Wednesday, December 26, 2018


In this lifetime there is one person who will own you, who will know you, who will understand you like no one else could possibly understand you. That person for me is Carrie. I didn't want to love her. I didn't want to need her. But now that she's my world, no one is going to take her from me. Yet the minute I propose, that's exactly what the universe tries to do. It tries to take her from me. My father and the many enemies my life as my father's son has created wants to take her from me. They'll be sorry they tired. She's mine. All Mine. And everyone, including Carrie, is going to know.

Reid pulls me close, his fingers tunneling into my hair before he says, “Ever fucked in a limo, baby?” and before I can answer, his mouth closes down on mine and he’s crazy, hot kissing me. “Well?” Reid challenges, his lips parting mine after a scorching kiss. “Have you ever fucked in a limo?” “No,” I say, my hand flattening on his really hard and perfect chest, while my sex clenches in denial of my rejection about to follow. “I have not and I’m not starting now. Have you?” “No,” he says. “Which makes it all the better that I do it with you. The only woman I plan to ever fuck again in this lifetime.” He kisses me and his hand slides under my shirt and over my breast. “We paid a lot of money for this private limo,” he says. “Let’s enjoy it.” “We?” I ask, catching his hand under my shirt but it does no good to stop him. His fingers shove down the lace of my bra. “Yes. We. What’s mine is yours and just to be clear, you’re mine now.” He latches onto my nipple with his fingers and I moan with the sweet friction. “Reid,” I whisper huskily. “More, baby?” He rolls me to my back onto the long leather seat and then comes down on top of me. “You want my mouth on your nipple?” “Stop,” I warn, clenching my thighs to no avail. His big body is separating them, and both of us have a leg dangling off the seat. “We can’t—” He kisses me again, a deep, drugging kiss, while his hand squeezes my breast, and his thick cock nestles against my sex. I moan and he presses his cheek to mine, his lips at my ear. “I do believe you need my mouth on your nipple right now.” “Reid,” I hiss, but it’s too late. He’s dragging my shirt up and over my head, tossing it aside and almost immediately his mouth is on one of my nipples, suckling, and licking. “What if—” He kisses me. “I paid for privacy.” I push on his chest. “We’re in Japan. How do you know you really paid for privacy?” “It’s Japan, baby. They respect agreements here, more than Americans.” He kisses me again and his hand slides around my backside, squeezing and lifting me against him. “Maybe I should spank you right here.” “No!” I say urgently, shoving on his chest again. “Not a chance in hell.” He laughs low and sexy. “But I can fuck you?” “Are you really trying to negotiate right now?” I challenge. “I’m just trying to get inside my future wife.” He strokes a lock of hair from my face, his expression softening, his voice tender now. “Wife, Carrie. I never thought I’d call anyone that. I never thought I’d want anyone like that.” My heart squeezes. “Husband,” I whisper. “From asshole to husband. I never—” “You changed me, Carrie. You. Just you. And I need you to know that I will protect you. That I will never hurt you.” My fingers splay on his cheek and I know he’s thinking of the girlfriend that gave up her life for him. “Reid, you can’t walk around afraid for me. That’s not living.” “I will protect you,” he promises, his tone guttural, as if I haven’t even spoken, his mouth covering mine in a deep kiss, before he returns to my nipple, this time I don’t fight the pleasure. He needs this right now. Maybe I do, too. I arch into the intimate touch of his lips, his tongue, into the taut pull of his teeth against my nipple. My fingers dive into his blond hair but he moves down my body, his lips on my belly, his tongue flickering into my belly button even as he unsnaps my jeans. This jolts me and I grab his hand, lifting my head to look at him. “Are you sure we’re safe in here?” Those beautiful blue eyes of his meet mine. “I promise, baby. No one will interrupt us.” “You’re sure?” “I promise and—” “You never break a promise,” I say, stopping him there. “That’s a very marrying quality, by the way.” His lips, those brutally sexy lips, curve. “Good to know. Trust me now, Carrie.” Trust him. There is a question in his eyes, a roughness to his voice. He proposed, but on the heels of so many opportunities for me to question him. This appeal to “trust him now” isn’t about sex in a limo. It’s about so much more. “I do trust you,” I say, and my voice isn’t a whisper, just a tremble of emotion spoken quite clearly. He studies me for several long beats and then tugs my jeans down, taking the tiny strip of silk I’m wearing with them, with my shoes following. I barely have time to process just how vulnerable I am before Reid pulls his shirt over his head. “So you know you’re never naked alone, not again. Not ever.” Emotion wells in my chest and he is already on top of me, kissing me, his cheek pressing to mine as he whispers, “I love you.” “I love you, too,” I whisper back, only to have him slide down my body again.

