Monday, August 31, 2015

Touched by You by Emily Jane Trent ***STEAMY ALPHA MALE ROMANCE*** Why not start reading this series at a special price? #99cents @EmilyJaneTrent

Touched by You 
by Emily Jane Trent


Why not start reading this series at a special price?

4 book set $0.99!

"Masterfully written..." 
A story of desire too powerful to control. 

Check out the video at:

Touched By You Boxed Set

Books 1 – 4

Sexy billionaire, Tanner Clarke, knows he is bad for Natalie.

Natalie Baker, a young aspiring fashion designer, loves him from the moment she meets him. Even Tanner’s possessive alpha male, domineering ways don’t make her give up on the only man she will ever love. Tanner and Natalie’s international romance unfolds over 12 novellas in the Touched By You sensual romance series. Each book is a different stage in the relationship, a sensual romance filled with twists and turns.

NEW OFFER: The first 4 books available in a boxed set. They were the original story, and have a happy ending. But don’t be surprised if you want to read all 12. This new adult steamy romance will make you believe in true love!

Dark Desire (Touched By You #1)

Natalie Baker has an unforgettable sexual encounter with wealthy hero, Tanner Clarke. The passion between them ignites a flame that can’t be put out. She discovers her dark desire, and her life will never be the same in this seductive romance.

“There was something in his face. She couldn’t think the thought she grasped for. His skin was pale, and she got the impression he wasn’t out in the sun much. His baby blue eyes were so bright, they appeared luminous. And his dark brown hair shimmered with auburn highlights, here under the blaring brightness of the lobby. He was just beautiful. She’d never known a man could be beautiful, but he definitely was.”

Naked Submission (Touched By You #2)

Can Natalie submit to Tanner? The sex is hot. But she doesn’t understand her own desires anymore. Good or bad, she cannot leave the only man that can make her feel that way. Her submission affects Tanner, deeply. But will he admit to love?

“Natalie felt the heat of desire flood her body. She wanted to tell him he couldn’t bully her, but was unable to look at him, without wanting him. If he touched her, she wouldn’t be able to deny him. She thought of many things she could say. Instead, she just stood there, looking into his blue eyes, and feeling her body melt.”

The Heart’s Domination (Touched By You #3)

Natalie gave her body, but he took her heart. Does she have his? Will her love be enough for both of them? The sex gets hotter, and Tanner just might get burned.

“A white rose lay on the table beside Natalie. Swept up in the moment, Tanner had purchased the single rose from a street vendor, and presented it to her with a gallant bow. The gift signified the magic of their time together, a fairytale she never wanted to end. He didn’t only dominate her body, he dominated her heart. Alone and relaxed, looking out at the view, Natalie felt like she was in a storybook setting. Tanner chatted, and they laughed together, about silly things. Nothing that was important. He was just like any man one might fall in love with. Yet, he wasn’t.”

Bound By Love (Touched By You #4)

Natalie’s submission has Tanner’s desire spiraling out of control. She’s in touch with sexual pleasures she never dreamed of, and can’t imagine life without him. Tanner admits to his obsession with Natalie, but is that all it is?

“I never met a woman I crave, like I crave you. It’s not so much what we do, as how we do it. There are no words. It’s different with you. You excite me, and sometimes I fear I will lose control,” Tanner admitted. A desperate look came over his normally reserved features, and Natalie stopped breathing.


About the Author

Emily Jane Trent is a true romantic at heart. She writes steamy romantic stories about characters you'll get to know and love. If you like a love story with sex scenes that sizzle and a story that involves you both intellectually and emotionally, you'll find her books are for you.

Emily writes romance that brings out the depth of the characters and leads you to the happy ending - but not without emotional roller coasters along the way. You can find details as well as other insight into this author at her blog:

Hell's Flower By S.L. Schiefer & Jen Cousineau My Review Re-Post

Hell's Flower

By S.L. Schiefer & Jen Cousineau

Cover designed by Ginger Andrews from 

Release Date: August 25, 2015
Release Day Facebook Party Event:

Two people. That's how it usually starts right? I grew up believing one thing, only for one day to completely mess up everything I've ever been taught. Was I a good girl? No, not by any means. But, the world I'm about to be thrown into is unlike anything I've ever known.

