Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Release Blog Tour / Winter Night Falling by Bryan R South

Book Title: Winter Night Falling
Series: Ti-aran Chronicles: Rise of the Guardians Book One
Edition: Second
Author: Bryan R. South
Cover Art: Bryan Rainey
Tour Organizer: Cu's Ebook Giveaways


The Four Kingdoms are in peril. A demon Lord thought forever imprisoned in limbo has escaped and begins to summon his Horde once again to take his revenge. In his twisted black iron tower he summons a massive wall of darkness that brings the winter storms in the fullest. 

Now the Four Kingdoms are each proud and full of themselves. All the races of the realms must come together and fight the demon lord once again. Magic has been outlawed, and it is up to the reawakened Grand Mage, an eccentric old man, and what is left of the Mage Knights, as well as a budding Guardian to try to keep the peace. 

Can the Grand Mage and his friends get the other kingdoms to move in time to stop the Demon Lord? Does the Demon Lord have more than one objective now that he is free? Only time will tell.

Excerpt - Battle at the keep in Joran's pass 

Orion looked to Joran and then back to Greg and Zatch then nodded, he looked back at Joran. 

“Well you heard the lady.” 

Joran shook his head and followed Sarah to the stairwell and then up several sets of stairs until they stood upon the towers top. Sarah looked to the north and then turned and looked to him. 

“Joran what I am about to do is very reckless. Chances are my attempt at taking a peek at things is going to bring back our cloaked friend. I need you to prevent me from falling over the side or being killed if you can.” Joran blinked and then gave a nod. 

”What do you want me to do?” 

“Hold me in your arms about the waist. If that cloaked man comes fling me down the stairs. “she said looking into his eyes. 

Joran didn’t look away but he nodded. 

”Alright. Don’t do anything to reckless though Milady. I happen to like you and would hate to have to find another tutor.” 

Sarah lifted hand and caressed his cheek. ”Nor I. Let us begin.” 

Sarah turned around to face to the north, and Joran stepped up to wrap his arms about her waist snugly but not enough to stop her breathing. Her long black hair whipped about them, and Joran could smell the scent of the soap she used to wash it last. Any young boys dream come true, holding such a beautiful woman close he thought. Sarah had begun an incantation it words sounded harsh and unfocused, but eventually he felt her unleash her power. 

Sarah rode the currents of the wind in the form of a spell construct known as an arcane eye. Technically this was a spell from the First Order. She shouldn’t have been even able to cast it. She had memorized the incantation a long time ago having watched another Arch-Mage use it. The Arcane Eye floated up and over the wall and threw the storm, through it Sarah could see everything it did. She sent out a bit further sensing so far her attempt went undetected. Below the eye she saw the vanguard of the Horde roaming amongst themselves waiting for those in the keep to grow bold once more so they could rend flesh and deliver pain upon the humans once more. 

Sarah sent the eye past the vanguard into the plains beyond. A Vast glowing red light lit the horizon and Sarah sent it there. What she saw sickened her. Demons worked to dig up the earth into channels, and into it they poured what looked to be human blood and body parts. She sent the eye higher into the air to take it all in at once. She physically exhaled in shock when she saw what they were doing. It was then the arcane eye was blasted out of the sky, pain shot back through the connection throwing Sarah, who screamed with Joran backwards and down the stairs. 

They came to abrupt halt in one of the circular turns of the tower. He shot to his feet and drew his sword while shouting down the stairs for Zatch. He bent to examine Sarah. Blood flowed from her nose, her eyes were closed and she still breathed softly. He let out a sigh of relief. Greg came bounding up the stairs sword drawn. 

“What happened?” he asked seeing Joran. 

“I think one of those cloaked things blasted her. Come on lets go back up to the top and make sure it didn’t decide to drop in for visit.” said Joran charging up the stairs once he saw Orion and Zatch a few steps down. 

Greg followed Joran up the stairs and into the windblown night atop of the tower. Joran slid to a stop just outside the door, for there as he had surmised stood one of the cloaked beings. An eerie green light came out from underneath the cowl of its robes. 

”You were warned to stay out of the storm several times. Where is the lady? It is time for her to die.” It said in its sepulchral voice Joran began to circle to the left, while Greg circled to the right. Joran whispered a spell underneath his breath. That of a wind shield, and it appeared that Greg was doing the same. Joran looked to the cloaked being. “I think you have done enough. You cannot have her.” 

The cloaked being uttered a low growl and flung a hand out towards Joran where a dark bolt of energy slammed into his wind shield and was reflected into the courtyards below. Joran didn’t hesitate he charged in with his sword, slashing away without thought. Greg followed his lead and attacked from the Opposite direction. 

The cloaked being turned and slashed Greg upon the arm opening a deep wound in his sword arm with his black talons, causing him to drop his glowing red sword. Joran used that time to lay open a large slash in its back, and spun underneath a claw attack aimed for his head, and slashed open a leg as well as he circled away. 

Suddenly the cloaked being was engulfed in a burst of fan shaped flames as Greg unleashed his magic. Orion burst out of the doorway and seeing what was occurring charged into battle as well. Joran followed his commander’s lead and slashed away at the being with reckless abandon. Soon the thing dropped to the ground and lay still. Zatch and Evan appeared in the doorway. 