You would think that now that Reid and Carrie are together the rest would be easy.  For Reid, telling Carrie he loved her and wanted to spend the rest of his life with her was a huge step.  Now if only they could just live and love each other, would the rest of the problems just go away?

Talk about pressure!  Two fathers that hate each other to the death.  Past enemies that will not let go their hatred.  All this while adjusting to living as a couple is a lot to take in. 

Secrets are shared.  Old demons are faced.  A merger of two lives and the ripples from that decision are but a few of the obstacles Reid and Carrie face.

This is the conclusion of their story and it is a wonderful and entertaining story.  Not to be missed!

I am voluntarily reviewing this book.  Thanks to the author for sharing a copy with me.

New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Lisa Renee Jones is the author of the highly acclaimed INSIDE OUT series. In addition to the success of Lisa's INSIDE OUT series, she has published many successful titles. The TALL, DARK AND DEADLY series and THE SECRET LIFE OF AMY BENSEN series, both spent several months on a combination of the New York Times and USA Today bestselling lists. Lisa is also the author of the bestselling WHITE LIES and LILAH LOVE series. Prior to publishing Lisa owned multi-state staffing agency that was recognized many times by The Austin Business Journal and also praised by the Dallas Women's Magazine. In 1998 Lisa was listed as the #7 growing women owned business in Entrepreneur Magazine.

Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Today we are celebrating the release of ROOM MATE by Katie Ashley. This is a standalone, contemporary romance title that is available now to read for FREE in KindleUnlimited.

Check out the blurb and links below.

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ROOM MATE by Katie Ashley

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From the time I was a kid, I knew I wanted a job helping people. After serving in the Rifles regiment of the British Army, I focused my civilian career on becoming a bodyguard to the rich and famous. For a Cockney Brit, I never imagined a twist of fate landing me a position in the United States Secret Service and protecting the President’s son. But then my boss made an unexpected request: leave my current placement to move in with his only daughter to give an added layer of protection against the threats she had been receiving. I’d never lived with a woman who was off-limits to me. It wasn’t just that Caroline had a boyfriend. She was my best friend’s sister, and my boss’s daughter. But the longer we’re in such close quarters together, the greater the temptation grows, but I know I'll lose everything if I pursue her. Growing up as the only girl and with two overbearing older brothers, I’m no stranger to being overprotected. Just as I finished up college and prepared to truly dip my toes into the adult world, my father was elected President of the United States, which added a whole new level of protection with the Secret Service team attached to me. Just when I thought I couldn’t possibly be more smothered, I began receiving threats, and my family decided it wasn’t enough to just have an agent living down the hall from me. Nope, I was to have one move in with me, and not just any agent, but Ty Frasier—my brother, Barrett’s best friend, and my brother, Ty’s, head agent. While most women would enjoy living with a sexy, buff Brit, having a roommate threw a wrench into all my plans. Especially when I began noticing Ty was so much more than a hot guy.


