Monday, December 31, 2012

Silenced Virtual Book Tour

Lets give a huge shout out for all the Silenced Fans out there and a huge thank you to Author RaeBeth McGee-Buda for her awesomeness in her writing skills...

1-Book Excerpt & Interview @ The Writing World
2- Feature & Interview @ Lisa Rayns
3- Guest Post & Review @ Readers After Dark
4- Review & Guest Post @ All In One Place
5- Book Feature & Interview @ Justine Vandale
7- Guest Post with Peter Dawes
8- Book Excerpt & Feature @ Flora Bateman
9- Interview @ My Home Away From Home
10- Guest post @ Deb's Daydreams
11- Interview @ Books, Brownies, and Barkers
12- Book Excerpt & Feature @ Paranormal Book Club
13- Review & Interview @ The Curiosity Key
14- Interview @ Vincenzo Bilof
15- Guest Post @ Amanda Fanger
17- Feature & Interview @ Terri Dion
18- Book Excerpt & Feature @ Jason Ellis
19- Review @ Into the Night Reviews
20-Review @ Passionate About Books
21- Book Review @ Brittney Carrigan
22- Book Review @ Book Nerd 101
23- Interview & Excerpt @ Darren Cormier
24- Book Excerpt & Feature @ Sassy Cassie's Reviews
25- Book Review @ Little Book Star

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Sunday, December 30, 2012

For Nothing by Nicholas Denmon

My Guest ~ Nicholas Denmon

I appreciate the opportunity to come onto this blog and write a bit.  Julia has been good to me since I first started down the road of becoming an author back in 2010 and I am happy to use up a bit of her space on the blogosphere. To clarify, I have always thought of myself as a writer, but in 2010 I decided it was time to make the gradual transition to author. Julia asked me to write a few words about that transition and so here I am, obliging.

I say the transition to author from writer was gradual and the reason I say that is because I actually started writing my first novel back in 2005.  For Nothing, which has gone on to sell nearly 8,000 copies since I published it in May of 2011, is my first novel.  I began writing the novel in an attempt to merely write a descriptive page.  Once I was done with the page I thought perhaps it could make a short story, and once done with the short story, I realized it could become a novel, and then a series.

You often hear of authors that have characters 'speak' to them.  That was the case with my assassin, antagonist Rafael Rontego and the protagonist, undercover cop Alex Vaughn.  As I wrote first a page, then a chapter and then ultimately three books about the characters it was because the characters kept on talking to me.  They wouldn't leave me alone and I would find myself buying groceries, driving on long trips, or even in the shower wondering why certain things happened to them.  What was the catalyst?  How could they escape certain doom?   What was their moral fiber at the beginning of the story and could that fiber stay intact throughout the course of events in which they found themselves?

It took me a long time to figure out that being a writer meant more than a page a month of writing.  It meant writing a little bit every day.  It took me even longer to figure out that being an author didn't mean only writing but marketing, gathering reviews, using social media etc.  That is why my first novel took six years to come to fruition.  But once I figured it out, it only took me a year to do the next one, and this year I will have two more out (I still work a day job so I am happy with that progress).

If I could leave you with one bit of advice on how to make the transition from writer to author, I would say make sure you surround yourself with a good network of readers, writers, and authors.  Then make sure you help each other become authors instead of just writers.  The authors will guide you, the readers will push and support you, and your fellow writers will grow with you and give you a set of peers to lean on, and learn from.

Thanks for letting me ramble. I hope there was something of substance to glean from my thoughts.  Above all keep reading Julia's blog as she is an absolute pro when it comes to supporting writers become 

Thank you so much for your kind words and being my guest today!  I thoroughly enjoyed having you here and hope to have you back very soon!

For Nothing Blurb & Review

Undercover cop Alex Vaughn goes deeper than ever into the organized crime family of Buffalo, NY. Motivated by justice and revenge, he seeks out the assassin that laid his friend Jack low.

Professional killer Rafael Rontego traverses the deadly politics of Buffalo’s mafia underbelly. In a city whose winter can be just as deadly as those wielding power, Rontego tries to stay ahead of the game.

Their two worlds collide in this epic thriller that takes the reader on a search for self, justice, and truth.

My Review
This was my first mafia book ever read and to be honest it won't be my last. Author Nicholas Demnon didn't leave anything out, described everything perfectly, and gave a little background for those, like myself, that may not know a thing about mafia. Like many of the previous reviewers on Amazon, I was sticking with the good guys throughout the story then jumped ship and fell for the bad guy.  I just couldn't help myself, he moved me with his story! I can't wait to start Buffalo Soldiers by Nicholas, the next book to follow this one in his amazing series!  My review will be Coming Soon right here to share with all of you!

Nicholas's Author Links

Book Links:

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Silenced by RaeBeth McGee-Buda

My Guest ~ RaeBeth McGee-Buda

Depression and Cutting: Why I wrote Silenced?

