them. Keep track of the letters, and what color they are, and by the end of the tour, you'll have 3 passwords!! Below is the link to each episode and what color belongs with what episode! Good luck and thanks for stopping by!

Yesterday & Tomorrow
Tour Stops
March 28th
Katie Shelby
Amazing Books Come to Life

March 30th
Heather Andrews
A Crazy Vermonter's Book Reviews
Guest Post
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Cover Reveal / Of Silver and Beast (A Goddess Wars Novel) by Trisha Wolfe

Of Silver and Beasts (A Goddess Wars Novel)
Release Date: June 1, 2013
Genre: New Adult Dark Fantasy
Cover Reveal Organized by: YA Bound
Cover Designed by: Steven Novak

Summary from Goodreads:
In the sand-covered queendom of Cavan, the goddess once saved a young Kaliope’s life, preventing the mercury her father attempted to hide in her blood from reaching her heart. Now, a cybernetic clamp filters it, but the silver streaks swirling faintly beneath her skin are a constant reminder that she’s different.

When nineteen-year-old Kaliope is chosen as head of the Nactue Guard, she becomes the sworn protector to her empress. In the midst of an invasion on a neighboring land, Kaliope is placed in charge of guarding Prince Caben, the last heir to his kingdom. But when they’re attacked by the feared Otherworlders, Caben and Kaliope are abducted and taken below to a realm where they must fight for their life in a caged arena. 

Kaliope struggles to protect her princely charge, keeping him and herself alive while battling inhumanly opponents, and trying to save the stolen, sacred relic that will restore her empress’s life force and all of Cavan. And if she can somehow awaken the goddess within her, she may save what’s most important.


I open my mouth to say something comforting, but I’m unsure of what. In this moment, I’m reminded that I know little about him. Other than the sarcasm and desire to understand nothing of my queendom, he hasn’t allowed me past the surface. But then, I have my own walls, hiding things I’d never want him or any other to know. And I understand that need to hide them. You can’t trust anyone. “Caben…” I start, but still can’t find the right words. He lowers his hand from his face, never taking his eyes off the glinting water top. “You’re right,” he finally says. “Let’s find the access to Lilly’s section.” A hollow pang hits my chest, and I’m not sure why. Something in his voice sounds lost, broken. I imagine the gears around my heart spinning faster, trying to keep up with my racing heart. When he sidesteps me, I reach out and grab his arm. “Caben, I didn’t mean—” “It’s fine, Kal,” he snaps. “We have work to do.” “No, I’ve said something to offend you.” I drop my hand, but keep close to him, not allowing him to leave my side. Goddess, trying to understand the male brain is harder than anything in protector training. I’ve heard people say that you have to tip-toe around a woman’s emotions, but a man’s ego is every bit as fragile, if not more so. He releases a heavy breath through his nose and walks back to the pool. He sits down along the edge and rolls up his pants, then slips off his boots. “I honestly don’t think Bax or his goons will be returning tonight.” He sinks his bare feet into the water and sighs. Glancing at the back of the cave, I plant my hands on my hips. We don’t have time for indulgencies, but the prince is still my charge. If it were my empress, I’d give her anything she’d ask for. Allow her as much time as she needed to collect herself. I have to watch over his mental state as well as protect him, so I try to push the pending need to find Lilly aside and sit down next to him. “Here,” he says, turning his hand out near my crossed feet. “You have to feel this.” A smile tugs at the corner of my mouth. “I can remove my own—” “Have you never been pampered a day in your life?” he asks, lifting an eyebrow. “I know that the Nactue are fierce and will put a hurt on any man for touching them. But try to relax.” “Is that the rumor in Perinya?” “What?” I bite my lip, suddenly regretting my blurt. “Nothing. Never mind.” From the corner of my eye, I see his lips pucker into a pinched smile, as if he’s trying not to. “Ah,” he says, like he’s made some great universal connection. “Well, there are many whisperings about the Nactue. Some I dare not repeat for fear I’d leave here missing a limb, but that’s one, yes.” He takes my booted foot and begins to unlace it. “I’ve heard that the empress’s protectors are untouchable—forbidden to give themselves to men. And that they’ll snap a man’s neck just for making an advance.” My mouth drops open. Appalled, I counter, “That’s not true.” “All right,” he says, as if he hasn’t just insulted my very existence. “It’s only rumors. Things men jaw about in pubs. The unattainable woman is a fantasy, Kal. Don’t be offended.” “Unattainable?” I grit my teeth, trying to maintain my composure. “Tell me, prince. Do men in your country just go around bedding every woman they can in order to keep them compliant?” I shake my head. “If their fantasy is a woman that would have nothing to do with them, it seems to me it’s their way of feeding their egos after being rejected.” His eyes widen. “No! How does your brain come up with these—” He bites off his words, his lips thin as he presses them together. “Look, it was a joke.” I nod, many times. “Another joke. I’m glad that our hard work and sacrifice is amusing to the men of Perinya.” Caben lets out another sigh and slowly pulls off my boot. His warm fingers skim my calf as he inches up my pant leg. “Just stick your foot in,” he says, then adds lower, “while I stick mine in my mouth.” Unexpectedly, I laugh. “At least it’s now clean,” I say. “Would you like some help getting it to your face?”