After we spent a considerable amount of time perusing the aisles of the Piggly Wiggly, Caroline was finally finished, and we made our way to the checkout. In true small town fashion, she struck up a conversation with the middle-aged cashier. While she appeared utterly charming, I probably came off as an ass because I kept looking around and narrowing my eyes at anyone who might look suspicious. Especially the male middle-aged cashier who seemed utterly enthralled by Caroline.
At the sight of us coming out the mechanized doors, Stuart began easing the SUV closer to our place on the curb. After popping the hatch, Caroline wheeled the cart over to the back of the SUV. Just as I was about to start helping her with the bags, I heard a shout behind me. “Hey! Come back here.”
Whirling around, I saw a man waving wildly at Caroline. “Fuck! Assailant!” Stuart shouted.
I shoved myself between the man and Caroline, shielding her from him. Grabbing her by the waist, I hoisted her up and threw her in the back of the SUV. “Omph!” she cried as her body bounced on the carpeting of the hatch. After slamming the door, I stepped back just as Stuart screeched away from the curb.
Now that I knew Caroline was safe, I turned my attention back to the man. Hurling myself at him, I took him down to the curb. “What are you doing?” he demanded.
“Stay down. I’m calling the police.”
“The police? But what did I do?”
“You’ve been harassing the President’s daughter.”
“I just came out to give her the coupons she forgot.”
He nodded. “Look in my right hand.”
After rocking back on my knees, I grabbed his arm and pried the contents out of his hand. Once I unraveled it, I grimaced. “Son of a bitch.”
I had completely and utterly misread the situation. Speaking into my microphone, I said, “Stuart, it’s a false alarm.”
“Are you fucking kidding me?” he blared into my ear.
“No, I’m not.”
“We’re headed back.”
I figured then it was past time for me to get off the man. I rose to my feet before reaching down to help him up. I brushed off his white shirt I had accidentally dirtied when I knocked him to the ground. Upon closer inspection, I saw the nametag on his shirt. “Sheldon, I’m terribly sorry for my actions.”
He narrowed his brown eyes at me. “I think it’s me who needs to be calling the police.”
“That won’t be necessary.” Reaching into my pocket, I fished out my badge. As I flashed it at him, I said, “Agent Fraser with the U.S. Secret Service.”
His eyes bulged before he gasped. “Wait, that was President Callahan’s daughter?”
“Yes, sir, it was. I hope you can understand that we take the safety of the president’s children very seriously, and upon first reflection, it appeared you might’ve been preparing to harm Ms. Callahan.”
“Oh, no. I would never want to do that. I voted for her dad. Never thought I’d vote for an Independent, but he won me over.”
“I’m happy to hear that, sir. I certainly hope this unfortunate incident won’t in anyway skew your views on him.”
He waved a hand dismissively at me. “No, no. I understand. More than that, I can’t wait to go home and tell my wife that Caroline Callahan came into my store today.”
For my sake, I hoped he left out the part where a Secret Service agent mowed him down because he thought Piggly Wiggly coupons were a weapon. Once the other agents found out about this, I was going to catch hell in the form of their constant ribbing. At least Stuart would be going down with me. He’d made the assumption to start with.
After Stuart drove up, he made quick work of putting the SUV in park and opening the hatch. I hopped off the curb and went over to the back. Caroline sat with her knees pulled against her chest. When she pursed her lips at me, I held up my hands. “I’m sorry. It was a false alarm.”
“That’s what Stuart said.”
“We can never be too careful.”
An amused look twinkled in her blue eyes. “Apparently not when we find grocery cashiers a threat to my safety.”
“He appeared to have a weapon in his hand, and he was shouting at you,” I argued.
“I believe the weapon turned out to be coupons.”
Man, she was really on my dick about this one. Shit. I should never think of Caroline on my dick in any form or fashion. It was just too wrong. “Yes, the weapon turned out to be your coupons.”
I extended my hand to her. “Come on and get out, so we can load the groceries up and get the hell out of here.”
After I helped Caroline slide out of the back, she started helping me load the bags. “Should I go inside and offer an autograph to smooth things over? This is the closest grocery store to the apartment, so I’d hate to not ever be able to come here again because you clothes-lined a guy.”
“I didn’t clothes-line him. I merely took him down as part of protocol.”
“I’d say you lost your calling in football, that’s for sure.”

