Thursday, July 31, 2014

Twist of Fate by Jaime Whitley | Tour and Giveaway

Twist of Fate 

by Jaime Whitley


Lilly Hughes hates traveling, but her job requires it. Learning her flight gets grounded leaves her stranded with no place to go.

Silas Harper is on his final stretch of R&R and just wants to get to his destination when fate intervenes putting him in the company of Lilly. 

Intending never to see each other again they settle for one night of heat and passion. Denying their undeniable connection they part ways as agreed, but will they stay parted forever? Or will a twist of fate bring them back together?

About the Author
Jaime Nicole Whitley is a wife and a stay at home mom to her two children. She grew up in New Jersey where she continued her education and became a medical assistant before moving to Las Vegas. She now lives in North Carolina where her husband is stationed with the Army. Jaime also co-writes novels under the name Lena Nicole.

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Touched by You Series by Emily Jane Trent Spotlight

Touched by You Series

by Emily Jane Trent


Series BLURB

Natalie Baker, a girl from rural America, has an unforgettable sexual encounter with billionaire, Tanner Clarke. The passion between them ignites a flame that can’t be put out. She discovers her dark desire – her life will never be the same.

Can Natalie submit to Tanner? The sex is hot – but, she doesn’t understand her own desires, anymore. Good or bad, she cannot leave the only man that can make her feel that way. Her submission affects Tanner, deeply. But, will he admit to love? 
Natalie’s submission has Tanner’s desire spiraling out of control. She’s in touch with sexual pleasures she never dreamed of, and can’t imagine life without him. Tanner admits to his obsession with Natalie, but is that all it is?

Natalie loves Tanner too much, and her heart might burst. If only he felt the same…. Her life has become inexorably entwined with his, and she’s desperate to have a future with him. Can Tanner make the commitment she longs for, or will the romance end?

The Ritz-Carlton in Manhattan overlooked Central Park. The lobby, richly decorated in deep browns and orange, with mustard-colored walls, faded to the background. Natalie only had eyes for Tanner. He placed his hand at her waist and guided her up to their suite, hardly noticing the bell cap bringing their overnight bags, or even Andre, their friend and bodyguard, following discreetly.

The warmth of Tanner’s body pressed against her; the pressure of his hand at the top of her hip felt so right. Natalie was where she wanted to be. Anticipation unsettled her as the elevator slipped upward, her heart beating just a little faster at what was to come.
Entering, Natalie saw huge bouquets of red and white roses. “Tanner, they are so lovely.”
“I know how you like flowers, baby. And this is your wedding night.”
There was that look on his face again, just for an instant, then gone. Natalie thought she knew him so well, but in many ways he was still a mystery. She watched him walk over to a bucket of ice and lift out a bottle of champagne. It was just like Tanner to think of everything. He could be so romantic.
Deftly, he popped the cork, and poured some of the special champagne into their glasses. It was the same delicious brand they’d shared at the wedding. Tanner held a glass out to her, and she took it, touching his hand in the process. He didn’t release the glass right away, allowing her hand to stay where it was, over his.
Looking into his beautiful blue eyes, Natalie saw the potent lust he so carefully held back. The rigidness of his jaw, the tautness of his body, told her that Tanner was ready to explode. Standing there, looking into his piercing gaze, her cheeks warmed.
“To my ravishing wife, the loveliest bride I’ve ever seen.” Tanner clinked his glass against hers, making a single high-pitched note.
Natalie was sure she blushed—not from his compliment, but from his piercing look. His eyes, so blue, were filled with lust. The intensity made her weak, and she wouldn’t have been surprised if Tanner had ripped her clothes off right then. 



