Monday, December 24, 2012

Merry Christmas & Thank You All!

Merry Christmas Everyone!  

What a wonderful Christmas gift all of you have blessed me with.  Following my blog and supporting my first attempt at blogging.  This is a new experience for me and a learning one at that.  So if anyone has some advice on layout or linking or even just in general that is most welcome!  If I'm not already following your blog let me know and I will return the follow.  I believe I am following most of you already though I may have missed someone.  

I cannot express how much your following means to me.  This is a new journey for me and I'd love to share it with everyone, scream from the roof tops, that kind of thing.  I'm so excited!  I cannot wait to share my thoughts, reviews, and invite authors here to interview and hear their thoughts as a guest.

There is just a few questions I have that I am not sure how to do, but as soon as I know it this page will be ready to rock and roll. 

Author's check out the Interview, Guest & Review Request Page.  There's a calendar and a link just below the calendar that will take you to a form to fill out!  Oh yes I am excited!  Can't you tell?

Now to go figure out how to make a button to share with you all.  I'll let you know when it's complete, knowing me I'll show it off to everyone.  hehe

Hope all of you have a wonderful day and a Very Merry Christmas with your family and friends!


  1. Ah, now you are launched. How wonderful! Go get 'em, Julia. You are going to have so much fun and really be of tremendous help to readers and authors alike. I wish you all the best.


    1. Thanks so much for the wonderful comment on my first post! Well first post that is staying up and I have not been deleted for I was playing with the site! A few things to figure out yet but will do and be good to go! :D


  2. Merry Christmas to you too. Good luck with your blog, I'm looking forward to reading it.

    1. Thanks so much, I think I may need all the good luck I can get with figuring things out! hehe I'm looking forward blogging, so I'm glad you are looking forward to reading it.

  3. Merry Christmas, Julia. I wish you the best with your blog! Dellani

    1. Thank you so much Dellani! Merry Christmas to you too! :D

  4. Merry Christmas Julia! I am so excited for you and I think it is awesome that you now have your own blog :)I am looking forward to reading your thoughts, interviews, book reviews and the author reviews. You are going to do great with your blog...Love you.

    1. Hey there Len! Thanks so much for the encouraging words! I adore you honey and can't wait for things to take off! Love you too babe!

  5. Merry Christmas Julia. Welcome on-board and look forward to reading your thoughts and work. Cheers

    1. Thanks you James! I'm so excited to start this journey.

  6. Congrats on starting a blog! I started mine just 3 months ago and I love blogging so much :)
    New follower!

    1. I followed! Thanks so much for joining me here!

  7. Congrats on the blog! Merry Christmas I followed you and I think you should check with Book Blogs and make sure you check your replies there if people follow u

    1. I will be sure to do that, I'm new in both places so I will have to get the feel of Book Blogs now too.

  8. As per your request on BOOK BLOGS I am following with NETWORK YOUR BLOGS with THE BRIDGE OF DEATHS on Tumblr and here as Maria Catallina Vergara.
    Happy Healthy wonderful 2013

    1. So wonderful! I will have to learn how to get around in Book Blogs! I will be following a ton of new peeps there too! Started following already tonight!

  9. From Book Blogs- I hope you had a great Christmas. New Follower Here :D - JC's Book Haven.

    1. Followed both blog and on Twitter! Thanks for the follow!

  10. Hi! I've just found your blog on Book Blogs and I'm now a proud new follower, do drop by mine @ Book a World too! :)