Previous titles in the series

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About the Author

Katie Ashley is a New York Times, USA Today, and Amazon Best-Selling author of both Indie and Traditionally published books. She lives outside of Atlanta, Georgia with her daughter, Olivia, and her spoiled mutt, Duke. She has a slight obsession with Pinterest, The Golden Girls, Shakespeare, Harry Potter, Star Wars, and Scooby-Doo.
With a BA in English, a BS in Secondary English Education, and a Masters in Adolescent English Education, she spent eleven years teaching both middle and high school English, as well as a few adjunct college English classes. As of January 2013, she hung up her red pen and expo markers to become a full-time writer. Each and every day she counts her blessings to be able to do her dream job.
Although her roots are firmly planted in the red Georgia clay, she loves traveling the country and world to meet readers and hang out with fellow authors. When she’s not writing or chasing down her toddler, you might find her watching reruns of The Golden Girls, reading historical biographies, along with romance novels, or spending way too much time on Facebook.
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When POTUS says you need extra protection because you have a stalker no one dares to say no. Caroline loves her Dad but living in her new West Virginia apartment with a Secret Service Agent who is a Greek God made man is going to be tricky!
She is independent and he is overprotective, yet somehow, they become friends. Living together is not easy... especially when you have to share a shower! This is when rules come in handy. So whoever said rules were made to be broken?
Amazing suspenseful and romantic story which will leave you smiling!
I am voluntarily reviewing this book. Thanks to the author for sharing a copy with me.

Today we are celebrating the release of YOURS AFTER DARK.

Yours After Dark is part of the Gansett Island series by Marie Force. Check out the purchase links, blurb and teaser for the book below.


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YOURS AFTER DARK (Gansett Island, #20) by Marie Force

Available Now!

Book Blurb:

He didn’t believe in love at first sight… Until it happened to him.
Finn McCarthy, the youngest of the McCarthy cousins, is at a crossroads. As the lease on his Gansett Island rental comes to an end, he’s making plans to return to his “real” life on the mainland. He’s enjoyed the nearly two years on Gansett with his boisterous fun-loving family, but it’s time to get back to the life he put on hold when he came to the island for his cousin’s wedding—and never left. With renovations to the Wayfarer, the family’s latest business endeavor, all but completed and the grand opening slated for Memorial Day weekend, the time is right to make a move. That is until he stops by the local salon for a quick trim that turns his life plan upside down…
Chloe Dennis, owner of the Curl Up and Dye Salon, is about to close the shop after another ordinary day when Finn McCarthy walks in and turns the ordinary into the extraordinary. Holy hotness! How has she never met the youngest of the McCarthys, and now that she has met him, why is it that she runs into him everywhere she goes?
Despite the undeniable sizzle of attraction between Finn and Chloe, she is dealing with life-changing news that makes her reluctant to get involved with anyone, let alone a man who plans to leave the island for good in two short weeks. Finn can’t understand why he reacts to Chloe the way he does or why she won’t give him a chance to see what they could be. When she makes it clear that it’s not going to happen between them, what else can he do but go forward with his plan to pack up and leave at the end of the month? Unless the push-pull of undeniable desire makes them forget the many reasons why this could be a bad idea…
Return to Gansett Island for another visit with all the series regulars and to find out if Finn and Chloe can overcome the obstacles that stand between them and the possibility of true love. Catch up with Mac, Maddie, Adam, Abby, Riley, Nikki, Blaine and Tiffany, attend Shane and Katie’s wedding, and find out what happens when Blaine’s troubled brother Deacon comes to the island. Get ready for another hot, sexy summer on Gansett Island!