“By the gods. You killed one “said Zatch wandering over to examine the corpse. 

Zatch kicked off the hood that covered the head to reveal a twisted human like face, just as a howl could be heard to the north. 

“Ut oh.” said Evan from behind him. “Sound the alarm! Prepare for attack. Somehow this bastard was linked with the Horde!” shouted Orion. From below the sounds of men rushing through the snow could be heard as the soldiers below rushed to their posts. 

Joran turned to look at Greg. “You should go get that stitched up my friend.” he said gesturing to the bloody wound in his arm. 

Greg gave a nod and disappeared inside. Joran turned to find Orion peering into the night. 

“Sarah?” he asked. Orion turned to study the young man. ”I think she will be alright. I had her moved inside the main building with the other injured. Come on let’s see if the Dwarves have finished those catapults I asked for a couple days ago.” 

Orion turned and charged down the steps leaping two at a time. Joran followed his reckless commander as best as he could. A few minutes later they stood on the outer north wall where the Dwarves were loading a large stone into the bucket of the single catapult they had constructed. 

“Just one?” Orion asked. 

“Sorry lad it’s not like we have a lot of building material in here.” said the nearest Dwarf. 

Unlike his brethren he was dressed in red robes, a long black beard that hung loosely in the wind. Orion gave a nod. ”We’ll take what we can. Joran you stay here an assist the Dwarves. I know as soon as they fire this thing all the winged demons in the Horde are going to fly up here and try and take our weapon out.” 

Joran gave a nod and drew his sword. 

“Not bloody likely “said the robed Dwarf. He turned and laid a hand upon the stone in the bucket and began an incantation. Joran blinked in surprise. This fellow was a mage! As he watched the dwarf, the stone in the basket began to glow red. 

“Tee hee! Come on you bastards! “Cackled the robed dwarf. 

From below the first elements of the enraged demons could be seen. There were so many different varieties and they charged forwards claws and weapon swinging madly. The dwarf next to him began to count softly to himself. when he reached the count of twenty five he pulled a lever and the catapult bucket as the pole swung upwards to fling the red stone into the night. It landed amidst a large group of demons and then there was a blast of heat felt clear back in the keep as the stone exploded. 

“Tee hee!” said the Dwarf madly. Gesturing for his companions to load another stone and then turned to look at Joran. 

“Get ready lad, here they come! “He said pointing to a group of winged demons launching themselves from the ground. 

Joran steeled his self and waited and when the first landed on the wall next to him, swung his sword and cut it down. He did the same to the next, and the next. And then they were all around him. Several Dwarven Warriors entered the battle to help him with sword and axe. 

The Catapult bucked once more and lobbed another fiery missile into the horde below. Several demons magically appeared on the walls and began to cut a path through the human soldiers. Several more used their talons to claw their way up the walls as well. 

Orion’s bellow filled the keep with his commands. Joran swung his sword in a deadly arc and decapitated one of the flyers. Another clawed open his back and he spun and kicked it in the face. He felt blood flowing down his back but was determined to keep fighting. Suddenly a red demon with wings appeared over the wall. It incanted sharply and a blue ray slammed into the nearest Dwarf and turned him into an Ice Statue. 

“Oh no you don’t!” said the red robed Dwarf throwing his axe at it. The red demon dropped low by stopping its wings and the axe flew over its head. The Dwarf scowled and went into a long incantation in response. Joran heard the Drakee intoning the same incantation and flew across the short distance to the wall’s crenel and jumped off at it, and drove his sword deep into its head. Unfortunately he didn’t realize the thing floated in the air about twenty feet off the ground. He rode its corpse down into the courtyard below and hit the ground hard, feeling one of his leg bones snap and he blacked out. 

Orion watched Joran’s plunge with wide eyes. “That boy is insane!” he said to the Dwarf fighting next to him. 

“Yup” said the Dwarf as he sank his battle axe deep into the chest of the demon next to him. “But he got that magic using demon off Akbar’s back” 

The Catapult bucked against and unloaded another fiery payload into the demons below. The battle lasted for six hours, finally near dawn the demons began to withdraw from the outer walls and Orion leaned upon his sword heaving heavily. He turned to find his Dwarven friend doing the same with his axe. “Any longer and we would have been done in.” He stated. 

The Dwarf nodded. “I believe that was the idea lad. “ 

Orion stood and looked around at the north wall. Bloodied and dead humans and dwarven soldiers were everywhere. “Day Watch above! “ he cried and made his way down below to find Zatch in a sling directing a work crew of disposing of the dead, Demon, Human and Dwarf alike. 

“What happened to you?” asked Orion 

“Eh? One of them got lucky and sank his teeth into my arm. Greg blasted it away with a fire bolt, the dolt. I got second degree burns on my arm now too.” Said Zatch. 

Greg who was nearby had the nerve to blush. “But he was doing his job “said Zatch with a grin. 

One of Orion’s aide de camps ran over. He was a captain of the Tiramon forced sent north from Tira. “Six hundred dead and another hundred and fifty wounded” he said handing a waterskin to Orion. Orion’s face blanched. 

“That is a full third of our forces! “He said. 