Multiple people. I live for club life. As the President of the Hell's Storm MC I protect my brothers at all costs, and they do the same for me. After a rival club killed what was mine, I vowed to live in as many chicks as possible. Never tasting the same one twice. But, all it takes is that one look to completely bring a man, even me, to my knees.

Two people. Brought up on different sides of the tracks. Two different paths in life. Both will be tested, taken to the very edge of darkness that threatens to consume them both. Will they be able to withstand the heat of hell? Or will they fight to death and lose themselves?

**Content Warning: This book is rated for mature audiences 18+ only.

Hell's Flower has a Facebook Group. If you want to be a part of the fun go and request to join, we’d love to have you!:

Take a tough girl who is dedicated to her dad and his repair shop.  Throw her in  with a motorcycle club Prez who has instant chemistry for her.  Stir them up thoroughly and you have a love story that is raw and entertaining.

Raven is the ultimate independent girl.  Having lost her mother to a drug overdose, her dad is the center of her world.  Secrets are never good and when she finds out her dad's secrets, it takes her understanding and love to keep their relationship going.

Meeting Mace is life changing.  He is such a complex mix of bad boy and tenderhearted lover.  Mace realizes that Raven is not the usual MC girl.  She is different and is not versed in the club ways.  If he wants her for himself, he is going to have to  protect her and love her.  Maybe he can change for her?

Enjoyed reading this book.  The love story is heartfelt and these character are very well developed.

About Authors:

S.L. Schiefer

So, as some of you may know, my first jump into the Indie World was with a light and fluffy romance. But, I think I’ve finally found my niche, the dark! *insert evil laugh* I love reading anything and everything, will read even when I’m supposed to be working. I’m really not that cool of a person, I love hiding behind my electronic devices. But, if you can grab my attention I will talk your dang ear off. I was born and raised in Ohio, O-H-I-O! I’ve been with my high school sweetheart for 10 years now. I’m surprised one of us hasn’t killed each other by now. lol. I have two beautiful little boys, that can give Satan a run for his money. I would love to hear from any of you.

Jen Cousineau

Romance Author. ItWorks distributor. Mother. Wife. Adventurist wannabe. Fitness enthusiast. Coffee and chapstick addict.

Author Links:

Author S.L. Schiefer




Jen Cousineau







 by Katherine Hayton

Buy now on Amazon!


Elisabet wakes with amnesia. The care offered to her by a husband she doesn’t remember descends within weeks into aggression and violence. Lillian lies hogtied in an underground cell. Forget about escape; unless she can manage the necessities of life she’ll be dead within days. Kristen lost her house, her friends, and her confidence when her parents separated. Now her injured stepmother has moved back in. Has she lost her memory, or lost her mind? Will the secrets hidden in Elisabet's locked memory be enough to set them all free?

Facebook Teaser


Elisabet woke for the first time one morning. An odd occurrence given she was an adult woman; but while she knew that, she didn’t know much else. She had no memories. There was a lot of knowledge in her head, untethered, but there were no memories to accompany it except for those she’d formed since waking. They’d been uniformly bad. Her head hurt. Her legs hurt. Her back ached, and she couldn’t rotate her right shoulder at all. She insisted that the pretty blond nurse who was tending to her bring a mirror so she could waylay her first horrified thought, that she was old. She wasn’t, but that was the end of the good news.


He shot her a look and Kristen moved farther down the wall, away from him. Elisabet raised her eyebrows and studied the two of them. Kristen was scared of him, or nervous at any rate. Elisabet wondered if she should be nervous, too. There was no harm in being careful. Kristen pulled her phone out and started playing with it. ‘You can’t use that in here,’ Graeme said. ‘It mucks up the machines.’ ‘That’s a load of rubbish,’ she responded. ‘They only leave those signs up because they want to control their patients. Anyway, she’s not even hooked up to anything,’ she said, the disappointment clear in her voice. ‘She’s the cat’s mother,’ Elisabet chimed in as the old phrase entered her head. They both stared at her. She had nothing more to add. ‘Take it outside if you’re going to use it,’ Graeme continued. ‘We don’t need to get kicked out; we just arrived.’ ‘Whatever,’ Kristen said, but left the room. Elisabet could hear her clomp down the hallway. The linoleum did nothing to disguise any sounds of movement. It was chosen for ease of cleaning, not for sound dilution. ‘So,’ Graeme said as he turned and stretched his legs out on the bed beside Elisabet. ‘Just the two of us.’ She didn’t know why that phrase should send a shiver of fear down her spine, but it did.