Marie Force is the New York Times bestselling author of more than 50 contemporary romances, including the Gansett Island Series, which has sold more than 3 million books, and the Fatal Series from Harlequin Books, which has sold 1.5 million books. In addition, she is the author of the Butler, Vermont Series, the Green Mountain Series and the erotic romance Quantum Series, written under the slightly modified name of M.S. Force. All together, her books have sold more than 5.5 million copies worldwide! Her goals in life are simple—to finish raising two happy, healthy, productive young adults, to keep writing books for as long as she possibly can and to never be on a flight that makes the news. Join Marie's mailing list for news about new books and upcoming appearances in your area. Follow her on Facebook, Twitter @marieforce and on Instagram. Join one of Marie's many reader groups. Contact Marie at


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Thursday, December 20, 2018

ReWined, Volume 3 by Kim Karr is available now!

ReWined, Volume 3 

by Kim Karr 

is available now! 

FREE with #KindleUnlimited

There are three guaranteed ways to ruin a perfectly unstable marriage...
  1. Tell your beautiful new bride she's the devil
  2. Tie one on and don't come home.
  3. Oh, and let's not forget, uncover family secrets that rock both your worlds.
I really need a rewind because now my temporary wife is pissed as hell and wants a quickie divorce. Wooing her is my plan. Sending flowers, writing love notes, and even serenading her are some of the sure-fire methods I learned from watching her favorite romantic comedies. In all of those films, one grand gesture leads to the woman falling at her man's feet cueing sappy music and epic make-up sex. Too bad my girl isn't following the script. Short of riding in on a white horse, I'm at a loss of how to win her back. Unless...
Every girl dreams of a Prince Charming. Right? Well, I can redefine myself and turn this party boy into one. She insists it's impossible. I disagree.***This is the final volume in the Party Ever After series.***

Ty is in so much trouble!  It started when Paris found her nemesis at his apartment.  He was passed out and drunk, but really!  Now he is in for it.  Paris is not about to expose her heart to further hurt.  Their relationship is now strictly business and nothing more.

From Ty's POV, it was only a little mistake.  He was just drunk.  He did not know his friend Christian was entertaining Sophie at his apartment.  Why can't he catch a break!  Now he has to go back to square one and pull all the stops to regain Paris's trust.

Serenading does not work.  Flowers do not work.  Flattery does not work.  Therefore, his normal charm the pants off the girls approach will not work.  What is a guy to do?

Charming and entertaining, this book was delightful!

I am voluntarily reviewing this book.  Thanks to the author for sharing a copy with me.

ReWined, Volume I by Kim Karr is available NOW! "Run to your nearest amazon for your own Tyler - this one is MINE!!!!" - BJ's Book Blog

ONLY 99c or FREE with #KindleUnlimited


ReWined, Volume 2 by Kim Karr is available now!

Amazon ⇢
FREE with #KindleUnlimited



About the Author: Reader * Chocolate Lover * Writer * Coffee Lover * Romantic * Beach Lover * Yoga Beginner Kim Karr is a New York Times & USA Today bestselling author of eighteen novels. Best known for writing sexy contemporary love stories, she enjoys bringing flawed characters to life and creating romances that are page worthy. Her stories are raw, real, and explosive. Her characters will make you laugh, make you cry, make you feel. And her happily-ever-afters are always swoon worthy. From the brooding rock star to the arrogant millionaire to the Football Player. From the witty damsel-in-distress to the sassy high-powered businesswoman to the boutique owner. No two storylines are ever alike. If Kim’s not writing, you can find her wandering through antique stores with her husband, trying out new fitness classes with her sons, venturing out to new coffee shops with her daughter, or with her nose stuck in a book. 

Washed Up Royal by Kim Karr is your next MUST READ!

Releasing on January 4th, you won't want to miss this royal sensation!

