Thursday, June 26, 2014

Needing Moore Box Set by Julie Richman RELEASE TOUR @JulieARichman


All three Bestselling, Top-Rated Books from The Needing Moore Trilogy by USA Today Bestseller Julie A. Richman, PLUS never before seen BONUS CHAPTERS for each book.

“I have read well over 125 books since I received my kindle last February (2013). That being said, this first book in this series is the BEST book I have read. I am so sorry to say but it has to be said that E L James, Sylvia Day, etc. have nothing on Julie Richman.”

“I loved this story. I could not put it down. Every girl wants a man like Schooner.”

“Did I mention how insanely HOT these two are together? Scorching, fanning myself, hot!!”

“I think this is one of the best series out there, Hookers! It is an amazing story, it is full of emotion, and it is real. The relationships are complex and the characters are unpredictable. Julie will wring you out emotionally and leave you craving Moore!”

“I just finished this book and my heart is pounding! I too am a Facebook friend request away from a past love. This book has you hooked from the first pages! I cried, I laughed and I cheered! Such real characters and a love story that every girl dreams of having.”

“OMG need "moore" Schooner now!!!!!! … I cannot get enough of this story. Every once in a while a book or series comes out that has me salivating at every word and this fits that bill to the tee!”

“This is just writing at its best. It's so witty and the characters are so well written. I could not put this book down!”

“This series is awesome. It just sucks you in and doesn't let you go.”


I lost the love of my life when she disappeared without even a goodbye.

It was the 80’s – there was no internet, no Google, no cell phones.

If you wanted to disappear, you could.

And she did.

She crushed my soul.

A friend just told me he saw her on Facebook.

And now I’m a keystroke away from asking her the question that’s haunted me for two decades.

“Why did you leave me?”

Two decades after she broke his heart, sexy entrepreneur Schooner Moore uncovers the truth and betrayal his life has been built on when he Facebook friend requests college love, Mia Silver. Determined to win Mia’s love once again, Schooner embarks on a life-altering journey that could cost him everything.


Continuing the fight for their happily ever after that began in Searching for Moore, Schooner Moore and Mia Silver struggle to overcome the ghosts and baggage they accumulated during their time apart.

Exploring the missing 24 years when they were separated, Moore to Lose follows Mia's journey from heartbroken teen to kickass businesswoman to her emotional reunion with Schooner and the exploration of the love that was ripped from them.

But is their love really strong enough to overcome the damage of those missing 24 years or will they continue to be ripped apart by pasts that can't be changed?


"You have no idea of what you do to me, Baby Girl."

"It's smoochal."

Is the love they always dreamed of enough?

Continuing the emotional journey of love and betrayal that began on a college campus in Searching for Moore and turned their worlds upside down in Moore to Lose, handsome, California entrepreneur Schooner Moore and sharp and sassy, New York advertising agency owner Mia Silver continue to be confronted with the harsh reality of the remnants from the lives they lived apart for 24 years.

Now, Schooner Moore and Mia Silver face the ultimate challenge - were they really meant to be together or will their pasts continue to tear them apart?

On the heels of the birth of their newborn son, Nathaniel, Schooner and Mia must decide if their love and loyalty to one another is strong enough to learn to grow together as a couple or if the life they always dreamed of sharing was better left as a teenage fantasy.

Searching for Moore -Fall in love with Schooner...that is what I did. He is the most romantic book boyfriend and yet the most exasperating. How could he NOT see what CJ was plotting? All those years wasted with this Barbie Doll wanna-be. You must read this book. I do not want to give anything away, but this is a story that will grab you and will not let you go. Be forewarned... massive, and I mean massive, cliffhanger at the end of this book. Do not despair... book 2 is out now and you will be able to continue reading and not have a heart attack. By the way, this is not your ordinary romance trilogy. This is fine literature at its best!

Moore to Lose - Schooner!!!!!!!!!!!!! You make me so aggravated with you... but I will still love you if you do the right thing!! I feel like I am in labor and the pains are going to last for the next 3 months at least... Must have the last book soon! Loved this book. We get to find out what went on with Mia during those 24 years without Schooner. Julie Richman, you had me in tears during that fated phone call that lasted just long enough for a sad goodbye! No spoilers here! You must read this book. I you loved Searching for Moore, you will just be blown away with Moore to Lose. This is not just another romance trilogy... this is literature at its best!!

Moore Than Forever -When we last closed the chapter on Mia, she was on her way to the hospital, alone in a cab and in labor. I felt so conflicted with Schooner not being there for her, I was crying. These are fictional characters, I kept saying to myself. The problem is that Julie Richman has the gift of writing such real characters, you cannot possibly separate fiction from reality. You become immersed in the story to that extent and a full range of emotions are engaged.  Now the final installment of Mia and Schooner has been be told. If you have been following this series, you will not be disappointed. Like any new couple, Mia and Schooner need to find their balance. With a baby in the mix, this is not so easy to do when the obstacles that separated them before still exist. Schooner needs to settle his personal demons so he can freely love Mia the way she deserves. I have enjoyed this journey. I love the writing, the plotline and the characters who are so real to me. To Julie Richman I say Bravo! You hit this one out of the ballpark, lady! For me, it felt like coming home to a warm fire and the security that is implied in the word HOME. Thank you for sharing this journey with us. It was well worth all the emotions and waiting for the final outcome.

About the Author

I must've been 5 or 6 when I started writing "stories".  I would write them and hide them. Not wanting anyone to see my "secret" thoughts. I needed to write -even back then.  Now I'm just not hiding them anymore.  Is that a sign of maturity?  Nah .... 

Writer, photographer, insatiable wanderluster, edge-player, foodie, music addict, pop culture fanatic, animal lover, warrior for the rights of people and planet, and avid cusser (am a Native New Yorker, so very little offends me ... and if I am offended, it must be pretty freaking bad .. like bad grammar!).

I am big believer in signs and if we keep ourselves open, there are guideposts all along the way. Stay humble. Be true. Be you.

Life is not a dress rehearsal ...


Bad Son Rising
Is he anything like Schooner?

Zac Moore had watched her all weekend. Every move. He knew where she was, who she was talking to, what she was doing. He didn’t even have to look for her to know. He just knew. It was as if he could feel her - like a wave wrapping around him and dragging him to shore, but before it delivered him to safety on the beach, it spun him around, pulling him precariously into its undertow, scraping his nose and cheeks on the rough sand and broken clam shells and then left him gasping for air, disoriented on the shoreline.

What the fuck? He was somewhat annoyed with himself, bothered by this obsession. Girls didn’t interest him in that way. Definitely not how he rolled. Zac Moore did not obsess over the female sex – they obsessed over him. That was the score. Satisfaction was the name of the game. His satisfaction. And when he was done. The encounter was done. It didn’t matter if the other person was done or not. Not his problem. Next …

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