The aide nodded. ”I know sir. Let’s get you inside and get those cuts taken care of and we can plan the next move.” Orion nodded and clapped Zatch on the shoulder. “Come on. I know you got some tricks left in that head of yours I can use. You too sergeant.” he said walking back to the main gate of the Fortress proper. 

“Joran?” asked Orion. 

“Taken into the hospice to have that leg seen to, did you see that dive?” said Greg. 

Orion chuckled. “That I did. I am going to start calling him mad man.” Zatch coughed. 

“Let’s not mention that particular dive of reckless abandon to my sister shall we? She cares for the lad and is liable to break his other leg if she gets word of it.” 

“YOU DID WHAT!?” came Sarah’s shout from the hospital rooms. 

“Too late” chuckled Orion as the turned towards the hospice rooms. The scene when the three men entered the hospice was almost comical. Sarah had propped herself on an elbow and was busy lashing Joran who lay in the bed next to her his leg wrapped in bandages around a splint lay there and took it with a wan face.
“Leave the lad alone sister” said Zatch. 

Sarah’s head spun to level her angry glare upon her brother. “WHAT?” she shrieked. 

“I said leave him alone. He saved yet another mages life by his deed even if it was a stupid move. Next time look and see how high the Drakee is in the air Joran.” he said. 

Sarah went then rose and wandered over to lay hand upon Joran’s face. “And hear I thought you were just lost in battle lust. I am sorry Joran.” she said softly looking into his eyes. Joran attempted a smile. 

“Oh get a room already!” came a gruff voice a couple beds down. Joran turned to see who spoke and saw the red robed dwarven mage having his arm bandaged. 

Orion chuckled. ”That is as much of a thank you as you are going to get from Akbar Joran.” 

Character Bios

Orindyll Ravenslock – Arch mage of the First Order, Acting Grand Mage of the Orders of Five, Earl of Raven’s Bluff

J’Lann Silverhand-- Mage-Knight; First Sword of the 2nd Order, Later Preceptor (commanding officer) of the Mage-Knights.

Joran Silverhand—Mage-Knight; 3rd Order

Tomas Silverhand-- First thought to be a magus of the First Order; he is later discovered to be the Last of the Guardians, as well as a Divine Agent of Adara the Lost. Goddess of Knowledge, Nature, and Magic.

Count Evan Dupont-- Count of the Township of North Keep

Zatchion D’Orsk— Arch Magus of the 2nd Order. Great Grandson of Orindyll Ravenslock. Baron of Caer Percivor.

Sarah D’Orsk -- Arch Magus of the 3rd Order. Great Granddaughter of Orindyll Ravenslock.

Sirenthial Silverbranch -- Arch Magus of the 4th Order. Heir to the Elven Throne of Erinor. Chronicler of the Orders of Five.

Chase Summers – Mage-Knight of the First Order, Traitor

Gregory Pecorian – Mage-Knight of the 2nd Order; Sergeant

Aileen Mistwinter—an Elven Hunter of Erinor; Twin of Tariel

Tariel Mistwinter – An Elven Hunter of Erinor; Twin of Aileen

Duke Echias of High Point – Duke of the City of High Point.

Captain Rancos – Captain of the Black Watch of High Point

Jack – Arch Mage of the 5th order. From Tiramon

Haicho – A portly Journeyman Mage of the 5th Order from North Keep

Kelvin – Former Grand Mage of the Orders of Five; Arch Mage of the First Order, King of Tiramon

Arrowthorn— Ranger of Tiramon, Heir to the Throne of Tiramon. Kelvin’s son

Alindryia Silverbranch—Queen of the Elven Kingdom of Erinor. Priestess of Adara. Mother of Sirenthial

Korinthial Silverbranch—Son of Sirenthial, Heir Presumptive of the Elven Kingdom of Erinor. Blade-Weaver.

Sebastion Thr’ask— Mage-Knight of the 4th Order. First Sword.

Orion Brighthammer— Mage-Knight of the 3rd Order. First Sword

Erik Joruss— Heir to the throne of the High Kingdom of Pendys

General Tapi— General of the Armies of Tiramon

Tir’alac— Shadar-Hai War-Leader.

Balin Ironfist— Dwarven KingsGuard. The maker of Joran’s Broadsword (though both do not seem to mention it in the story) Brother to Borodor

Borodor Ironfist— Dwarven KingsGuard. Brother to Balin.

Lee Featherhand— Mage-Knight of the 2nd Order

Charles Stormcloak— Mage-Knight of the 5th Order

Brother Bradley— A powerful Priest of Galaen the Just. God of Justice

Akbar— Dwarven Journeymen Mage of the 2nd Order

Ermina— a Sylph bound to Joran’s Sword

Jarrack—A powerful Corrupted Portal Master of Limbo.

Cassandra— Lady of the Oak Glade, Guardian

Nysander – Shade of the Great Guardian of Erinor . Cassandra’s Grandfather.

Tyramononix—The Very First Guardian of the Four Kingdoms, Soul is bound to a Golden Torc Tomas wears

About the Author

Bryan R South was born and Raised in the Pacific Northwest. He Graduated Kamiakin Highschool in 1993 . Bryan has had several poems published and has been working on the Rise of the Guardians Series since he was 16, and did his senior year paper on being a fantasy novelist. He has worked as a Linecook, in construction, and other odd jobs. He resides with his wife and fell author, S. Cu’Anam Policar, and their children in the Pacific Northwest still.