A simple notification turns my world upside down... The tabloids are reporting, I’ve taken the crown and run. Not entirely true. As you might have guessed, I’m not an ordinary girl and I don’t lead an ordinary life, But that doesn’t mean I always follow the rules. This time, though, I feel compelled to obey. Which means I have to find a king, To sit alongside my throne, Or lose it all. With only the clothes on my back, I head to the land of majestic playboys, Where a royal rebel strides right into my life. With his sultry eyes and sinful lips, He turns my world right-side up. The press is calling him washed up. I think he’s anything but. Gorgeous, sexy, irresistible, And utterly charming, He’s exactly what I’m looking for. Everything is almost too perfect, Too easy. Until I discover, This hot-blooded royal has a reason for being here. And it’s more than just me. That thing I said about easy, Turns out… Nothing ever is. My royal rebel has a name, It’s Prince Adrien Laurent. This is our story.
About the Author: Reader * Chocolate Lover * Writer * Coffee Lover * Romantic * Beach Lover * Yoga Beginner Kim Karr is a New York Times & USA Today bestselling author of eighteen novels. Best known for writing sexy contemporary love stories, she enjoys bringing flawed characters to life and creating romances that are page worthy. Her stories are raw, real, and explosive. Her characters will make you laugh, make you cry, make you feel. And her happily-ever-afters are always swoon worthy. From the brooding rock star to the arrogant millionaire to the Football Player. From the witty damsel-in-distress to the sassy high-powered businesswoman to the boutique owner. No two storylines are ever alike. If Kim’s not writing, you can find her wandering through antique stores with her husband, trying out new fitness classes with her sons, venturing out to new coffee shops with her daughter, or with her nose stuck in a book. Link with Kim! Website: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Goodreads: Amazon: Newsletter:

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Today we are sharing some teasers for YOURS AFTER DARK, the next Gansett Island novel from Marie Force.

 Check out the pre-order links, blurb and teasers for the book below.


Apple Books: 

Signed copy from Marie’s Store: 
Barnes & Noble:

 YOURS AFTER DARK (Gansett Island, #20) by Marie Force

Coming December 25!

Book Blurb:

He didn’t believe in love at first sight… Until it happened to him.
Finn McCarthy, the youngest of the McCarthy cousins, is at a crossroads. As the lease on his Gansett Island rental comes to an end, he’s making plans to return to his “real” life on the mainland. He’s enjoyed the nearly two years on Gansett with his boisterous fun-loving family, but it’s time to get back to the life he put on hold when he came to the island for his cousin’s wedding—and never left. With renovations to the Wayfarer, the family’s latest business endeavor, all but completed and the grand opening slated for Memorial Day weekend, the time is right to make a move. That is until he stops by the local salon for a quick trim that turns his life plan upside down…
Chloe Dennis, owner of the Curl Up and Dye Salon, is about to close the shop after another ordinary day when Finn McCarthy walks in and turns the ordinary into the extraordinary. Holy hotness! How has she never met the youngest of the McCarthys, and now that she has met him, why is it that she runs into him everywhere she goes?
Despite the undeniable sizzle of attraction between Finn and Chloe, she is dealing with life-changing news that makes her reluctant to get involved with anyone, let alone a man who plans to leave the island for good in two short weeks. Finn can’t understand why he reacts to Chloe the way he does or why she won’t give him a chance to see what they could be. When she makes it clear that it’s not going to happen between them, what else can he do but go forward with his plan to pack up and leave at the end of the month? Unless the push-pull of undeniable desire makes them forget the many reasons why this could be a bad idea…
Return to Gansett Island for another visit with all the series regulars and to find out if Finn and Chloe can overcome the obstacles that stand between them and the possibility of true love. Catch up with Mac, Maddie, Adam, Abby, Riley, Nikki, Blaine and Tiffany, attend Shane and Katie’s wedding, and find out what happens when Blaine’s troubled brother Deacon comes to the island. Get ready for another hot, sexy summer on Gansett Island!