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Thursday, March 28, 2013

Blog Tour / Thirteenth by G. L. Twynham

Title: The Thirteenth 
Author: G.L. Twynham 
Series: The Thirteenth Series 
Genre: YA Sci-Fi Fantasy 
Publisher: Self Published 
Release Date: November 9 2009
Editions/Formats Available In: Kindle/Print/Audio Book


Imagine starting at the end and finishing back at the beginning. This is the story of a teenage girl called Valerie Saunders who is about to be thrown through time and space. Being bestowed with abilities beyond her wildest nightmares, she discovers that she not only has to deal with turning eighteen, her first job and an unwanted tattoo, but also magical powers and intense urges to fall in love. She envisaged she would spend her life blending into the scenery, not blowing it up! 

Val has a calling, but which side is dialing her number?

Chapter 1 
The Tattoo 

A young woman stood alone looking up at the night sky, a cool breeze effortlessly caressing her slim frame as darkness closed around her. At long last it would be her turn to be part of something that had been her destiny since birth. 

She moved on, passing the pond; she caught her reflection in the water and smiled. The time had arrived; the moon had reached the tops of the trees. On this particular evening, the shadows of the dense woods, mixed with the bruised sky made the adventure that lay ahead seem all the more exciting. 

As she left the village behind and made her way into the woodland, her body filled with anticipation. She began to run. 

Knowing instinctively where to go, she weaved like a needle in and out of the undergrowth, dodging the trees as if they were merely smoke trails rising in front of her. 

She was moving swiftly when an unfamiliar sound suddenly stopped her dead in her tracks. A strange crackling in the air made every hair on the back of her neck stand on end. Something was very wrong. She span around, trying to find where it was coming from, but soon realized it was everywhere. Then, as suddenly as it had started, it stopped. 

She had cautiously started to move forward again, when the silence was shattered once more by another wave of sound. In the confusion, her foot caught under a loose tree root, causing her to fall awkwardly into a pile of leaves. Before she had time to stand up, she heard violent screams coming from the distance. These weren’t joyful cries; the cries of pleasure and happiness she had been expecting. These turned her blood cold and left her paralyzed where she lay on the wet forest floor, her heart pounding. 

After a few seconds, she gathered enough courage to slowly lift herself up and move forward again. She was suddenly very frightened, aware of the risk she was taking just by being there. She darted to an old oak tree, hiding for a moment in the shelter of its huge trunk. 

Cautiously, she edged around it. Everything was quiet again so she leant the top half of her body out, to see if it was safe. In that split second a ball of light came towards her, travelling at amazing speed and growing as it came, until it seemed to be the size of a mountain. 

