Sunday, February 15, 2015

Broken Lives by Brenda Kennedy Review Tour

Broken Lives
by Brenda Kennedy

Review Tour
GENRE : Soft Romance
RELEASE DATE : February 1, 2015

Emma Greyson thought she had it all, until she was faced with Alec Collins’ ugly past.

While Alec tries to leave the past in the past and move on to the future, his wife, Molly, has other plans for her husband.

After Emma is stalked and taunted by Molly, Alec makes a decision that could change everything.

Will he stay with Emma? Will he leave and be with his wife and the mother of his daughter? Does Alec make the right choice? Only time will tell.

4.5 out of 5 Stars

This is what is called a soft romance novel. If you just want the romance story with no x-rated scenes, this is your genre.

Broken Lives is the sequel to Shattered Dreams.  Our military widow Emma has been raising her son James by herself after losing her husband Max on his last tour of duty.  She is kind, intelligent, a sweetheart to all.  After meeting Alex, they are drawn to each other.  They seem to fit and their love only grows stronger as their two families begin to blend.

When we left Emma and Alec at the end of Shattered Dreams, Molly (Alec's estranged wife-soon-to-be-ex) had just reappeared after a year missing.  Before she left, Molly had been battling her drug addiction.  Now, Alec must face again the fact that Molly is still a drug addict.  How can he protect his daughter Raelynn from her mother's addiction?

Broken Lives deals with Molly's addiction and the impact this has on the entire family. Emma and Alec must make decisions to protect their children, continue to build their own relationship, and not turn their backs on Molly who is in desperate need for their help.

This is a gentle romantic story that will tug at your hearts. A mother's love knows no limits.  No matter how low she has fallen.



First and foremost I am a wife, mother and grandmother.

I am also a nurse and a new author.  

I moved to sunny Florida in 2006 and never looked back. I love fresh squeezed lemonade, crushed ice, teacups, wineglasses, non-franchise restaurants, ice cream cones, boating, picnics, cookouts, throwing parties, lace, white wine, mojitos, strawberry margaritas, white linen tablecloths, fresh flowers and Pinterest. I also love to read and write and to spend time with my family. My books thus far, have been inspired by the things I love and the people who influence me, every single day to be a better person.

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