Marie Force is the New York Times bestselling author of more than 50 contemporary romances, including the Gansett Island Series, which has sold more than 3 million books, and the Fatal Series from Harlequin Books, which has sold 1.5 million books. In addition, she is the author of the Butler, Vermont Series, the Green Mountain Series and the erotic romance Quantum Series, written under the slightly modified name of M.S. Force. All together, her books have sold more than 5.5 million copies worldwide! Her goals in life are simple—to finish raising two happy, healthy, productive young adults, to keep writing books for as long as she possibly can and to never be on a flight that makes the news. Join Marie's mailing list for news about new books and upcoming appearances in your area. Follow her on Facebook, Twitter @marieforce and on Instagram. Join one of Marie's many reader groups. Contact Marie at


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Monday, December 17, 2018

Pretty Little Player, a sexy, new standalone from New York Times bestselling author J. Kenner, is available now!

Pretty Little Player RB banner.jpg

PLP-full wrap-promo use only.jpg

Bedroom games are fine … but I need a woman who won’t play with my heart.
After years in the military, I’ve faced down a lot of things, and there’s not much I shy away from. Except relationships. Because when you catch your wife in bed with another man, that tends to sour even the most hardened man against women.
When I was hired to keep surveillance on a woman with a checkered past, I went into the job anticipating the worst. But what I found was a woman who turned my head. Who made my blood heat and my body burn. A woman who made me feel alive again.
A woman who was nothing like what I expected, but everything I wanted. A woman who, it turned out, needed my protection. And wanted my touch.
And as the world fell out from under us, and everything I thought I knew shifted, there was only one reality I could hold onto—that the more I got to know her, the more I wanted her.
But if I’m going to make her mine, I’ll have to not only keep her safe, I’ll have to prove to her that I’ve conquered my own fears and doubts. That I’m done looking into the past, and that all I want is a future—with her.
Download your copy today!
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About J. Kenner
Kenner (aka Julie Kenner) is the New York Times, USA Today, Publishers Weekly, Wall Street Journal and #1 International bestselling author of over one hundred novels, novellas and short stories in a variety of genres. Though known primarily for her award-winning and international bestselling erotic romances (including the Stark and Most Wanted series) that have reached as high as #2 on the New York Times bestseller list, JK has been writing full time for over a decade in a variety of genres including paranormal and contemporary romance, “chicklit” suspense, urban fantasy, and paranormal mommy lit. JK has been praised by Publishers Weekly as an author with a “flair for dialogue and eccentric characterizations” and by RT Bookclub for having “cornered the market on sinfully attractive, dominant antiheroes and the women who swoon for them.” A six time finalist for Romance Writers of America’s prestigious RITA award, JK took home the first RITA trophy awarded in the category of erotic romance in 2014 for her novel, Claim Me (book 2 of her Stark Trilogy) and in 2017 for Wicked Dirty in the same category. Her Demon Hunting Soccer Mom series (as Julie Kenner) is currently in development as a television show. Her books have sold over three million copies and are published in over twenty languages. In her previous career as an attorney, JK worked as a clerk on the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals, and practiced primarily civil, entertainment and First Amendment litigation in Los Angeles and Irvine, California, as well as in Austin, Texas. She currently lives in Central Texas, with her husband, two daughters, and two rather spastic cats.
Connect with Julie
Stay up to date with J. Kenner by joining her mailing list:

Cayden no longer trusts women or love for that matter. His ex-wife Vivien cheated on him and he caught in the act! Now, except for hook-ups, Cayden will not allow any woman in his life on a permanent basis.

Running a security company has its perks. He still gets to take on jobs investigating women that may be cheating on their partners. Following this woman named Gracie and testing her to see if she is a cheater is definitely a perk. She is a gorgeous woman! Tempting her to see if she will cheat on her fiance does not thrill him, but it is definitely stimulating to see how far she will go.

All is not as it seems. As Cayden and Gracie bond, something does not feel right. Is she a cheater or is his client a liar? This woman is driving him crazy!

Entertaining and witty, this is a book to read in one sitting.

I am voluntarily reviewing this book. Thanks to the author for sharing a copy with me.