When it hit her, its power engulfed her whole body and she was instantly lifted off the ground. She screamed helplessly as it raised her into the treetops. 

Her ears filled with a piercing noise, like nothing she had ever heard before. Her whole body felt like it was burning up, yet still she kept rising and rising, until she was high above the trees. 

Then the light and noise stopped as quickly and as it had started. Her upward flight came to a violent halt, and she began to fall. As she tumbled through the trees, the thick branches scratched aggressively at her clothes and face. The ground came towards her at terrifying speed. The scream that was struggling to escape her was silenced when she hit the ground with tremendous force. Her body filled with pain, the taste of warm blood filled her mouth, and she slipped into unconsciousness. 


The Thirteenth by G. L. Twynham is the first book in the series. It is a fantastic book with a combination of YA, fantasy, sci-fi, and paranormal. To have these genres in one book is very awesome. I knew right away, when I read the description, that I was going to really enjoy this book. It is a very interesting read and it had my attention from the beginning all the way to the end. 

Valerie Saunders is a young teenage girl who is about to turn eighteen and has a job working at a local book store in town. Her life is pretty normal with wonderful parents and a great best friend when all of a sudden her life changes drastically. She wasn’t expecting what is to come. For a while, Val has been having visions of a woman in her nightmares that she can’t explain and then all of a sudden a strange tattoo shows up on her arm. She is so freaked out and doesn’t understand what is happening to her. On the way to the book store, she passes a tattoo shop and on the window there is a picture of a tattoo that looks similar to the one on her arm. That same day, Val meets Shane, the tattoo shop owner, for the first time and explains to him about the tattoo on her arm and the strange things going on. From then on, Shane has been helping Valerie find out what the tattoo symbol means. 

Val’s journey has just begun and it all starts with the strange tattoo! With her best friend Delta and a few other friends by her side, Shane tries to get the help and answers to what is happening to her. What Val is going through is very complicated and hard to explain. Every time Val has a vision, she disappears to a different place and time and before she can leave, she has to complete a mission. Will Valerie be strong enough to get through this? Where did the tattoo come from? Who is the woman she sees in her nightmare? Will she find the answers she’s looking for before it’s too late? 

Valerie is an amazing character in this book. Even though her life has been turned upside down, she manages to stay strong and not give up. She is a very determined girl and she will continue to keep finding the answers to what is going on and why. As I was reading, I felt like I was right there with Valerie on her adventures. It was like riding an emotional roller coaster. 

G. L. Twynham is an amazing author and she did an awesome job writing this book. This book has a lot of action and excitement in it that it was hard to put down. I definitely recommend this book to my family and friends to read. I am really looking forward to reading book two and three in The Thirteenth series. 

I give this book 5 dandy's!!

Author Bio:

Born in Wellingborough in 1972, Georgia was brought up with her two older brothers in a sleepy Leicestershire village until at the age of fifteen, her parents decided to move abroad, taking her with them. A new country and a new language helped her come out of her shell and for eleven years, she lived and worked on the beautiful island of Menorca. 

Georgia wrote short stories and poetry from an early age but her real passion for writing didn’t truly emerge until she was 31. Writing for her own web site and articles for magazines helped to support her and her daughter. After meeting her now fiancé, she was given the encouragement and opportunity to write full-time and the rest is history. 

Georgia felt there was a need for a strong British female heroine. She also wanted a main character that had a normal family, with problems that most teenagers/young adults in this country might be experiencing and could relate to. And so Val Saunders, daughter to Mike and Susan Saunders, was born. 

Georgia spends time with her daughter in their home in Leicestershire and her life is filled with promoting her books, writing and walking her dog Milly, the Jack Russell.