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Spotlight / Immortal Heart Scavenger Hunt by Inger Iversen

Title-Immortal Heart
Series-Few Are Angels Book # 3 (Prequel) 
By-Inger Iversen 
Expected Publication Date- September 28th, 2013 
Genre-New Adult/Mature YA-*Contains sexual context


More than a century after the tragedy of Hélène's death and before Ella found Kale bruised and broken on her doorstep, Kale moved through the world in a haze of personal punishment allowing it to consume him. Until his friend, Detective Deacon, a newly infected Chorý calls on him for a favor.

In this prequel to the Few Are Angels series, Kale is thrown into a world of human blood trafficking and is introduced to a Chorý that offers him a chance at happiness— in blood.


“Are you listening to me?” Kale _______ and faced Léon, who was eyeing him quizzically from across the table in the diner. The sounds of dinner plates landing on tables, customers placing their orders, and waitress yelling at the kitchen staff slowly seeped back in. Kale realized that he’d been distracted again.

“Yeah, what’d you say?” he asked.

“You want to come with me on this lead or take it on my own?” Léon took a bite of the chilly cheese dog he’d ordered and then gulped down some soda. The gusto reminded Kale that he was human. Sending Léon up against possible ________ Council members was a bad idea. “I think that a state and a name is a great place to start. The name is odd enough that he’d be able to find her faster than if she were called Heather or Amy.”

Kale nodded, but he once again stopped listening as he formulated a new plan. “I have some unfinished business here.” He pulled his phone from his pocket and turned it back on. He’d turned it off during negotiations with Josef. “You scout ahead and call me if you come upon anything.”

Léon nodded and continued eating.

“Also, I want you to take Boris with you.”

He stopped mid-bite, ignoring the chilly and cheese that slid down his chin.

Boris wasn’t Russian, nor was his name Boris, but he bore a _____ resemblance to the monster in the 1930’s movie Frankenstein. After he’d broken a few limbs of men who called him Frankenstein, everyone just started calling him Boris behind his back, after the man who played Frankenstein in the movie.

“Boris, really?” Léon asked.

Boris was anything but a friend of Kale’s. He reluctantly helped out when Kale needed him, to pay off a debt. A few months ago Boris had made it clear to Kale that he only had one _____ left. Sending Boris with Léon would mean that he could never call on the man again for help, no matter what.

“You really want me to take B?” Léon asked as he cleaned his mouth with a napkin. “I mean, I know that I can’t really stand against Chorý and the Council the way that he can, but my job is to get in and out and gather intel without being detected.” He leaned back and looked upward, shaking his head in_______. “Have I ever let you down in doing that?”

Kale understood where Léon was coming from, but he was not letting him go alone. It was dangerous enough that the Council was looking for this Eloise, but Laurent added a threat to the mix that Kale would have been a _____ to ignore. “No, I’d be letting you down if I sent you in there and the Council is already there.”

He leaned in to make sure that Léon was listening. “I won’t have your blood on my hands, do you understand?”

But Léon was already shaking his head. “I don’t take jobs I can’t handle.”

“Really?” Kale raised a brow at Léon’s _____ attitude. “When was the last time you took on a Council member, let alone a High Guardian or Retriever?” Kale let his tone grow menacing. “They will gut you like a fish, and I will be the ____ sending your remains to your _______ wife.”

Though Kale was sure that his words had disturbed Léon, the man still sat there like a stone, seemingly unaffected.

“What would she tell your daughter, Marcel, of your disappearance in her life?” Kale looked directly into Léon’s eyes and whispered, “You’d burden me and your wife with such a task?”

Léon took a deep breath and closed his eyes. “I get what you’re saying, but understand this,”—he opened his eyes and peered into Kale’s—“working with Boris means no anonymity. Boris goes in, destroys, and then walks away ______ and smiling. I think… I think that man gets off on ____ .” He shook his head. “And then I’m left to pick up the ______.”

Kale groaned. He was getting restless, but Léon’s concerns were his responsibility to address. He was paying him to do a job, and when issues arose, he needed to fix them. Léon raised his hands in defeat.

“Your concerns are noted, but I won’t change my mind on this. I’ll give him instructions on what to do if the Council isn’t there, but if they are, you’ll be _______ that I sent him with you.” Kale leaned back, running his fingers through his hair. “I won’t send you to your death. If you die, it will either be A: because you did something stupid; or B: your body gives out on you, years into the future. You decide.”

“Hell, Kale. If you like it, I ____ it. You’re the boss,” Léon finished the rest of his drink and then pulled a few bills out of his wallet and placed them on the table. PAIN

About the Author

Inger Iversen lives in Virginia Beach with her tree-hugging boyfriend Joshua and her overweight lap cat Max. When not reading or writing she spends her time watching reruns of True Blood or killing zombies in Call Of Duty.

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Cover Reveal / Derek by Dawn Martens

Title: Derek (Resisting Love 4)
Author: Dawn Martens
Expected Publication Date: Fall 2013


Rylie Sullivan hasn’t had an easy life. She is broken, so broken she doesn’t think she will ever be fixed. When she meets Derek, he barges into her life and tries to break down the walls she has so carefully construed to keep what’s left of her safe. When Rylie’s past mixes with her present, will Derek stand by her and help her survive? Or will he bail for the next pretty thing?