“There was something in his face. She couldn't think the thought she grasped for. His skin was pale, and she got the impression he wasn't out in the sun much. His baby blue eyes were so bright, they appeared luminous. And his dark brown hair shimmered with auburn highlights, here under the blaring brightness of the lobby. He was just beautiful. She'd never known a man could be beautiful, but he definitely was.” --Book 1, Dark Desire
“A white rose lay on the table beside Natalie. Swept up in the moment, Tanner had purchased the single rose from a street vendor, and presented it to her with a gallant bow. The gift signified the magic of their time together, a fairytale she never wanted to end. He didn’t only dominate her body – he dominated her heart.

Alone and relaxed, looking out at the view, Natalie felt like she was in a storybook setting. Tanner chatted, and they laughed together, about silly things. Nothing that was important. He was just like any man one might fall in love with. Yet, he wasn’t……….  --Book #3, The Heart's Domination
“I never met a woman I crave, like I crave you. It’s not so much what we do, as how we do it. There are no words. It’s different with you. You excite me, and sometimes I fear I will lose control,” Tanner admitted. A desperate look came over his normally reserved features, and Natalie stopped breathing.--Book #4, Bound by Love
“Her love for him had transformed her. Pleasures, previously forbidden, tempted her. Yet, she wasn’t prepared to tell him, not yet. She only hoped he’d chill out on this trip. The way he’d been looking at her lately, it had been harder to keep her secrets. She wanted to tell him. What was she afraid of?” -- Book #6, Forbidden Pleasures

“She loved him so much she thought her heart might burst. A sudden unwelcome feeling of desperation, that he might go away, or might disappear, swelled in her chest. Entwined with him, she hugged him tighter, feeling panic rear its head.” --Book #8, Desperately Entwined

“You are the joy of my life. It took me so long to tell you how I felt. I loved you from the first moment I saw you. Some would say that love at first sight can’t happen. But it did for me,” Tanner whispered to her. -- Book #12, Vivid Temptation

This is a story of love at first sight ... obsession, power transfer and an exquisitely erotic romance story between Tanner and Natalie, with a strong and alluring plot line.

A chance encounter at a concert brought Natalie to Tanner's attention. He was so taken by her beauty, innocence and down to earth appeal that he just had to meet her. Pretty soon, desire was too powerful to control ... but life and reality exerted its power and the moment was lost. What ensues after this meeting is a story you will not soon forget.

Masterfully written, we the readers are given the gift of Natalie's journey to fulfill her dreams and along the way, reunite with Tanner. New York is the place to fulfill her dreams as fashion designer. With her newly accepted scholarship, she is ecstatic to be studying there. Finally she feels her dreams will become her reality! And then she meets Tanner at what appears to be a chance meeting ... and the rest of the story you have to read for yourself. Hot, exciting, endearing and emotional are but a few words to describe Natalie and Tanner's relationship.

I was not able to put this down once I started reading this series. I just took a time out to share my excitement with you readers. I am so hooked on this story! Tanner is luscious and always in control. Unable to commit or feel love, he thinks. He is so taken by Natalie to the point of obsession. Natalie is not far behind, except she is all love and innocence offering him with her gift of deep love, passion, and understanding.

The love scenes are very hot sexy.  The plot and character development showing the changes this passionate romance has on both our main characters will keep deeply immersed in this story. Owning her own sexuality is difficult for Natalie. She has grown from an innocent virgin, into Tanner's goddess of kink. In order for her to accept her desires, she has had to come to believe that what she is feeling is not a deviant desire where she can loose her sense of self. Tanner's patience and understanding is the catalyst to enabling Natalie to come to terms with reality. Our author has done a great job of developing these characters to the point you as the reader will feel deeply empathetic to their feelings and handling of the obstacles that arise.

Tanner's jealousy is forever an issue. Whether because he is so controlling or because he feels insecure, his reactions are meteoric if any man looks at Natalie or he perceives any interest on her part toward a male person.

It impressed me how Natalie's character reacts to Tanner's emotions. Although she might be upset with him, she never really looses control of her temper and always reacts with deep love and understanding. Somehow the love she feels for him helps her deal with his temper and remain loving and forgiving. I think this is why once he has calmed down, Tanner always promises to do better and his love grows for her. Now if she would only concede to not dressing so alluring when they go out, he might be able to deal with his jealousy better.