Lillian couldn’t see. She tried to move her hands and feel her face; it felt like there was something obstructing it. She couldn’t. Her arms were tied behind her back. When Lillian made the connection she sat bolt upright. Her shoulders had a dull ache from where they were pulled unnaturally backwards. When she tried to lift one then the other the ache intensified. ‘Hello?’ She called out. Loud, but not so loud the neighbours would complain. ‘Hello, is anyone there?’ For a second she thought that maybe Greg had put her in this position. Once, a few years back, they’d talked about role-play and BDSM. They’d even talked about a threesome. When Lillian sobered up she’d put the kibosh on that quickly enough, but maybe her headache was from a hangover and she’d agreed to something a bit weird? ‘Greg?’

Author's Bio:


Or visit her website:

Katherine Hayton is a 42 year old woman who works in insurance, doesn't have children or pets, can't drive, has lived in Christchurch her entire life, and currently resides two minutes’ walk from where she was born. For some reason she's developed a rich fantasy life. Enjoy.

Sunday, August 30, 2015

LETTING GO (THE FROST TRILOGY #3) by Terri George Release Day Blitz

release day banner letting go.jpg

by Terri George
Release Day Blitz
Erotic Romance
Release date: August 30th

Join the release party!

Add to your Goodreads TBR:

Buy Links:

Nick Frost is a man adrift; lost without the one thing that holds him together. Only Mia can save him from himself, but she knows what she saw. Will she find it within herself to forgive?

Keeping secrets can test love to its limits. Mia has kept things hidden too. How will Nick react when he discovers Mia isn’t quite the girl he thinks she is? Will Nick let Mia into his head as well as his heart and lay his ghosts to rest?

They say true love is strong enough to weather any storm. Well there’s a whole heap of trouble blowing in from the west. When Nick acts before thinking, will Mia come up with a plan to ensure his freedom?

“Love is seeing all the flaws and accepting them. Love is recognizing all the fears and insecurities.”

Can Nick and Mia accept each other’s flaws. Can they both Let Go of their fears and insecurities and find their way to their Happy Ever After?

I’m out of the cab a nanosecond after it comes to a halt outside the club. It’s still early, but already there’s a line of people hoping to get in. One of the security blokes unhooks the purple rope as I approach.

Ray emerges from inside. I don’t fail to notice the look that passes between him and Aide. Fucking hell, I don’t need two nursemaids. Why can’t they just leave me to my misery? I don’t want their sympathy or their concern.

I grunt in reply to Ray’s welcome and go inside.

The pounding beat of the music reverberates beneath my feet as I cross the entrance lobby. I must look like I mean business because the rope at the bottom of the staircase that leads to the upper floor is unhooked tout-fucking-suite and I don’t even have to break my stride.

Upstairs in the VIP section I make straight for the bar.

‘Vodka,’ I tell the barman. ‘And not that shit you give the punters. Koniks.’

The barman looks past me, over my shoulder. I glance round in time to see Aide give a small nod. Fuck that pisses me off.

I glare at the barman. ‘What the fuck are you looking at him for?’

The barman looks all kinds of nervous as well he fucking should. I’m his boss for fuck’s sake. He takes the vodka from the drinks fridge and reaches for a tumbler.

            ‘Forget the glass.’ I snatch the bottle out of his hand.

‘Classy,’ Aide sneers behind me.

            I tell him to fuck off and head to the farthest seating area.

Flopping down on the sofa, I unscrew the cap from the chilled bottle and throw it on the table. Ah, the first taste is always the best. Okay it’s not my first tonight, but still.

Aide places a glass in front of me and sits on the opposite sofa.

I stare at him. ‘Got a problem?’

‘Your drinking is bad  enough. You could at least try not to look like some wino.’

That’s funny. Yeah, some wino I am; sitting in one of the most expensive clubs in London in a thousand pound suit. ‘Fuck you.’

Aide sighs and takes a swig from his bottle of Stella. Okay for him to drink from the bottle then.

‘So is this how it’s going to be? You drinking away our profits, not to mention your life,’ Aide asks as I pour vodka halfway up the small tumbler.

I raise the glass to my lips. ‘Start a fucking tab then. You know I’m good for it.’ Fuck. I’m good for ten lifetimes.