Derek Tremaine has had it easy. Coming from a wealthy family and blessed with good looks, Derek has breezed through life. After years of one night stands, and a few half ass attempts at relationships, Derek has almost given up on ever finding the woman for him. When he sees Rylie however, he can’t help but be drawn to her. Rylie is different, more so than any other person Derek has met. Rylie’s beauty- her tattoos, piercings and beautiful blonde dreads drew him in, but it’s her sweet, kind nature that makes him want to stay around and protect her. Winning Rylie’s heart will be his greatest challenge yet, but Derek knows the reward will be more than worth it.
Which is why Derek has no intentions of letting her go.


Author Bio 

I'm Dawn. I co-wrote a two books(Chase and Kade) with fellow author Chantal Fernando, in the Resisting Love. We went solo on three of the books, she wrote Ryder, and she is writing James, and I'm writing Derek. 

Also working on a book currently with my friend Isabella Bearden, called A Second Chance

AND I'm currently writing a book with good friend Emily Minton called Whiskey Lullaby

I drink too much, Swear too much, and Read too much. Yes I read too much. I don't have a filter, and I tend to speak before I think. 

I'm a beta reader for many authors, I'm on a few authors ARC list, because apparently I'm THAT awesome. ;) And I also Edit. Not a professional, but I do help a few with that. 

I have two children, 5&2, and have another on the way. They bug the shit outta me, but hey, that's what kids are supposed to do. ;) Married since 2007. He's amazing, but he's also a bigger pain in my ass than my kids are. 

I love to read. and I love being able to write stories that *I* want to read! 

I couldn't do this without the help of some very special friends! 

Author Social Media Links: 

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Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Blog Tour / Captured Lies by Maggie Thom

Title- Captured Lies
By Maggie Thom
Publication Date- October 17th, 2012


She was kidnapped not once but twice and now someone wants her dead because of it....

Her life was a lie!

Bailey knew her upbringing wasn’t normal but she’s worked hard to stabilize her life. At 29, she finally has a good business, a stable home; her life is miles from that of her childhood. Then suddenly her mother dies, leaving a gaping hole and a discovery that they may not even be related. If Guy, the private investigator is to be believed, her life is a lie. Using the skills she learned on the streets, Bailey travels back through a sketchy and dangerous past, to find answers. Dodging bullets, staying ahead of those who want her dead and convincing Guy she can do it alone, are making it difficult to discover not only the secrets of her mother’s past but that of a family claiming she is theirs.

Everyone seems to have a story... but who’s telling the truth? And who wants her dead? Is Guy part of the solution? Or part of the problem? To discover the facts, she’ll have to untangle a web of deceit, lies, and secrets, dating back over thirty years.


“Hi. We’re sorry for your loss.” 

“Thank you.” Bailey tried to go around the threesome but the woman put her hand on her arm, detaining her. Bailey looked at them blankly. 

“Your mom was so good to Taylor.” The woman smiled at her daughter. “She used to come watch Taylor dance. She taught her more about ballet then I think the instructors did. Our Taylor blossomed under your mom’s teachings.” 

Bailey nodded. It wouldn’t do any good to tell them they were at the wrong funeral. She’d begged her mom to put her in dance but her mom had said it was a waste of time. And it was expensive. Who’d pay for it? She doubted her mom even knew what a plié was. The woman gave her a quick hug before they moved off. 

Everyone had gone. She took a deep breath then turned to look at her mom’s casket. The beautiful black onyx shone as though under a spotlight, draped with a white satin scarf and a large bouquet of flowers - daisies, irises, carnations, tiger lilies, pansies, roses and several others she didn’t know. It exploded with colors - reds, oranges, yellows, purples - and reminded her of the hill in ‛The Sound of Music’, her mom’s favorite movie. 

I think you would have loved it, Mom. Bailey pressed her hands together as though in prayer and pressed them against her lips for a minute. Her mind went on rapid fire. 

Were there enough flowers? Were they the right ones? Was that the right outfit for her Mom? Did it really matter what she wore? The blue one was her favorite. All those frills. The red, sleek dress was the one Bailey would have chosen. It was something else from the old days her mother wouldn’t talk about. Her mom had obviously arranged for the blue outfit. The funeral home already had it. But who had given it to them? How long had her mom known she was dying? Who had paid for the funeral? What else hadn’t she been told? 

She took in several calming breaths. When can I get out of here? When can I go back home? Her mom’s stuff had to be gone through. Then she could go. Should I have found more people to come to this? 

The letter from her mom had made it clear she had not wanted her death advertised anywhere. Definitely not in the newspaper. Putting up a small notice at the shop stating it was closed until further notice couldn’t be construed as advertising. Only the people who had phoned her cell to find out when it would open again had been told her mom had died. Walking backward she took one last look before bowing her head. Pain radiated through her skull with the blunt force of being hit by a hammer. Stopping, she pressed her fingers into her temples and counted to ten. 

Maybe this’ll all disappear and I’ll wake up. 