This was a great series to read. It is erotica at its best! Full of love, passion and sexual encounters that are each uniquely orchestrated and described. Top that with a plot line that draws you in and you have a winner! 

So what are you waiting for? 


About the Author 

Emily Jane Trent is a true romantic at heart. She writes steamy romantic stories about characters you'll get to know and love. If you like a love story with sex scenes that sizzle and a story that involves you both intellectually and emotionally, you'll find her books are for you.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Ruby by Jettie Necole | Tour & Giveaway

 Ruby by Jettie Necole

A historical romance begins to blossom around Lady Ruby Waterfield, but family secrets and unpredictable suitors expose a world of supernatural creatures—ancient enemies bound by war: vampires and warlocks. 

Set in 1811 England, Ruby finally attends her first London Season at the age of eighteen. After departing from her safe, secluded childhood in the country, she quickly discovers that taking her rightful place among the aristocracy is the least of her worries after she becomes the target of a vindictive vampire. Determined to learn the truth about her family bloodlines, this clever debutante must navigate her pursuit while two gentlemen—one, her loyal best friend; the other, a mysteriously handsome stranger—grow increasingly tied to her future. From the dark alleys of Covent Garden to the lavish balls of the high society ton, clandestine agendas leave Ruby's heart exposed to a dangerous new world of mystery, magic, and love. 

Ruby is the first novel in the Tree of Blood series that takes root in exposing the origins of supernatural bloodlines. 

Ruby unites the seductive and sinister actions of the supernatural with the allure and elegance of a Regency romance.

    She opened her eyes to find a strange man above her.
    “Ahh,” he sighed. “Your eyes are the color of jade. I imagined them to be dark, like your hair. How strange.”
    She continued to stare at him without a word. His figure loomed over her, and he stared at her with large, black eyes, like those of a bird, she thought. His thin, black hair fell past his chin, making him appear delicate, almost beautiful. His lips curved to a smile.
    “I find you just as beautiful, my dear,” he said.
    His statement shocked her; it was as if he’d read her thoughts.
    “Yes, I know what you think presently, but….” He paused for a moment. “Not all of them. You keep something hidden from me. Hmm, how strange. Very well. It seems you are more interesting than I first thought.”
    “What is it that you want?” she spat out.
    “Oh, please do not start with that nonsense,” he chided. “My plans are not for you to know. However, I will assure you that now I have seen you, I plan to keep you, at least for a while.”

    About the Author: 
    Jettie Necole is the author of the new adult novels, The Vault and Ruby.

    She has created two new series—A dystopian society forced underground and a paranormal war among ancient enemies. Both have characters forced into new and unusual situations. Although survival is always key, the search for love is never far away.

    Born and raised in Kentucky, she spent most of her time daydreaming, taking photos, shooting movies, reading and watching Star Trek and Highlander. Having a passion for the art of storytelling and the dynamics of film production, she earned a bachelor's degree in Film & Television from the University of Texas at Austin, during which she wrote, directed, and edited her own films. After graduation she moved to Los Angeles where she worked in the Film and Television industry. Currently she lives in Louisville, Kentucky with her husband and their fluffy Goldendoodle named Oliver. 

    When she's not writing she loves reading and watching anything with romance, action, sci-fi and horror.

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TASTE (Take It Off Series) by Cambria Hebert | Tour, Review, Giveaway

(Take It Off Series #9)

by Cambria Hebert


One taste is never enough…

Spencer Waller’s main purpose in life is to protect and serve. After spending years in the military, he gets a coveted spot on the Secret Service detail protecting the president. Spence doesn’t have time for women or all the work having a relationship with one requires. But just because he isn’t looking for a lady doesn’t mean he can’t appreciate a beautiful one when he sees her. 

And he makes it a point to see one in particular every single day.

