Wednesday, August 26, 2015

The Touch of Betrayal: a SIN & HONEY novella by Taryn Scarlett My Review

The Touch of Betrayal:
a SIN & HONEY novella

Stories from the Bible used to be a cherished way to spend an afternoon on Sundays.  I was raised Catholic and in order to help build a Christian foundation, my grandmother used to give me books to read like the Stories from the Bible, Life Stories of Saints, etc.  This is how I was introduced to the Old Testament, New Testament etc.

I have to admit, it was not without trepidation that I agreed to read this book.  I am very much older now and not in the mood to read those old stories, again!  I have to admit this author's approach to the Bible stories is uniquely entertaining.  She has imbued the stories with life and a touch of history making this book hard to resist.

If you think you know the story of Samson and Delilah... guess again!  The author has woven a story of treachery with lust, greed, and redemption like you never read before.  Definitely recommended!

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