She looked about. A bleak, bleary day greeted her along with a clear view of her mom’s casket sitting over the open hole that was ready to swallow her. Bailey spun around. Her eyes lit on her car. Walking briskly, she moved towards it.

About The Author

Maggie Thom took the challenge and leapt off, leaving a full time twenty year career in management, to write full time. After her initial panic that she might need a straight jacket, she published her first book Captured Lies, October 2012. And now is excited to release her second novel, Tainted Waters, April, 2013. Her third book, Deceitful Truths (sequel to Captured Lies) available fall of 2013. An avid reader and writer her whole life, she decided to break the monotony of wishing to be an author by making it happen. Married to her best friend, she is learning that humor, love and patience help her navigate her way through her twins’ teen years. Her motto: Escape to read and Read to escape. "Maggie Thom writes a fast paced thriller laced with romance that keeps the reader interested and on edge!" InDtale Magazine

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Release Event / Blood Moon by KB Miller


The Vampires have declared war on the Moon Coven ...

You would think that would be Leeny Moon’s biggest trouble this time around, but two jealous guys make the horde of hungry vampires gunning for the powerful witch seem like a day at the park.

Leeny has embraced her birthright. She is next in line to lead the coveted Moon coven. Out of fear of history repeating itself, Leeny made her first kill, and for the last three years her sole mission has been to drive the vampires out of Ireland. With the help of neighboring covens she is not alone in her pursuit.

However, the close friendship developing between Finn O’Donnell and Leeny is causing a problem in her budding relationship with Seamus McNamara.

The future is up in the air as the creatures from her nightmares invade the tiny fishing town of Galway Bay, Ireland ... again. The revenge they seek is simple─Leeny’s blood. Who will survive the war on this Blood Moon?


October 1, 1950 

My dreams were haunted with the reality of what is waiting on the horizon for us. We knew they would seek revenge sooner or later. Of course, we were hoping for the latter. The vampires have begun infesting the surrounding areas. My best friend, Finn brought word this morning that London has seen at least three dozen victims. The humans are oblivious as to the cause of the violence. The newspapers talk about the possibility of a wild animal on the loose. As I said before, oblivious. 

Colleen and I each killed three of the abominations before returning last night. I enjoyed the time hunting with my sister. She has grown so much as a witch since her initiation. Her tracking skills are top notch. She reminds me of Ma. I watched as she baited the Barna Woods just east of Rusheen Bay with her blood. She and I took positions in neighboring trees. The foul beasts appeared almost immediately. We made easy work of them. 

Since Da’s death last year, we’ve had to take turns staying with Ma. He was one of the last confirmed cases of the bubonic plague in Ireland. His death hit all of us hard, but none more so than her. She’s turned her emotions off. We need her in her right mind with the threat of an impending war. Colleen took her to visit Aunt Fionna in an attempt to either get her to open up, or sadly cast a spell to silence the pain. 

Just before Da’s death, Seamus formally asked him if he could begin courting me. I don’t how I would have gotten through this without him. He’s extremely good with Isadora. She’s so young, and doesn’t understand what’s happening. Seamus helps me keep her occupied. I fear for them both. Isadora has little power and he is human. 

No matter how many I kill, it will never be enough. Not until the day I can finally say that every last one of the monstrosities my family created four centuries ago are no longer a threat to any man, woman, child, or witch. 

Blessed Be ~ Leeny

Author Biography

Best Selling Author, K.B. Miller is a proud native of Baltimore, Maryland. She’s also a football nut! That's right fellas, she’s a DIE-HARD Ravens fan! How's that for ballsy? 

Currently she resides in a tiny valley nestled in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains of Pennsylvania with her husband and son (both Steelers fans ─ eww!), two energetic puppies ─ Copper Dude and Cullen Edward, and her mouthy blue front Amazon Parrot, Poppy.

She’s been writing for as long as she can remember, but two years ago her loving husband─ who believed in her talent, finally gave her a gentle push... actually, according to her, it was really more of a kick... in the lower back-upper thigh region. She claims it hurt. After a few restless nights she decided to allow everyone to meet all of the crazy characters in her head, and here we are.

K.B. has as her family calls it, a ridiculous addiction to hats, shoes, sunglasses, owls, and coffee. No problems there, right? That's what she said.

Welcome to K.B.-land, it's a lot like Disneyland only without all of the endless lines, overly happy people and it doesn’t cost you an arm and a leg! LOL

The Moon Coven Series

Haunted Moon

Before Lilyann stepped into her destiny to lead the coven, there was another powerful Moon witch...her grandmother. 

A teenage witch-to-be in Galway, Ireland, Leeny Moon was prepared to take her rightful place in the circle along side of her family. That was until she witnessed firsthand the forthcoming nightmares she would be expected to face, vampires.

The fight between good versus evil begins here...

Blessed Be~


A family secret kept hidden has been exposed, and the consequences could be deadly. 

After Lilyann Moon's beloved grandmother dies shrouded by a veil of mystery, she and her young family members are yanked from their completely normal lives and catapulted directly into the supernatural world of witchcraft. A world they know absolutely nothing about. 

The town of Hampstead, Maryland has no idea of the monsters that lurk in their midst. Or, of the dangers they will face if the Moon Coven doesn't figure out how to embrace the magick within each of them, especially Lily. 

