Monday, August 22, 2016

Can love be found after Forty? Or at least sex? THE SEX EDUCATION OF M.E. BY L.B. DUNBAR is now live and not to be missed!


Genre: Contemporary Romance
 Release Date: August 22, 2016

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I’m forty, flabby, and frustrated. Don’t get me wrong, I have a good home, a decent job, and great children. I had a loving marriage for twenty years where we had our ups and downs. It wasn’t perfect; but it wasn’t awful. Then he died. 

After the grief took its course, and the reality of my life set in, I grew frustrated. It wasn’t the bills or the struggle to keep my interest in my work. It was life without a man – the only man I’d been with for twenty years. And before you go all feminist on me, it isn’t that I can’t be an independent woman, but there are certain areas where a man is necessary. 

You need a fuck buddy, my friend said.
I didn’t even know what that meant.
Is it friends with benefits?, I asked.
Better, you don’t even have to be friends, she offered.

Boy, did I need an education in the modern workings of dating, and sex.


A coming-of-an-older-age novel. 
Something new from L.B. Dunbar -- a stand alone!


Consider this, mid-forties widow is trying to date again after twenty years married to one man. Awkward? Different? Only for the brave? Definitely! Having lived myself through something like this, I find this book is real, sensitive, and amazingly refreshing!

What do you do when you are in your forties and have lost your husband of twenty years? I mean, you are still young enough to want sex with a real person, to feel the connection with another human being, to be held and appreciated. Maybe you are no longer looking for forever, but yes, the connection that having sex with a partner can only give you.

The children are almost grown and out of the nest. Their lives are beginning and they are testing their independence. In the meantime, when you get home from work, you miss having another adult in your life to talk to and connect with. This is where Emme finds herself after losing her husband a year ago. Horny? Yes! But how do you go about "dating" again? This is Emme's journey of discovery. After so long, she needs to find herself again and nurture her unattended needs. After all the trials and tribulations of an OK marriage, she feels she has lost herself somewhere along the way. As Emme attempts to reconnect with her inner self and seeks companionship, she is in for a surprise as she comes to terms with how she has lived her life and what she wants for her future.

This is definitely a book for a mature audience. I am not placing an age group here, but definitely over 18. This is a deeply sensitive, thought provoking, and emotional book that will have you evaluating your own life and expectations.

Praise is due to our author who has grown as a writer and has masterfully portrayed the dilemma of mid-life love and sexuality.

Author Bio

L.B. Dunbar loves the original legend of King Arthur. Inspired by this classic tale, she pulled over to the side of the road to take notes when it hit her that if King Arthur lived today, he'd be a rock star. A lover of fairy tales, myths, legends, and anything with happily ever after, she loves to read and write contemporary romance. Her Legendary Rock Stars series is complete with the final tale: The Trials of Guinevere DeGrance, but the story began with The Legend of Arturo King. She also wrote The Sensations Collection, which includes five stand alones based on the five senses in a small town setting near Lake Michigan. Raised on one side of that lake, she grew up in Michigan, but now lives on the other side, in Chicago. Mother to four, wife to the one and only, and teacher to hundreds of former students, she looks forward to sharing more stories in the future.

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