But it’s this one that’s killing me.

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let you in  redone-page-0.jpg

Other books in this series!

In Too Deep:
Barnes & Noble

About the Author
From a small child I’ve loved to lose myself in stories. I’m a firm believer that if heaven exists, it contains every novel ever written and has big squishy sofas to curl up on and read for all eternity.

My comedy play, The Magazine was performed at The Bush Theatre in London and my poetry has been published in several anthologies. However, what I really wanted to write were novels. With several unfinished manuscripts languishing in the depths of my computers hard drive, it was my discovery of erotic romance that led me to the realisation this is the genre I should be writing.

As English as they come, I couldn’t survive without tea. From Rachmaninov to Aerosmith my taste in music is best described as eclectic. And I make a mean chocolate cake.

I currently live in London, England, but dream of moving to the coast. A long held desire I really hope to fulfill one day.

I had an absolute blast writing Beguiled and In Too Deep and I hope you enjoy them, along with book 3 of The Frost Trilogy due to be released late summer 2015. I realise the colloquial dialogue and British idioms may be new to some readers, but Mia is English as am I and she speaks with a definitive English voice - I couldn’t have written my feisty, intelligent, well-read heroine any other way. Maybe I should have included a glossary! LOL

Brought to you by ………


Saturday, August 29, 2015



50% sale at Kobo! Ends Monday! Kobo readers you can grab some bargains. You can use code SALE50 an unlimited number of times!

You can pick up excellent books like the entire Stay With Me series or the entire Touched by You series by Emily Jane Trent

As You Wish Reviews

Friday, August 28, 2015

Hell's Flower By S.L. Schiefer & Jen Cousineau Release Blitz and Review

Hell's Flower

By S.L. Schiefer & Jen Cousineau

Cover designed by Ginger Andrews from 

Release Date: August 25, 2015
Release Day Facebook Party Event:

Two people. That's how it usually starts right? I grew up believing one thing, only for one day to completely mess up everything I've ever been taught. Was I a good girl? No, not by any means. But, the world I'm about to be thrown into is unlike anything I've ever known.

Multiple people. I live for club life. As the President of the Hell's Storm MC I protect my brothers at all costs, and they do the same for me. After a rival club killed what was mine, I vowed to live in as many chicks as possible. Never tasting the same one twice. But, all it takes is that one look to completely bring a man, even me, to my knees.

Two people. Brought up on different sides of the tracks. Two different paths in life. Both will be tested, taken to the very edge of darkness that threatens to consume them both. Will they be able to withstand the heat of hell? Or will they fight to death and lose themselves?

**Content Warning: This book is rated for mature audiences 18+ only.

Hell's Flower has a Facebook Group. If you want to be a part of the fun go and request to join, we’d love to have you!:

Take a tough girl who is dedicated to her dad and his repair shop.  Throw her in  with a motorcycle club Prez who has instant chemistry for her.  Stir them up thoroughly and you have a love story that is raw and entertaining.

Raven is the ultimate independent girl.  Having lost her mother to a drug overdose, her dad is the center of her world.  Secrets are never good and when she finds out her dad's secrets, it takes her understanding and love to keep their relationship going.

Meeting Mace is life changing.  He is such a complex mix of bad boy and tenderhearted lover.  Mace realizes that Raven is not the usual MC girl.  She is different and is not versed in the club ways.  If he wants her for himself, he is going to have to  protect her and love her.  Maybe he can change for her?

Enjoyed reading this book.  The love story is heartfelt and these character are very well developed.

About Authors:

S.L. Schiefer

So, as some of you may know, my first jump into the Indie World was with a light and fluffy romance. But, I think I’ve finally found my niche, the dark! *insert evil laugh* I love reading anything and everything, will read even when I’m supposed to be working. I’m really not that cool of a person, I love hiding behind my electronic devices. But, if you can grab my attention I will talk your dang ear off. I was born and raised in Ohio, O-H-I-O! I’ve been with my high school sweetheart for 10 years now. I’m surprised one of us hasn’t killed each other by now. lol. I have two beautiful little boys, that can give Satan a run for his money. I would love to hear from any of you.

Jen Cousineau

Romance Author. ItWorks distributor. Mother. Wife. Adventurist wannabe. Fitness enthusiast. Coffee and chapstick addict.

Author Links:

Author S.L. Schiefer




Jen Cousineau