She's suddenly up to her pointy little black hat in magickal problems. Destiny presented her with a few more, and they're pretty major - vampires, ghosts, and brogadhs.

The only bright spot in this nightmare was meeting Mason. But, is she in love with the enemy? Lilyann is in a race against time to save her town and coven. Will she survive the coming dangers, with her heart and neck intact?

It all comes down to this one night...

All Hallows Eve.

Harvest Moon

Seventeen-year-old Lochlan Moon had been groomed his entire life to accept the torch that would eventually be handed to him, and step into his destiny - to be the most powerful witch in almost five hundred years. He put his heart and soul into mastering a craft passed down through the generations of his ancestral bloodline.

Between the savage murder of a family member, and vanishing classmates, doubts that he'd kept buried began to resurface. Someone or something is on a monstrous killing spree in his home town of Hampstead. Lochlan is determined to help stop whatever it is.

All the while, his future within the family's circle teeters on a deadly precipice.

Will any of the witches survive to harness the magick within... after the Harvest Moon?

Blood Moon

The Vampires have declared war on the Moon Coven ...

You would think that would be Leeny Moon’s biggest trouble this time around, but two jealous guys make the horde of hungry vampires gunning for the powerful witch seem like a day at the park.

Leeny has embraced her birthright. She is next in line to lead the coveted Moon coven. Out of fear of history repeating itself, Leeny made her first kill, and for the last three years her sole mission has been to drive the vampires out of Ireland. With the help of neighboring covens she is not alone in her pursuit.

However, the close friendship developing between Finn O’Donnell and Leeny is causing a problem in her budding relationship with Seamus McNamara.

The future is up in the air as the creatures from her nightmares invade the tiny fishing town of Galway Bay, Ireland ... again. The revenge they seek is simple─Leeny’s blood. Who will survive the war on this Blood Moon?

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Cover Reveal / Cry Wolf by David R Bennett

Title: Cry of the Wolf
Series: Destiny Phoenix #2
Author: David R. Bennett
Release: August 30, 2013


Destiny, Brandon, Chris, Michelle, and Sandra enter the town of Jasper Springs, Louisiana on their way to meet some important people out in Atlanta. They are here to stop and get some rest and refuel before continuing on.

But when the full moon rises, the howling begins.
People, then, come up missing as a bloody trail is left throughout town.
This town is used to the unusual, but this werewolf is extraordinarily bloodthirsty even for this town.

Destiny and her friends check it out.
What trouble are they headed for?
Will someone be turned?
Or worse yet, killed?

Book Link:

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Coming Soon

Title: The Crimson Clan 
Series: Destiny Phoenix 
Author: David R. Bennett 
Release: May 29, 2013 


Destiny's 1st Adventure!

Destiny started out her 16th birthday as an average 16 year old with plans to go get her Driver's License and then relax with friends at her Sweet Sixteen birthday party.

Only hours in to her day, everything changes:
She loses her parents
Learns of a brother she has never met 
That she and her friends are prophesied monster slayers
And strange humanoid creatures are trying to kill her and her friends

How will Destiny deal with this?
Will she live to see her 17th birthday? 

Book Link:

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 About Me

David R Bennett is an author from Spring, Texas in the United States of America. 

David R Bennett is a pen name that comes the reordering of his initials real initials. He, also, thinks the name has a ring to it. 

Not only is he an author, he, also, is an illustrator. His real name is what is credited with the cover art to his novels. 

He attended Rocky Mountain College if Art + Design in Denver, Colorado where he earned a Bachelor's of Fine Arts in Advertising Graphic Design. The graphic design techniques he learned in college he uses to design his covers. 

He, also, reads a lot of sci-fi / fantasy / paranormal books. Some of his favorite monsters are vampires, mummies, zombies, goblins, ghouls, werewolves, etc. He has plans to write a long string of novels in the Destiny Phoenix series and a series about an alien coming to Earth in the Alien Survivor series. Both of these series are planned as Young Adult novels. 

His favorite horror flick is Resident Evil because it is scary to think that biological warfare could one day result in human extinction by undead creatures. And his favorite series of films is Star Wars and is excited about the next film coming out in 2015. 

Author Links:

Monday, July 29, 2013

Blog Tour / Blood Moon by KB Miller


The Vampires have declared war on the Moon Coven ...

You would think that would be Leeny Moon’s biggest trouble this time around, but two jealous guys make the horde of hungry vampires gunning for the powerful witch seem like a day at the park.

Leeny has embraced her birthright. She is next in line to lead the coveted Moon coven. Out of fear of history repeating itself, Leeny made her first kill, and for the last three years her sole mission has been to drive the vampires out of Ireland. With the help of neighboring covens she is not alone in her pursuit.

However, the close friendship developing between Finn O’Donnell and Leeny is causing a problem in her budding relationship with Seamus McNamara.

The future is up in the air as the creatures from her nightmares invade the tiny fishing town of Galway Bay, Ireland ... again. The revenge they seek is simple─Leeny’s blood. Who will survive the war on this Blood Moon?