I’ve been asked the same question over and over since December 13th which was... why did you write Silenced? I could go on with this for a long time but I won’t tire your eyes by my rambling. What I will say about this subject is this... Depression is a serious condition where people tend to not take it serious. I’ve heard people say that my depression was in my head or that I was just wanting attention. Yes you read that right... I suffer from depression.

It’s so stressful knowing those around me really don’t understand what I’m going through. I’ve been dealing with depression most of my life. Some called me a drama queen and others were saying I wanted more attention.. but this wasn’t the case at all.

I decided for my first book it was time to finally bring this shady subject into the light. People need to be more aware. We don’t hush the subject of people on drugs or drinking alcohol. Everyone knows those are issues that are taken seriously. It’s time depression and self harm are in the same light.

I think everyone should education themselves on the subject. It could save the life of a loved one knowing the signs and symptoms of depression. This is my goal with Silenced. I wanted people to be in the head of someone suffering from depression and self harm.

I will answer this... Silenced was wrote based off of my own experiences and the experiences of others that I have talked with. Amber’s life is a few people I know tied into one. I went through the outcast of life and having problems fitting in while in school. I suffered from low self esteem due to the depression and tried self harm. I felt like there was no way out but to die.

My daughter proved this theory of mine wrong. She’s my lifeline and my angel sent from above. I’ve overcame self harm and I’m working really well on the depression. There is a light at the end of the tunnel and Silenced is here to show it.

If Silenced even opens the eyes of one person or perhaps gives hope to one person.. then my mission was accomplished. Silenced was wrote to help others and give hope. It was written to shine some light to those who don’t understand depression.

I feel everyone should read Silenced. It’s a story that will bring you in and not let you go. Please if you know anyone suffering from depression... give them this book. It could help them.

Thank you RaeBeth for being so wonderful and joining me here on my newly set up blog!  That is a question even I had asked while reading your book.  I loved Silenced, it touched my heart in ways a book has never touched my heart because it was based on a topic so real.  I cannot wait till the next book you have for me to devour.  Keep writing as I know you will go far with the books you put out there for all the world to read!

Blurb & Review of Silenced  
(Silenced Series)

Amber Brown spent her entire existence believing Dave was her father. When her mother reveals this is untrue, she goes through an emotional spiral with depression. It's hard for her to believe her mother had lied to her all this time.

A move to a new home and town causes Amber to be consumed by her "darkness" and reverts to cutting to free herself from her pain.

When Casey, her new friend enters her life, she introduces Amber to parties, drugs, and Amber's new boyfriend Landon. The secret of cutting begins to take affect on Amber as she tries to hide it from her friends and family. In the midst of everything, Amber has the desire to find out who her biological father is.

Follow Amber through her trials of depression and cutting, along with the discovery of love.

My Review
I was excited to read this book as it was given to me for an honest review, and I could tell by reading about the book that I have not read anything else like it before. I was not disappointed after I got into the book. Amber's journey starts out with a move to a new home, learning that a truth she has known all her life turns out to be a lie, she starts cutting herself for release. Everything that she feels as a reader I could feel, the descriptions of the scenes in the book were amazingly well written.

As I took the journey through Amber's eyes, I wanted to know more about her, about her life in general and more about the lie she's lived with all her life. Finding out the truth at a time when she did, caused Amber to spiral down into the darkness, depression sets in and she starts cutting for release. At this point I wanted to reach into the story and help her as I would with anyone whom I know in real life. She becomes friends with a few from her new school and things start to look up for Amber, her friend Casey is like a new sister to her. She also meets Landon and hits it off pretty well, he turns out to be her rock, something she can look forward too and this helps her to keep from cutting so much.

The author ends on a note that has me curious, wondering what is to come and wanting to know more. I can't help it author's all have a tendency to do this to readers, some more than others. As I finished Silenced (Silenced Series) all I kept thinking about is what's next, I want to read on. And that my dear readers is what every reader wants in a book, any book they read. Love you Raebeth, be sure to let me know when I can expect your next book!