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Cover Reveal / Broken Gates by D.T. Dyllin


Title: Broken Gates
Series: The PJ Stone Gates Trilogy Book # 2
Release Date: May 24th 2013
Cover Designed By: Lindsay Tiry

P.J. Stone is a Seer who saw too little, too late.

In the past, her biggest worries were boys and school—but war has a way of changing things. Now, the alien Riders are trying to overrun the world. As the last of their kind, P.J. and her friends must find a way to save humanity before there’s nothing left to save.

After choosing a mate, P.J. hoped she'd have time to enjoy her love life. But with everything changing so quickly and major secrets revealed, who knows what the future will bring?

 About Book 1
Hidden Gates 
***Genre - New Adult Paranormal Romance***

For P.J. Stone, being a “Seer” who has never seen anything is less than fun. And P.J. isn’t known for her patience.

To make matters worse, she must choose a suitable mate to continue the Seer bloodline. Duty always comes before her heart…at least that’s what her parents taught her. When she finds herself wanting someone who is considered off-limits, P.J. is forced to question everything she believes.

As if navigating her love life isn’t complicated enough, P.J. finally receives a vision—of a threat to her world that only she can perceive. But no one will believe a fledgling Seer’s warnings. With nowhere else to turn, she may decide to trust a stranger with her life, her world, and maybe even her heart.

Hidden Gates Links
Book Depository

Author Bio
Cynical-Optimist. Chocolate-holic. Sarcasm Addict. Paranormal Believer. Romance Junkie. Self-Imposed Insomniac. Animal Lover. Writer...are just a few words to describe D.T. Dyllin. She was born and raised in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and now lives in Nashville, Tennessee with her husband and two very spoiled GSDs.

Author Links

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Blog Tour / Witch Weigh by Caroline Mickelson

Witch Weigh
By Caroline Mickelson 
Publication Date: April 24, 2012 
Novella length - 30K words 
Genre: Paranormal Romantic Comedy


Tessa Von Hellengaard is a real witch. Magical spells aside, she’s snarky and selfish, and the other witches in her silent spell coven are fed up with her. Their plan to reform Tessa involves taking away her magic, saddling her with one hundred extra pounds, and sending her to a weight loss spa. For good measure they call in Liam Kennedy, a charming and sexy fairy godfather, to teach her some manners. Desperate to regain her magic and determined to shed the weight, Tessa soon realizes that protecting her heart from Liam will prove to be her greatest challenge. 

About the Author

Caroline Mickelson loves her family and loves to write. She also loves a good adventure, among her favorites thus far were attending graduate school in a Scottish castle, riding a camel around the Pyramids in Giza, and taking a best-in-a-lifetime road trip to Graceland. Caroline lives in the American southwest with her husband and their four children, affectionately known as The Miracles.

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a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tour Stop / The Reborn by Casse Narome


Title ~ The Reborn: The Book of Dain
Author ~ Casse Narome
Genre ~YA Paranormal Romance
Release Date ~ 3/21/13 
Publisher ~ Bayou Brew Publishing

"You're Stranded on an Island..."

Where in the world are you?
I hope it is somewhere near Italy or Spain.

Are you frightened?
I might be okay for a while and then freak out the longer it takes to find my way home.

Night is falling fast... Where do you plan to sleep?
I would find the nearest semi in closed shelter with a light once the dark settles in because I hate the dark.

Creepy noises in the distance... What do you suppose it is?
If I hear any sound I will just pray it isn't any kind of bug. I hate bugs and insects. I wouldn't mind an animal I grew up in places that wildlife met civilization. Moose and Mountain lions and Bears...oh my!

It's the crack of dawn, the sun is shining upon you... Opening your eyes, what is the first thing you see?
I doubt if I even slept. I have issues sleeping in strange places.

Your stomach is grumbling... Is there anything to eat on this deserted island? Where do you look? What do you find? 
I wouldn't go scrounging for food, I am not a very outside oriented person. If there isn't a store I may just whine and complain about hunger pains and the such. I may find fruit but if there is not hot water how will I was it?

