Thursday, May 29, 2014

Review of Love, Lex (The Undergrad Years #1) by Avery Aster

Title: Love, Lex (The Undergrad Years #1)
Author: Avery Aster
Genre:New Adult Contemporary Romance
Length: 218 pages
Release Date:  April 14, 2014

This summer, I’d planned to celebrate my eighteenth birthday in Europe with my fellow Manhattanites—Taddy Brill, Blake Morgan, and Vive Farnworth—until I caught my boyfriend screwing my mother. According to the police report, this vomit-inducing incident happened around the same time I’d supposedly blown-up my mother’s penthouse. Like I’m walking around Soho with a stick of dynamite in my Louis Vuitton purse—not! Now, my besties and I are in jail.

Officer Ford Gotti, the Harley-wheelin’ biker cop who arrested us, keeps sticking his perfectly-sculpted nose into my case. His inked body is jacked like a superhero, and he says I can trust him. He wants me to fess up. I won’t. Not again. Why should I? My friends and I had a previous stint in juvie that nearly destroyed us. I gotta protect them and keep my mouth shut. Right? —Lex Easton, women’s studies major, motorcycle enthusiast, and virgin.

The Undergrad Years is a New Adult contemporary miniseries about first loves, independence, and everlasting friendships.

Reader warning: Contains mature content intended for readers 17 and up.

Swag and reader contests can be found on Avery’s blog at:

Interact with Avery while reading this story on Instagram and Twitter @AveryAster using the hashtags #UndergradYears #NewAdult.

If you are a fan of Avery Aster's series The Manhattanites, this book is a must read. If you have not discovered this series yet and you love reading New Adult and Erotic Romance stories... what are you waiting for? The Manhattanites and the Undergrad Series are DEFINITELY for readers over 18 years of age!

These stories deal with 3 friends - Lex, Vive and Taddy - raised in opulence, privilege, and very dysfunctional families. One more friend completes this band of friends - Blake - who has terrific, supportive parents, but he is gay and just out of the closet. Their teenage years were difficult and full of serious obstacles. Through it all, their pact to be forever friends holds them together with each others support. They are not complete without all four of them holding tight. And the obstacles just keep on coming!

Our author has a unique approach to these characters. I can only describe it as "tongue in cheek with empathy". The writing style is lighthearted with an undercurrent of the horror of growing up with famous or rich selfish parents. These characters have actually helped each other learn about life and mature. Sometimes their influence on each other has proven to get them in more trouble than they bargained for. Through this bizarre learning process, they are hanging in there by their nails, always looking to do better and dealing with the pressures and results of their decisions the best way they know how... some with alcohol, others with drugs, and mostly with sex.

In The Undergrad Series, we come to find out how each of our characters was initiated in the ways of love and life. This first installment will keep you riveted as you experience Lex's 18th birthday and the events that made that birthday one she will never forget.

About the Author
Hello my Goodreads friends!
I'm a New Yorker who lives on the Upper East Side. I write THE MANHATTANITES, a contemporary romantic soap opera of full length, stand alone novels, and it's juicy prequel companion series THE UNDERGRAD YEARS.

I'd love to connect with you!

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Other Books Available in The Undergrad Series:

The Manhattanites Series:



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