RaeBeth's Links:

Silenced Links:

Friday, December 28, 2012

Finding Summerland by Paige Bleu

My Guest ~ Paige Bleu 

Excerpt from Finding Summerland

That night as I slipped off to sleep, I thought of Olivia…
I saw us strolling hand in hand in some unknown landscape. It was sublime. Illuminated by crystal clear light. She was smiling softly, cascades of long black curls draping her shoulders. I noticed a delicate golden chain hanging around the crown of her head. A crystal dangling from the center over her forehead. She looked radiant as we continued walking.
Darkness crept in from the distance and she looked suddenly frightened. I pulled her closer as the wind started picking up around us. She started pulling me back from the dark cloud enveloping the shore…closer and closer towards the water. I resisted, pulling her the other direction. It was becoming harder to see, as the sands kicked up and over took the light. It pushed back against us as we fought to hold on.
Her hand slipped out of mine and I couldn’t see her anymore. In a panic…I called out her name over the rumbling shrieks…drowning my cries. I felt myself being swallowed up. All I could think about was her. I sensed a new presence as I closed my eyes and tried to prepare myself for the inevitable.
I recognized the girl from my dream. She held out her hand and beckoned me. I reached out and took it. I felt myself spinning like in a centrifuge, as my equilibrium went haywire and my tongue began salivating. It felt like I was about to hurl. Images flashed in every direction of time and space around me.
When it stopped, I felt a warm glow on my face. I opened my eyes to a blinding sun. The winds had vanished. It was quiet and still. The girl was running away.
“Wait…Please...Wait.” I called out frantically as I chased after her.
“I don’t want to hurt you. Please. Don't run.” I cried out as I watched her disappearing into the low entry of a cave.
She looked back to see if I was following.
I tried to get there before she was gone. As I reached the opening she had crawled through, I felt a strange feeling inside. Like déjà vu and motion sickness all wrapped in one. I proceeded cautiously.
It was dark inside and I tripped over rocks and debris washed in by the tides. I called out to the girl and heard nothing but my own echoes in return. Then I saw a small light floating in one of the caverns. I followed the light and discovered a large open corridor; stalagmites decorating the roof like a palace. There was a series of arches surrounding me like doorways. It reminded me of a labyrinth. I wondered where all the tunnels led.
The girl poked her head out from behind a large rock. I didn’t want to scare her off, so I waited and watched. I could feel her stare burrowing into me. Finally, she began coming my direction. I looked up slowly, watching her studying me. She didn’t say anything yet.
“I’m looking for Olivia.” I said, hopeful she could help me. “Do you know her?”
She didn’t reply, and I wondered if she spoke English. She nodded and turned the other way. When she turned back towards me, I was stunned to see Olivia in her place. As I focused on her eyes, I realized what had happened. The little girl with the haunting eyes was Olivia.
How could this be possible? I was baffled. As I tried to remain in this place, I felt myself becoming aware of my body. No!! I fought myself. I’m not ready to wake up yet. I can’t leave. I needed to stop thinking so much. Reality was interfering. I focused on Olivia’s face and accepted that I was here…this was real. It had to be. And there was a reason I was here now.

Finding Summerland Book Trailer

Thank you Paige for being so wonderful and my first Author Excerpt, Book Trailer and Review!  I adore you for sending me an Excerpt & Book Trailer to use and post here today!  I also want to wish you all the best in your journey to becoming all that you can be.  Keep writing as I will surely keep reading your work!

Review of Finding Summerland 
(The Ameryn Chronicles)

My Review
I was hooked from the beginning of Finding Summerland with the Prologue, it captured my attention and I wanted to know more. I love paranormal genre really and with the slight mystery of what the books ending beholds, it kept me reading wanting to know more. I wanted to know what brought on the intriguing Prologue.

Throughout the book I was interested in the why's most of all.  The book's many characters worried me a bit to begin with because I couldn't keep up with who was who.  About a quarter way through the book I decided not to worry about the simple mention of a character here and there and kept my focus on only the main characters. This helped me in getting through the talk of new characters when they didn't come back and I was able to imagine Paige's amazing story easily and loved every minute of it.

I thoroughly enjoyed this book.  I am sitting here wondering what happens next and would love to purchase and review the next book so that I may follow the story as it is written by Paige Bleu.

Paige's Author Links:

Finding Summerland Links:

Monday, December 24, 2012

Merry Christmas & Thank You All!

Merry Christmas Everyone!  

What a wonderful Christmas gift all of you have blessed me with.  Following my blog and supporting my first attempt at blogging.  This is a new experience for me and a learning one at that.  So if anyone has some advice on layout or linking or even just in general that is most welcome!  If I'm not already following your blog let me know and I will return the follow.  I believe I am following most of you already though I may have missed someone.  

I cannot express how much your following means to me.  This is a new journey for me and I'd love to share it with everyone, scream from the roof tops, that kind of thing.  I'm so excited!  I cannot wait to share my thoughts, reviews, and invite authors here to interview and hear their thoughts as a guest.

There is just a few questions I have that I am not sure how to do, but as soon as I know it this page will be ready to rock and roll. 

Author's check out the Interview, Guest & Review Request Page.  There's a calendar and a link just below the calendar that will take you to a form to fill out!  Oh yes I am excited!  Can't you tell?

Now to go figure out how to make a button to share with you all.  I'll let you know when it's complete, knowing me I'll show it off to everyone.  hehe

Hope all of you have a wonderful day and a Very Merry Christmas with your family and friends!