Elle Bond has literally chopped and fried her way to the top of the food chain. Earning a coveted position in the White House as the president’s personal chef, she figures her professional life can only get better. Her personal life, on the other hand, could use a little bit of an overhaul, and because of that, she tries to ignore the charm-dripping cookie thief every time he comes into her kitchen. After all, she knows better than anyone that just one taste of something good is never enough.

One night after work, Elle is assaulted, threatened, and given an ultimatum. She can’t go to the police, and she sure as hell can’t do what she was ordered. 

But she has to. Or else.

Pale, shaken, and scared to death, Elle confides in Spence, and his protective instincts take over. Together, Elle and Spencer have to uncover a sinister plot and stop it before someone ends up dead.


From this close I could see the scruff growing in on his jaw area, it was dark blond too and made him look totally delicious.
Holding my shirt up with one hand he reached out with the other, gliding his fingers across my stomach, just below my ribcage. “Here?” he whispered, staring at the area.
I nodded, not bothering to glance down. The skin stung lightly as he caressed it. I didn’t care. Frankly, it could hurt like hell and I still would have let him touch it. Desire suffused my limbs, making them heavy. I felt goose bumps break out over my bare skin, and maybe I should have been embarrassed at my reaction because really there wasn’t anything sexual to what he was doing but my body sure as well acted like there was.
He frowned a little when my muscled trembled beneath him and glanced up. “Does it hurt?”
I shook my head, unable to speak.
“It’s just red. No blisters,” he answered, not looking back down at the “burn” but not pulling his fingers away either. Spencer watched me as he dragged the tops of his knuckles down the curve of my waist and moved across my navel.
“You burned anywhere else?” he rumbled in a low, throaty tone.
Man, I wish I was. I wished I could point out a thousand injuries just to give him a reason to not lift his hand.
“No,” I whispered.
He glided his hand over my hip and curved his palm around the dip in my waist, tugging me just a little bit closer. Just one step… that’s all I needed to take to bring my bare waist up against his body.
I tilted my head back when he bent, lowering his face toward mine. I anticipated his kiss, I craved it… part of me thought I might need it.
He stopped just inches away, his heavy lidded eyes spearing mine. “Nice drawers,” he whispered.
It took me a second to realize what he said, I was too far under his spell.
But when his lips turned up in an onery smirk his words penetrated my lust laden brain I gasped and leaped back, pulling my shirt from his hand and yanking it down over my “drawers”.
“Oh my God!” I burst out. “You are such a pig!”
He laughed. “What? I was paying you a compliment.”
I groaned, still yanking at the hem of my shirt. “You’re making fun of me!” I challenged.
He laid a hand over his heart and looked at me solemnly. “I do swear that no one wears polka dots like you do.”
I. Was. Going. To. Die. Of embarrassment.

If you are a fan of suspense and thrills as well as erotic romance, this book is for you.

Once again Cambria Hebert has managed to write a book you will not able to put is down. With her marvelous writing style, she weaves us a story of a woman struggling to provide for her son and being blackmailed and terrorized by unscrupulous men. Elle has the unique position of being the chef for the first family. Her cooking can be used by these nefarious men to bring down the most powerful man in the world.

The relationship with Spencer the Secret Service Agent is worth staying up late at night to read. The seduction scenes are noteworthy and melting hot.

Not a dull moment in this book. In addition, at the end, she also gives us the recipe to Spencer's favorite cookies - Chocolate Chip! I tried it and it was delish!

About the Author:
Cambria Hebert is the author of the young adult paranormal Heven and Hell series, the new adult Death Escorts series, and the new adult Take it Off series. She loves a caramel latte, hates math and is afraid of chickens (yes, chickens). She went to college for a bachelor’s degree, couldn’t pick a major, and ended up with a degree in cosmetology. So rest assured her characters will always have good hair. She currently lives in North Carolina with her husband and children (both human and furry) where she is plotting her next book. You can find out more about Cambria and her work by visiting

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