Friday, August 22, 2014

One Wild Night by Kirsty Moseley | Tour and Giveaway

One Wild Night
by Kirsty Moseley

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****All of the author's profits and royalties from the sale of this ebook will be donated to MacMillan Nurses for the wonderful work that they do.
[Registered charity number 261017]*****
Twelve overgrown man-children, sixteen hours, and a whole lot of liquor. Just how much fun can be had in one night?

Join Nate, Ashton and their friends on a wild night out on the town.

Tears of joy stung my eyes. This was easily one of the best things that had ever happened to me. I was snapping photos like a madman as the Jimmy Meddler walked down the carpeted aisle towards the wrestling ring where we were all standing. I couldn’t breathe properly, and I was seriously making myself look like a punk. Luckily for me, everyone had the same awed expressions as I did; my dad was actually covering his mouth and jumping up and down.
We were in the famous recording studios where my childhood heroes smacked the shit out of each other for our entertainment. I was literally standing in the ring where my heroes had stood, watching as the most incredible wrestler in the world walked towards me. His jet-black hair was covered by a red bandana the same as usual, and a black vest with ‘The Meddler’ was covering his muscled chest. My mouth dropped open in awe as he climbed into the ring, standing there at a mammoth six-feet-eight. At age fifty-nine, he still took my breath away.
When he made a growling sound and tore his shirt in half, throwing it at my feet, I just about lost it. Now it was my turn to scream like a pre-pubescent girl who had just been hugged by Harry Styles. Ashton clapped me on the back, grinning like an idiot. We’d spent many an hour when we were young and stupid trying to re-enact some of this guy’s moves. He probably loved him just as much as I did.

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About the Author
Kirsty Moseley lives in Norfolk, England with her husband and son. After discovering Wattpad, an online writing site, she decided to take the plunge and upload one of her stories on there. Seven million reads later, she then decided to try her hand at publishing. The Boy Who Sneaks in My Bedroom Window was her first novel, published in April 2012. Over two years later, she now has five books under her belt, an international bestselling title and over thirteen hundred five star reviews on Amazon.

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