(White Lies Book One)
by Lisa Renee Jones
Book one in the sexy and intense new White Lies duet
by Lisa Renee Jones!
Release Date: April 18th
Genre: Contemporary Romance
There are those moments in life that are provocative in their very existences, that embed in our minds forever, and sometimes our very souls. They change us, mold us, maybe even save save us. But some are darker, dangerous. If we allow them to, they control us. Seduce us. Quite possibly even destroy us.
The moment I walked into Sonoma’s Reid Winter Winery and Vineyard and made eye contact with Faith Winter for the first time was one of those moments. Provocative because I know at least one of her secrets, of which, I suspect she has many. Provocative because she believes I was a stranger to her when we met, but I am not. Provocative because I sought her out, with no intention of touching her. But now I have. Now I want her. Now I have to have her. But that changes nothing. It doesn’t change why I came for her.
Hi everyone! I’m so excited that PROVOCATIVE is available now! Just a few notes: if you order PROVOCATIVE this week only you will get $1 off and it will only be $2.99 - I will be increasing this price at the end of the week! You’ll also receive the FREE novella Rebecca’s Forgotten Journals (these are NEW journal entries) in the back of your copy! PS - if you missed your chance to receive any of my bonus scenes from Amy & Liam, Chris & Sara, or Ella & Kayden, this is your last chance to get them! Register your order of PROVOCATIVE here - http://bit.ly/2pkQ49b and you’ll receive them early next week!Check out the Trailer: http://bit.ly/ProvocativeTrailer
READ CHAPTER ONE ➜ http://lisareneejones.com/duet

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Amazon UK: https://goo.gl/30ESH1
iBooks: http://bit.ly/ProvocativeiBooks
Nick "Tiger" Rogers is the attorney to have on your side if you want to win. He is the devil you want to stay away from if you have legal issues with one of his clients.
He approaches Faith not on a professional basis, but strictly personal. Is she a murderess? Did she kill his father and her mother? Is she capable? She is an enigma and he is determined to unravel this mystery.
Just like with the Inside/Out series, our author is not giving away the answer. Masterfully written, you are in for a thrilling treat as once again we are submerged in a plot full of greed, murder, art and wine. MONEY is the key. Follow the money and you will find the killer.
I am voluntarily reviewing this title because it is absolutely off the charts thrilling. Thank for a copy of this book.
Book two: SHAMELESS will be out on July 11th!
Amazon US: http://bit.ly/ShamelessAmazon
Amazon UK: http://bit.ly/ShamelessAmazonUK
iBooks: http://bit.ly/ShamelessiBooks

Prize: $100 Amazon gift card
About the Author:

Connect with the Author:
Amazon: http://amzn.to/2kWFra1
Twitter: @LisaReneeJones
Stay in touch with Lisa by joining her mailing list:
Website: http://lisareneejones.com
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