Leaves crunch nearby... Could it be... Are you not alone?

I hope he is a hot guy who is an out doorsy type.

Is he a figment of your imagination, you cannot see his face... Describe him, he's standing not 15 feet away from you? 
Hopefully he is tall (6ft plus variety) Tan skin, Lean and toned muscles reddish hair with light eyes. lol SO yeah it probably is a figment of my imagination. Hmm maybe I ate the wrong fruit!

Quietly and very slowly you make your way toward him... He turns... Who does he remind you of? Suddenly you freeze... What has come over you? 

As I walk toward him I realize, "This isn't a movie or a book! He probably is a killer." I of course start to back away and hope he is regular human crazy rather than supernatural. I can defend myself against human deranged killers but super strength, no way!

While regaining your composure... Please tell us, what happens now?
Hopefully I wake up. I made it into a nightmare!


Oh my God. I held my breath. This was going to happen. The giddiness was almost too much to take, but as she unzipped my pants, I heard a door upstairs open and close with a bang.

We both froze.

Bonnie’s eyes opened wide with obvious terror.

“Holy shit,” I whispered. “Your parents?”

She shook her head and pushed me off of her. “Worse. My brothers.”

I jumped up and scooped up our shirts before I tossed her one. I buttoned my jeans in a mad rush and shook out the shirt as the basement door opened. I glanced at the shirt in my hand, frowned at how tiny it looked, and groaned. Yes, I had tossed Bonnie a shirt, the wrong shirt. As the stairs creaked, I looked over at Bonnie and her enormous eyes widened even more.

“That’s mine,” she whispered, my shirt nearly drowning her body.

I groaned again as two boys stepped into the room and one pair of feet stopped just an inch from a condom that I must have abandoned when Bonnie had pushed me away.

I saw the guys soak in the scene—me with no shirt on, Bonnie swallowed by the wrong one. The taller of the two bent and picked up the condom at his feet. Where was the second condom? Collectively, our gazes moved to my hand where the second condom and Bonnie’s shirt still lingered.

I couldn’t move, other than to let the shirt and the partially opened condom wrapper fall from my hand. Bonnie shut her eyes tight as the condom, of course, landed on top of the shirt.

Both guys frowned angrily as they glared at me.

The smaller one, who still stood at six foot something, spoke, “Your fly is open.”I was dead.

Author Bio
Casse Narome is the alter-ego of a self-proclaimed awesome weirdo who spent her childhood reading and daydreaming. As an adult that is also how she spends her time only now she writes her daydreams down for everyone to read. Casse is never serious, has been accused of wishing her life was a sitcom, laugh track and all, has a bad habit of talking out loud to herself and she is fine with being a little insane. She spends way too much time online, too much money buying books and laughing at her own jokes. You will find her on Twitter being very random and spewing her opinions. When you see her online, tell her to get back to her writing! Or just engage her in a hilarious random conversation. She blogs book reviews and the adventures of being a writer at & She is an avid tweeter She is also on Facebook

Tour Schedule Yesterday ~ Today ~ Tomorrow

March 26th
Reading Renee - Excerpt, Top Tens Post, Tour Wide Giveaway
Cu’s e-Book Give Aways  -Review, Tour Wide Giveaway
Inger Iversen - Excerpt, Tour Wide Giveaway
Rose’s Book Corner - Excerpt, Tour Wide Giveaway

March 27h
Reading is My Time Out - Review, Excerpt, Tour Wide Giveaway
As You Wish Reviews - Guest Post, Excerpt, Tour Wide Giveaway
Tamara’s One Stop Indie Shop - Excerpt/Skype Interview with Author

March 28th
A Crazy Vermonter’s Book Reviews - Review & Tour Wide giveaway
The Next Chapter - Excerpt, Tour Wide Giveaway
Paperrdolls - Excerpt

Tour Wide Giveaway
a Rafflecopter giveaway
