Friday, March 21, 2014

Review of Craved (Adam & Ella #4) by Emily Jane Trent

Title: Craved (Adam & Ella #4)
Author: Emily Jane Trent
Genre: Erotic Romance / Suspense
Length: 212 pages
Release Date: February 26, 2014

Adam & Ella’s fairytale wedding in Brazil suddenly turns into a nightmare. Before they can leave on their honeymoon, old enemies resurface, threatening their joy.

“Unmoving, Adam read it again. And again. No, it couldn’t be. His pulse pounded and his heart fell, the peace he’d known instantly shattered by several ill-constructed sentences. The tone was threatening and held added horror in the jagged, oddly arranged paper letters. The demand was clear: You will pay.”

Adam will do everything in his power to rescue her from their evil grip. But can he get there in time? Will his brilliance save the woman he craves, or will she be a victim of violence and greed?

Craved is the fast-paced, heart-pounding conclusion to Adam & Ella’s romance. You won't be able to put it down!

The look in his eyes matched the mood his attire conveyed: lustful. Which was precisely how Ella felt. “You look…” Ella stopped, mouth open, unable to come up with a description that fit the image of masculinity standing before her. A bare hint of a smile turned the corners of his mouth, and his amber eyes gleamed. Adam took a step closer, and Ella’s heart pounded.“Amore mia,” he said. “You look amazing.”The kiss he gave her nearly made her forget they were on the way to dinner.

If you have been following the love affair between Adam and Ella, you will find this last installment of the series a heart-pounding, thrilling, passionate delight.

I keep wishing these two characters a happy future. They have been through so much already. Now that their wedding day is upon them, I was hoping things would have settled down. No such luck! Adam is so rich, and there are so many evil people that have placed obstacles in their path, it is time to deal with these enemies and resolve these threats once and for all.

When Adam opens the letter threatening Ella a week before their wedding, my heart felt for him. He has been so smart so far... but this threat against Ella has shaken him to his core.

When all proceeds as planned and finally the wedding day arrives, I was cheering. They get to have their wedding night and a couple of days to relax at last. The threats have them on edge, but it is just wonderful they can enjoy their new status as Mr and Mrs. But this is not to last for long... I will not spoil the plot with spoilers. Let it suffice that the sexy scenes are the calm before the storm so to speak. The rest of the story will keep you at the edge of your seat, with your heart pounding away. Even Adam is not sure how he is going to resolve the threats and dangers in the story. Enjoy the ride to this unforgettable conclusion of Adam and Ella's story.

Adam and Ella Series

About the Author

Emily Jane Trent is a true romantic at heart. She writes steamy romantic stories about characters you'll get to know and love. If you like a love story with sex scenes that sizzle and a story that involves you both intellectually and emotionally, you'll find her books are for you.

She is also published in an iBook called Vixotica, a collection of erotic short stories by several best-selling authors. A Masquerade bonus story, Passion Ignited, is available in the iBook.

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