October 1, 1950 

My dreams were haunted with the reality of what is waiting on the horizon for us. We knew they would seek revenge sooner or later. Of course, we were hoping for the latter. The vampires have begun infesting the surrounding areas. My best friend, Finn brought word this morning that London has seen at least three dozen victims. The humans are oblivious as to the cause of the violence. The newspapers talk about the possibility of a wild animal on the loose. As I said before, oblivious. 

Colleen and I each killed three of the abominations before returning last night. I enjoyed the time hunting with my sister. She has grown so much as a witch since her initiation. Her tracking skills are top notch. She reminds me of Ma. I watched as she baited the Barna Woods just east of Rusheen Bay with her blood. She and I took positions in neighboring trees. The foul beasts appeared almost immediately. We made easy work of them. 

Since Da’s death last year, we’ve had to take turns staying with Ma. He was one of the last confirmed cases of the bubonic plague in Ireland. His death hit all of us hard, but none more so than her. She’s turned her emotions off. We need her in her right mind with the threat of an impending war. Colleen took her to visit Aunt Fionna in an attempt to either get her to open up, or sadly cast a spell to silence the pain. 

Just before Da’s death, Seamus formally asked him if he could begin courting me. I don’t how I would have gotten through this without him. He’s extremely good with Isadora. She’s so young, and doesn’t understand what’s happening. Seamus helps me keep her occupied. I fear for them both. Isadora has little power and he is human. 

No matter how many I kill, it will never be enough. Not until the day I can finally say that every last one of the monstrosities my family created four centuries ago are no longer a threat to any man, woman, child, or witch. 

Blessed Be ~ Leeny

Author Biography

Best Selling Author, K.B. Miller is a proud native of Baltimore, Maryland. She’s also a football nut! That's right fellas, she’s a DIE-HARD Ravens fan! How's that for ballsy? 

Currently she resides in a tiny valley nestled in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains of Pennsylvania with her husband and son (both Steelers fans ─ eww!), two energetic puppies ─ Copper Dude and Cullen Edward, and her mouthy blue front Amazon Parrot, Poppy.

She’s been writing for as long as she can remember, but two years ago her loving husband─ who believed in her talent, finally gave her a gentle push... actually, according to her, it was really more of a kick... in the lower back-upper thigh region. She claims it hurt. After a few restless nights she decided to allow everyone to meet all of the crazy characters in her head, and here we are.

K.B. has as her family calls it, a ridiculous addiction to hats, shoes, sunglasses, owls, and coffee. No problems there, right? That's what she said.

Welcome to K.B.-land, it's a lot like Disneyland only without all of the endless lines, overly happy people and it doesn’t cost you an arm and a leg! LOL

The Moon Coven Series

Haunted Moon

Before Lilyann stepped into her destiny to lead the coven, there was another powerful Moon witch...her grandmother. 

A teenage witch-to-be in Galway, Ireland, Leeny Moon was prepared to take her rightful place in the circle along side of her family. That was until she witnessed firsthand the forthcoming nightmares she would be expected to face, vampires.

The fight between good versus evil begins here...

Blessed Be~


A family secret kept hidden has been exposed, and the consequences could be deadly. 

After Lilyann Moon's beloved grandmother dies shrouded by a veil of mystery, she and her young family members are yanked from their completely normal lives and catapulted directly into the supernatural world of witchcraft. A world they know absolutely nothing about. 

The town of Hampstead, Maryland has no idea of the monsters that lurk in their midst. Or, of the dangers they will face if the Moon Coven doesn't figure out how to embrace the magick within each of them, especially Lily. 

She's suddenly up to her pointy little black hat in magickal problems. Destiny presented her with a few more, and they're pretty major - vampires, ghosts, and brogadhs.

The only bright spot in this nightmare was meeting Mason. But, is she in love with the enemy? Lilyann is in a race against time to save her town and coven. Will she survive the coming dangers, with her heart and neck intact?

It all comes down to this one night...

All Hallows Eve.

Harvest Moon

Seventeen-year-old Lochlan Moon had been groomed his entire life to accept the torch that would eventually be handed to him, and step into his destiny - to be the most powerful witch in almost five hundred years. He put his heart and soul into mastering a craft passed down through the generations of his ancestral bloodline.

Between the savage murder of a family member, and vanishing classmates, doubts that he'd kept buried began to resurface. Someone or something is on a monstrous killing spree in his home town of Hampstead. Lochlan is determined to help stop whatever it is.

All the while, his future within the family's circle teeters on a deadly precipice.

Will any of the witches survive to harness the magick within... after the Harvest Moon?

Blood Moon

The Vampires have declared war on the Moon Coven ...

You would think that would be Leeny Moon’s biggest trouble this time around, but two jealous guys make the horde of hungry vampires gunning for the powerful witch seem like a day at the park.

Leeny has embraced her birthright. She is next in line to lead the coveted Moon coven. Out of fear of history repeating itself, Leeny made her first kill, and for the last three years her sole mission has been to drive the vampires out of Ireland. With the help of neighboring covens she is not alone in her pursuit.

However, the close friendship developing between Finn O’Donnell and Leeny is causing a problem in her budding relationship with Seamus McNamara.

The future is up in the air as the creatures from her nightmares invade the tiny fishing town of Galway Bay, Ireland ... again. The revenge they seek is simple─Leeny’s blood. Who will survive the war on this Blood Moon?

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